Kabul airport WILL 再開する today as more US 兵士s arrive after eight people died and 密航者s 急落(する),激減(する)d to their deaths - まっただ中に 恐れるs 大混乱 could 供給する an 開始 for a テロリスト attack

  • US 公式の/役人s have 公約するd that Kabul airport will 再開する に引き続いて 大混乱/混沌とした scenes on 滑走路 on Monday
  • Airport was shut after eight people were killed as desperate Afghans 試みる/企てる to escape Taliban 支配する
  • Britain and the US have 草案d in extra 安全 まっただ中に 恐れるs ISIS could carry out 自殺 爆破s
  • 安全 危険 is so 広大な/多数の/重要な the 問題/発行する of ISIS テロ行為 was discussed at Monday's Cobra 会合 in No10?
  • Joe Biden defended US 撤退 from Afghanistan, 非難するing Trump and Afghan 軍隊s for Taliban 引き継ぎ/買収??
  • 政府 軍隊s 崩壊(する)d without the support of the US 軍の, which 侵略するd in 2001 after 9/11 attacks??


Kabul airport will 再開する on Tuesday, US 公式の/役人s have 公約するd, as extra 安全 is 草案d in to manage the 避難/引き上げ of thousands of foreign 国家のs and Afghans trying to escape Taliban 支配する まっただ中に 開始するing 恐れるs that Islamic 明言する/公表する?could commit a terror 残虐(行為) in the country.?

Joe Biden?defended the US 撤退 from Afghanistan, two 10年間s after 北大西洋条約機構?軍隊s 侵略するd the country and 倒れるd the Taliban 政権 に引き続いて the September 11, 2001 attacks, as he 非難するd Donald Trump?and the Afghan 安全 services for the anarchy (海,煙などが)飲み込むing the country.

Speaking from the White House, the US 大統領 - who had returned from his 'vacation' at (軍の)野営地,陣営 David - told the American nation that the Taliban's astonishing sweep to 力/強力にする and seizure of the 資本/首都 city Kabul this month had happened 'more quickly' than he had 心配するd.?

His 演説(する)/住所 (機の)カム as Americans woke up to images of terrified Afghans 急落するing from the engines of an 空輸の US 空気/公表する 軍隊 C-17 jet above?Hamid Karzai International Airport, as hundreds of other desperate 地元のs 試みる/企てるd to escape the theocratic 支配する of the Taliban.

The airport was 軍隊d to の近くに and 避難/引き上げ flights 停止(させる)d after at least eight people were killed, 含むing two 発射 dead by US 軍隊/機動隊s, three run over by taxiing 計画(する)s and the three who fell hundreds of feet.

But in a 押し進める to 安全な・保証する the airport, Britain and the US (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd another 200 and 1,000 兵士s それぞれ on Monday. The deploym ents take the totals to around 900 and 6,000 それぞれ, with many 軍隊/機動隊s 推定する/予想するd to be on patrols to help keeping the 資本/首都's airport 安全な.?

It is understood there are growing Anglo-US 関心s that Islamists could 偉業/利用する 安全 lapses at the airport with 自殺 爆破s - with the 危険 of an attack?by the Khorasan 州 wing of Islamic 明言する/公表する 広大な/多数の/重要な enough for it to be discussed at Monday's 緊急 Cobra 会合 in 負かす/撃墜するing Street. The 問題/発行する has also been raised in 省 of Defence planning 会合s, the Telegraph 報告(する)/憶測d.?

Speaking about the 衝突/不一致s at Hamid Karzai International Airport on Monday, one defence source told the paper: 'If you are in the 米国防総省 or the MoD you are looking at the scenes and thinking: 'That is a 悲劇の loss of life, but what if that was an IS-KP 自殺 爆撃機?''??

A 米国防総省 公式の/役人 said that US 軍隊/機動隊s had come under 解雇する/砲火/射撃 at the 離着陸場 and grounded all flights while 兵士s?(疑いを)晴らすd the 離着陸場 with Apache ヘリコプターs and 解雇する/砲火/射撃d '警告 発射s' to 分散させる the (人が)群がるs.?Flights?再開するd after 90 minutes but were 一時停止するd again after a 安全 違反 on the 非軍事の 味方する of the airport, a 米国防総省 spokesperson said.???

The C-17 can carry 171,000 続けざまに猛撃するs of 貨物 but its 内部の is designed to carry より小数の than 150 兵士s. It is 不明瞭な who 正確に/まさに was on board and how many Americans remain on the ground. However, a flight-tracker showed the jet was flown to the Al Udeid 空気/公表する Base in Qatar.?

A 米国防総省 spokesperson said 3,000 兵士s would be on the ground at the airport by Tuesday to help with the 避難/引き上げ 成果/努力s, with a その上の 3,000 軍隊/機動隊s arriving later this week. However, the shambolic scenes その上の humiliated the US and its 北大西洋条約機構 力/強力にするs, with much of the Anglo-US マスコミ and political class branding the 撤退 the 'biggest 外交政策 災害' since Suez.??

US マスコミ?said the 'debacle of the US 敗北・負かす and 大混乱/混沌とした 退却/保養地 in Afghanistan' was a 'political 災害' and slammed the 大統領's '失敗 to orchestrate an 緊急の and 整然とした 出口'.?A?New York 地位,任命する 編集(者)の even said his (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that he '相続するd' Trump's 撤退 計画(する)s were a '嘘(をつく)' and branded the 危機 状況/情勢 'as humiliating an end as the rooftop 緊急発進する in Saigon in 1975'.??

The 長,率いる of German (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 Angela Merkel's party,?Armin Laschet, called it the 'biggest 北大西洋条約機構 debacle' since the 設立するing of the 同盟, while MPs (刑事)被告 総理大臣 Boris Johnson of a 'shameful' silence and questioned if he did enough to discourage 大統領 Biden from 身を引くing US 軍隊/機動隊s.?

UN 長官-General Antonio Guterres said he was?'関心d' by accounts of human 権利s 違反s against the women and girls of Afghanistan who 恐れる a return to the darkest days' of the 1990s when the Taliban (機の)カム to 力/強力にする after the Civil War and 課すd a 残虐な 神権政治.?

Afghanistan's 代表者/国会議員 to the UN 安全 Ghulam Isaczai told a 会合 of the five 力/強力にするs - the US, Britain, 中国, Russia and フラン - on Monday that 'there are already 報告(する)/憶測s of 的 殺人,大当りs and 略奪するing in the city'.? 'Kabul 居住(者)s are 報告(する)/憶測d that the Taliban have already started house-to-house searches in some neighbourhoods, 登録(する)ing 指名するs and looking for people in their 的 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる),' he 追加するd.???

Afghan 大統領 Ashraf Ghani has also come under 解雇する/砲火/射撃 from critics and political 競争相手s for hightailing out of the country as the Taliban 嵐/襲撃する d the 大統領の Palace last night. The ロシアの 大使館 (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that he had fled in a ヘリコプター 十分な of cash. His どの辺に remain unknown.?

It comes as:?

  • 大統領 Biden defended the US 撤退 from Afghanistan and 非難するd Trump for Taliban 引き継ぎ/買収;?
  • Taliban 闘士,戦闘機s were seen patrolling the streets of Kabul as thousands of 希望に満ちた Afghans gathered on the 滑走路 at Hamid Karzai airport trying 猛烈に to escape from Afghanistan;???
  • Defence 大臣 Ben Wallace choked up as he 公約するd to 飛行機で行く hundreds of desperate Afghans out of the country within the next 36 hours - but 主張するd sending UK 軍隊/機動隊s 支援する in is not 'on the cards';?
  • Foreign 長官?Dominic Raab defended 存在 on holiday, 説 the whole world was 'taken by surprise';
  • Emmanuel Macron 公約するd to 停止(させる) the 推定する/予想するd influx of Afghan migrants coming to 本土/大陸 Europe;
  • ロシアの 公式の/役人s said they were in touch with the Taliban in Afghanistan 経由で its 大使館 in Kabul;?
  • The US 外交官/大使 and 大使館 staff fled Afghanistan after Taliban 軍隊s 嵐/襲撃するd Kabul in scenes に例えるd to the 1975 避難/引き上げ of its 使節団 in Saigon;?
  • PM Boris Johnson said said the US 決定/判定勝ち(する) to 身を引く from Afghanistan had '加速するd' the 危機;?
  • Tory MPs called fallout from Anglo-US 撤退 'Britain's worst 外交政策 災害 since Suez';
  • MPs are 推定する/予想するd to to vent their 怒り/怒る and 失望/欲求不満 when t hey return to Westminster on Wednesday for an 緊急 解任する of 議会 to discuss the 危機.
Thousands of Afghans are trying to get on to flights out of the capital following the Taliban's seizure of the city. A US soldier is pictured aiming his weapon at a passenger at Kabul airport

Thousands of Afghans are trying to get on to flights out of the 資本/首都 に引き続いて the Taliban's seizure of the city. A US 兵士 is pictured 目的(とする)ing his 武器 at a 乗客 at Kabul airport

Afghan people climb atop a KamAir plane grounded at Hamid Karazi airport as they wait at the Kabul airport in Kabul on Monday

Afghan people climb 頂上に a KamAir 計画(する) grounded at Hamid Karazi airport as they wait at the Kabul airport in Kabul on Monday

Footage from Hamad Karzai airport showed hundreds of people running alongside - and in front of - a US Air Force plane preparing to take off

(映画の)フィート数 from Hamad Karzai airport showed hundreds of people running と一緒に - and in 前線 of - a US 空気/公表する 軍隊 計画(する) 準備するing to take off

Afghans desperately tried to climb onto the rear right wheel of the US Air Force C-17 in a last ditch attempt to flee the country after the Taliban swept to power

Afghans 猛烈に tried to climb の上に the 後部 権利 wheel of the US 空気/公表する 軍隊 C-17 in a last 溝へはまらせる/不時着する 試みる/企てる to 逃げる the country after the Taliban swept to 力/強力にする

Footage published by Afghan outlet A?vaka showed three stowaways falling to the deaths after clinging on to the wheels of a military plane as it took off from Kabul airport

(映画の)フィート数 published by Afghan 出口 A?vaka showed three 密航者s 落ちるing to the deaths after 粘着するing on to the wheels of a 軍の 計画(する) as it took off from Kabul airport

Senior US military official
s said troops shot and killed two armed Afghans among those trying to get onto the jet while US citizens were evacuated in two separate incidents

上級の US 軍の 公式の/役人s said 軍隊/機動隊s 発射 and killed two 武装した Afghans の中で those trying to get の上に the jet while US 国民s were 避難させるd in two separate 出来事/事件s

Image of British 国民s and 二重の 国家のs residing in Afghanistan 存在 避難させるd from Afghanistan to the UK

Video posted later appeared to show residents collecting the bodies of three stowaways, who reportedly fell from an airborne plane, from a roof in Kabul

ビデオ 地位,任命するd later appeared to show 居住(者)s collecting the 団体/死体s of three 密航者s, who 報道によれば fell from an 空輸の 計画(する), from a roof in Kabul

The US Embassy has been evacuated and the American flag lowered, with diplomats relocating to the airport in scenes reminiscent of the evacuation of the embassy of Saigon in 1975. Other Western countries have also closed their missions and are flying out staff and civilians after the Taliban walked into Kabul's presidential palace

The US 大使館 has been 避難させるd and the American 旗 lowered, with 外交官s relocating to the airport in scenes reminiscent of the 避難/引き上げ of the 大使館 of Saigon in 1975. Other Western countries have also の近くにd their 使節団s and are 飛行機で行くing out staff and 非軍事のs after the Taliban walked into Kabul's 大統領の palace

US military Apache helicopters flew low over crowds of desperate people at Kabul airport
Troops tried to control crowds of thousands of Afghans desperate to escape the country after the Taliban takeover

US 軍の Apache ヘリコプターs flew low over (人が)群がるs of desperate people at Kabul airport in an 試みる/企てる to (疑いを)晴らす them out of the way for a USAF 計画(する) taxiing behind?

A satellite image shows crowds of Afghans gathered on the tarmac at Hamid Karzai airport on Monday as they desperately try to board the last flights out of Kabul

A 衛星 image shows (人が)群がるs of Afghans gathered on the tarmac at Hamid Karzai airport on Monday as they 猛烈に try to board the last flights out of Kabul

At least five people have been killed at Kabul airport as thousands of people desperately try to flee the country
Witnesses said it was not clear whether the victims were killed by gunshots or in a stampede

At least five people have been killed at Kabul airport as thousands of people tried 猛烈に to get on flights out of Afghanistan まっただ中に ますます 大混乱/混沌とした scenes.?証言,証人/目撃するs said it was not (疑いを)晴らす whether the 犠牲者s were killed by 射撃s or in a 殺到

Thousands of Afghans scaled the walls of Hamid Karzai International Airport desperate to get on the last flights out of the country before the Taliban impose their rule. The group have been shooting at people trying to clamber their way into the airport

Thousands of Afghans 規模d the 塀で囲むs of Hamid Karzai International Airport desperate to get on the last flights out of the country before the Taliban 課す their 支配する. The group have been 狙撃 at people trying to clamber their way into the airport

Hopeful Afghan passengers wait at Kabul airport as hundreds of US and UK citizens are evacuated following the Taliban's swift campaign

希望に満ちた Afghan 乗客s wait at Kabul airport as hundreds of US and UK 国民s are 避難させるd に引き続いて the Taliban's swift (選挙などの)運動をする

US soldiers stand guard as desperate Afghans try to board flights at Hamid Karzai International Airport on Monday

US 兵士s stand guard as desperate Afghans try to board flights at Hamid Karzai International Airport on Monday

In a stunning rout, the Taliban seized nearly all of Afghanistan in just over a week, despite the billions of dollars spent by the US and NATO over nearly two decades to build up Afghan security forces

In a 素晴らしい 大勝する, the Taliban 掴むd nearly all of Afghanistan in just over a week, にもかかわらず the billions of dollars spent by the US and 北大西洋条約機構 over nearly two 10年間s to build up Afghan 安全 軍隊s

President Joe Biden speaks about Afghanistan from the East Room of the White House,?August 16, 2021

大統領 Joe Biden speaks about Afghanistan from the East Room of the White House,?August 16, 2021

Defence 長官 Ben Wallace breaks 負かす/撃墜する as he 収容する/認めるs 'some people won't get 支援する' from Afghanistan?

Ben Wallace choked up today as he 公約するd to 飛行機で行く hundreds of desperate Afghans out of the country within the next 36 hours - but 主張するd sending UK 軍隊/機動隊s 支援する in is not 'on the cards'.

The Defence 長官 was 打ち勝つ with emotion as he talked about the consequences of the 崩壊(する) of the Western-trained Afghan army, after the Taliban walked into Kabul and took 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 of the 大統領の palace.?

He said the 危機 had become 必然的な after a 取引,協定 was struck with the 極端論者s and the US pulled out, and the 焦点(を合わせる) was now on 避難させるing interpreters and others who might be 支配する to 報復s.

But he 譲歩するd that 'some people won't get 支援する'. 'It is sad the West has done what it has done,' he said. 'Twenty years of sacrifice.. is what it is.'??

Mr Wallace - who himself served in the 軍の before entering politics - said he felt the 問題/発行する so 深く,強烈に because he was a 兵士.?


The British 省 of Defence 確認するd the first UK 国家のs landed at RAF base Brize Norton 早期に on Monday as 60 countries 問題/発行するd a 共同の 嘆願 to the Taliban to 許す 非軍事のs to 逃げる ahead of EU 外務大臣s 持つ/拘留する 危機 会談 経由で ビデオ-link on Tuesday.?

But an emotional Defence 長官 Ben Wallace 譲歩するd that 'some people won't get 支援する'.?Around 4,000 British 国家のs and 適格の Afghans are thought to be in Kabul and in need of 避難/引き上げ.

James Rogers, Director of 研究 at the 会議 on Geostrategy, told MailOnline: 'The 決定/判定勝ち(する) to leave Afghanistan was 必然的な; the way that has been carried out is a shambles.?

'We've 効果的に 手渡すd victory to the Taliban on a plate. At this point, as the 総理大臣 has said, we need to 確実にする Afghanistan does not become a 安全な 港/避難所 for jihadi テロリストs.?

'More strategically, we need to question our 無(不)能 to 行為/法令/行動する competently on the world 行う/開催する/段階 without the US - or, in this 状況/情勢, when the US decides to leave its 同盟(する)s in the lurch.'?

Some 700 UK 職員/兵員 are (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd at the airport, with Mr Wallace 主張するing the 重要な areas are still 安全な・保証する にもかかわらず 大混乱/混沌とした scenes and 報告(する)/憶測s of several people 存在 killed when they fell from 航空機. The US has 5,000 軍隊/機動隊s in place.

The Taliban swept into the 資本/首都 on Sunday after the Western-支援するd 政府 崩壊(する)d and Ghani fled the country 'to 避ける 流血/虐殺', bringing a 素晴らしい end to a two-10年間 (選挙などの)運動をする in which the US and its 同盟(する)s had tried to transform the country. ?

The US 大使館 has been 避難させるd and the American 旗 lowered, with 外交官s relocating to the airport in scenes reminiscent of the 避難/引き上げ of the 大使館 of Saigon in 1975.?Other Western countries have also の近くにd their 使節団s and are 飛行機で行くing out staff and 非軍事のs.??

Almost all major 検問所s in Kabul were under Taliban 支配(する)/統制する by Monday morning and?Afghanistan's Civil 航空 当局 問題/発行するd an (a)忠告の/(n)警報 説 the '非軍事の 味方する' of the airport had been 'の近くにd until その上の notice' and that the 軍の controlled the 領空.?

早期に Monday morning, flight-跡をつけるing data showed no 即座の 商業の flights over the country.

ビデオ from Afghanistan's 議会 building showed Taliban 闘士,戦闘機s entering the main 議会. The grainy (映画の)フィート数 showed 闘士,戦闘機s carrying 武器s sitting at a (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する at the 長,率いる of the 議会 under the 政府's 調印(する), with some smiling and 提起する/ポーズをとるing for photographs.?

It comes after 公式の/役人s??約束d 非軍事のs would not be 害(を与える)d and 発表するd?everyone would be 許すd to return home from Kabul airport if they decided to stay in the country.?The Taliban 以前 said 西部の人/西洋人s would be 許すd to leave the country but that Afghans would be 閉めだした from 出発/死ing.??

緊急発進する to 避難させる as UK 誓約(する)s ビザs?

Afghans?whose lives are at 危険 from the Taliban will be able to come to Britain.

政府 sources said the Home Office will 始める,決める up a 明確な/細部 new ビザ 大勝する for those 逃げるing 騒動 in the country.

'We will make sure there is a bespoke 大勝する for Afghans in need,' said a Home Office source. 'We'll 確実にする that we are 主要な the world on that.'

Exact 詳細(に述べる)s of the resettlement 計画/陰謀 had not been finalised last night but the source 主張するd it would be 'generous'.

It is understood that the ビザ 計画/陰謀 will be closely based on an 存在するing 事業/計画(する) run from 2014 to March this year that brought 20,000 Syrians to the UK with 難民 status.


The UN is calling for an 即座の end to 暴力/激しさ in Afghanistan and 勧めるing the international community to 部隊 to 確実にする that the human 権利s of all people, 特に women and girls, are 尊敬(する)・点d.

Mr Guterres said 'the world is に引き続いて events in Afghanistan with a 激しい heart and 深い disquiet about what lies ahead' and with the country's 未来 and the hopes and dreams of a 世代 of young Afghans in the balance, the coming days 'will be pivotal.'

At this '墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な hour,' the 長官-general 勧めるd all parties, 特に the Taliban, 'to 演習 最大の 抑制 to 保護する lives and to 確実にする that 人道的な needs can be met.'

Mr Guterres said the UN continues to have staff and offices in areas now under Taliban 支配(する)/統制する, and which so far have been 尊敬(する)・点d. 'Above all, we will stay and 配達する in support of the Afghan people in their hour of need.'

'We cannot and must not abandon the people of Afghanistan,' he said.

Afghanistan's 代表者/国会議員 Ghulam M Isaczai said 公式の/役人s were '極端に 関心d about the Taliban?not honouring their 約束s and かかわり合いs made in their 声明s at Doha and other international 会議s.

'We've 証言,証人/目撃するd time and again how Taliban have broken their 約束s and かかわり合いs in the past. We've seen gruesome pictures of Taliban's 集まり 死刑執行s, of 軍の 職員/兵員 and 的 殺人,大当り of 非軍事のs in Kandahar and other big cities.

''We cannot 許す this to happen in Kabul, which has been the last 避難 for many people escaping 暴力/激しさ and Taliban's 復讐 attacks.?

'Kabul 居住(者)s are 報告(する)/憶測d that the Taliban have already started house-to-house searches in some neighbourhoods, 登録(する)ing 指名するs and looking for people in their 的 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる).?

'There are already 報告(する)/憶測s of 的 殺人,大当りs and 略奪するing in the city. Kabul 居住(者)s are living in 絶対の 恐れる 権利 now. There is no time for 非難する game.?We have an 適切な時期 to 妨げる その上の 暴力/激しさ, 妨げる Afghanistan descending into a civil war and becoming a pariah 明言する/公表する.

'Therefore, the 安全 会議 and the UN 長官 general should use every means at its 処分 to call for an 即座の succession of 暴力/激しさ, 尊敬(する)・点 for human 権利s and international 人道的な 法律.'?

Footage showed desperate Afghans trying to climb onto grounded planes at Hamid Karzai airport
People desperately try to flee after the Taliban took Kabul on Sunday

(映画の)フィート数 showed desperate Afghans trying to climb の上に grounded 計画(する)s at Kabul's Hamid Karzai airport after the Taliban swept the city

US troops fired shots into the air at Kabul airport today as desperate Afghans climbed up the outside of airbridges trying to flee as the Taliban took control of Afghanistan

US 軍隊/機動隊s 解雇する/砲火/射撃d 発射s into the 空気/公表する at Kabul airport today as desperate Afghans climbed up the outside of airbridges trying to 逃げる as the Taliban took 支配(する)/統制する of Afghanistan

Video posted social media showed hundreds of people trying to climb the outside of airbridges to board commercial liners grounded in Hamad Karzai airport

?ビデオ 地位,任命するd social マスコミ showed hundreds of people trying to climb the outside of airbridges to board 商業の liners grounded in Hamad Karzai airport

Thousands of Afghans scaled the walls of Hamid Karzai International Airport desperate to get on the last flights out of the country before the Taliban impose their rule. The group have been shooting at people trying to clamber their way into the airport

Thousands of Afghans 規模d the 塀で囲むs of Hamid Karzai International Airport desperate to get on the last flights out of the country before the Taliban 課す their 支配する. The group have been 狙撃 at people trying to clamber their way into the airport

Hundreds of desperate Afghans scaled the walls of Kabul airport
Afghans were trying to escape before the Taliban imposes its brutal rule

Hundreds of desperate Afghans 規模d the 塀で囲むs of Kabul airport trying to escape before the Taliban 課すs its 残虐な 支配する

US troops fired shots in the air at Hama Karzai airport to prevent hundreds of civilians running onto the tarmac after they took control of the airport in Kabul and the country's air traffic control

US 軍隊/機動隊s 解雇する/砲火/射撃d 発射s in the 空気/公表する at Hama Karzai airport to 妨げる hundreds of 非軍事のs running の上に the tarmac after they took 支配(する)/統制する of the airport in Kabul and the country's 空気/公表する traffic 支配(する)/統制する

US troops are guarding the airport and have taken over air traffic control, but all non-military flights are grounded
Early Monday morning, flight-tracking data showed no immediate commercial flights over the country even as thousands of Afghans flooded Kabul airport

US 軍隊/機動隊s are guarding the airport and have taken over 空気/公表する traffic 支配(する)/統制する, but all 非,不,無-軍の flights are grounded. 早期に Monday morning, flight-跡をつけるing data showed no 即座の 商業の flights over the country even as thousands of Afghans flooded Kabul airport

Hundreds of Afghans desperately scaled the walls of Hamid Karzai international airport in Kabul as they try to f
lee the country

Hundreds of Afghans 猛烈に 規模d the 塀で囲むs of Hamid Karzai international airport in Kabul as they try to 逃げる the country

People swarmed to Kabul's Hamid Karzai airport on Monday hoping to flee the country after the Taliban's stunningly swift capture of much of Afghanistan

People 群れているd to Kabul's Hamid Karzai airport on Monday hoping to 逃げる the country after the Taliban's stunningly swift 逮捕(する) of much of Afghanistan

Desperate Afghans were seen chasing US military C-17s
The evacuation flights took off from Kabul airport on Monday

Desperate Afghans were seen chasing US 軍の C-17s as the 避難/引き上げ flights took off from Kabul airport on Monday

Hundreds of despe
rate people are seen around grounded planes at Kabul airport in this satellite image

Hundreds of desperate people are seen around grounded 計画(する)s at Kabul airport in this 衛星 image

Commercial flights have been suspended, with only military flights allowed in and out of the Afghan capital. Thousands of people have descended on the airport hoping to somehow get onboard a plane

商業の flights have been 一時停止するd, with only 軍の flights 許すd in and out of the Afghan 資本/首都. Thousands of people have descended on the airport hoping to somehow get onboard a 計画(する)

Afghan passengers sit inside a plane as they wait to leave Kabul airport although all commercial flights have been grounded, with only military aircraft being allowed in and out

Afghan 乗客s sit inside a 計画(する) as they wait to leave Kabul airport although all 商業の flights have been grounded, with only 軍の 航空機 存在 許すd in and out?

'The whole world was taken by surprise': Dominic Raab defends 存在 on holiday during Afghanistan 炉心溶融 - as MOD 確認するs 200 more UK 軍隊/機動隊s will be sent to Kabul?

Dominic Raab today defended 存在 on holiday while Afghanistan 急落(する),激減(する)d into 大混乱 - 説 the whole world was 'taken by surprise' - as the MoD 確認するd a その上の 200 UK 軍隊/機動隊s are to be sent to Kabul to 補助装置 with the evacuatio n 成果/努力.

The Foreign 長官 主張するd he was in touch with events throughout his break, believed to be in the Mediterranean, as the 状況/情勢 劇的な 増大するd over 最近の days with the Taliban 回復するing 力/強力にする.

He arrived 支援する in the UK last night, as 極端論者 闘士,戦闘機s 提起する/ポーズをとるd in the 大統領の palace in Kabul, and took part in the 緊急 会合 of 大臣s and 公式の/役人s this lunchtime.

A 省 of Defence (MoD) 広報担当者 told MailOnline there will すぐに be 900 British 職員/兵員 in Kabul, 構成するd of 16 空気/公表する 強襲,強姦 旅団, 兵たん業務, Medics and RAF.

There had been around 100 UK 職員/兵員 in the 地域 概略で a week ago, before the 爆発 in Taliban 前進するs throughout the country.

But the MoD today 確認するd that another 600 had been ordered to the 地域, and now another 200 are 存在 派遣(する)d. The 広報担当者 said the 計画(する) was to have all British 国家のs 避難させるd by the end of the month, 飛行機で行くing out more than 1,000 every day.

More than 300 people - 含むing Britons and Afghans 適格の for 解決/入植地 - have been 避難させるd so far.

After …に出席するing the third 会合 of the Cobra 緊急 委員会 in just four days, Mr Raab said 'modern' communications meant he could be in 'direct 支配(する)/統制する' of the Foreign Office from anywhere.


Ghani fled the country on Sunday night as the 謀反のs encircled the 資本/首都 - 説 he 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 避ける 流血/虐殺 - capping a 軍の victory that saw them 逮捕(する) all cities in just 10 days.

In a Facebook 地位,任命する, Ghani said he had left the country to 避ける 衝突/不一致s with the Taliban that would 危うくする millions of Kabul 居住(者)s. Some social マスコミ 使用者s branded Ghani, who did not 公表する/暴露する his 場所, a coward for leaving them in 大混乱. Al-Jazeera 報告(する)/憶測d he had flown to Uzbekistan, 特記する/引用するing his personal 護衛.

'The Taliban have won with the 裁判/判断 of their swords and guns, and are now 責任がある the honour, 所有物/資産/財産 and self-保護 of their countrymen,' Ghani said after 逃げるing.

Taliban 公式の/役人s said they had received no 報告(する)/憶測s of any 衝突/不一致s anywhere in the country: 'The 状況/情勢 is 平和的な,' one 公式の/役人 said. The Taliban 支配(する)/統制する 90 パーセント of 明言する/公表する buildings and 闘士,戦闘機s had been told to 妨げる any 損失, the 公式の/役人 追加するd.

Scenes of panic spread across the country on Monday as thousands of Afghans 猛烈に try to 逃げる Afghanistan before the Taliban's 残虐な 支配するs are 器具/実施するd.?難民s 集まりd at 国境s, with pictures from Afghanistan's 国境 with Pakistan showing hundreds of people 列ing in an 試みる/企てる to leave.???

'Today is a 広大な/多数の/重要な day for the Afghan people and the mujahideen. They have 証言,証人/目撃するd the fruits of their 成果/努力s and their sacrifices for 20 years,' Mohammad Naeem, the 広報担当者 for the Taliban's political office, told Al Jazeera TV. 'Thanks to God, the war is over in the country.'

Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, who fought in the Soviet-Afghan War during the 1980s and helped ex-長,指導者 Mohammad Omar create the Taliban in 1994, is thought likely to be 任命する/導入するd as the 長,率いる of the Islamic 首長国 of Afghanistan, によれば 報告(する)/憶測 s in the Arab world.??

Former Afghan 大統領 Hamid Kharzai tried to 安心させる those left in Kabul in a ビデオ message: 'To the people of Kabul, I, my daughters and my family are here with you. My wish is that the problems of our country and 資本/首都 could be solved with 平和的な 対話 and 交渉s.

'I want the Taliban 軍隊s, wherever you are, to 供給する safety to the people and 支払う/賃金 attention to 保存する people's lives. I advise all the people to stay in your homes. We are trying to talk with the leadership of Taliban to solve the problems of the people of Afghanistan through 対話 and brotherhood, for the sake of our nation.'

Afghanistan's Paralympic team have already 発表するd they will not 参加する in Tokyo Games 予定 to the 終結 of Kabul airport まっただ中に the より悪くするing political 状況/情勢 in country.?

Britain will 避難させる hundreds of British 国家のs and 適格の Afghan 国家のs every day, and flights out of Afghanistan will continue for as long as it is 安全な, 総理大臣 Boris Johnson's 広報担当者 said on Monday.?

'I'd say at least hundreds every day will be leaving (on) the flights, but 明白に this is a fluid 状況/情勢,' the 広報担当者 said. Asked how long Britain planned to keep such flights going, he said: 'We want to 明白に continue to do this as long as we are able to do so and as long as it is 安全な to do so.'

The 政府 COBRA 緊急 返答 委員会 met on Monday to discuss the 状況/情勢 in Afghanistan. ?

It (機の)カム after Defence 長官 Ben Wallace said the 軍の 味方する of Kabul airport was 安全な・保証する and that Britain was doing everything it could to 避難させる British 国民s and Afghans with links to Britain.

'Our 的 is... about 1200 to 1500 出口 a day in the capacity of our airplanes, and we'll keep that flow,' he said.

Taliban fighters patrolled Kabul on Monday as chaos continued at the city's airport as thousands try to flee the fundamentalist group

Taliban 闘士,戦闘機s patrolled Kabul on Monday as 大混乱 continued at the city's airport as thousands try to 逃げる the 根本主義 group

Two Taliban fighters ride in the back of a vehicle with the group's white flag as the Afghan capital settled into a tense calm on Monday

Two Taliban 闘士,戦闘機s ride in the 支援する of a 乗り物 with the group's white 旗 as the Afghan 資本/首都 settled into a 緊張した 静める on Monday?

Taliban fighters were seen inside the Afghan parliament on Monday
It came after Taliban officials?promised civilians would not be harmed and announced everyone would be allowed to return home from Kabul airport if they decided to stay in the country

Taliban 闘士,戦闘機s were seen inside the Afghan 議会 on Monday after 公式の/役人s 約束d 非軍事のs would not be 害(を与える)d and 発表するd everyone would be 許すd to return home from Kabul airport if they decided to stay in the country

Biden's 声明 'washing 手渡すs' of Afghanistan 'is one of most shameful in US history': Left and 右翼 マスコミ 部隊 in 激しい非難 of America's '大混乱/混沌とした 退却/保養地' and 'betrayal' of Afghan people?

マスコミ 出口s across the political divide in the US and Britain have 部隊d in their 激しい非難 over Joe Biden's 扱うing of the Afghanistan 危機 まっただ中に what is 存在 法案d the biggest 外交政策 大災害 in 65 years.

Even Left-wing 出口s such as CNN and The New York Times who have been の中で Biden's biggest cheerleaders have 攻撃する,衝突する out at him for his 役割 in 許すing 謀反のs to take Kabul after 大勝するing Afghan 軍隊s in just a week, calling it a debacle and a political 災害.

The 塀で囲む Street 定期刊行物 非難するd Joe Biden's 声明 'washing his 手渡すs' of the 状況/情勢, 説 it should 'go 負かす/撃墜する as one of the most shameful in history by a 指揮官 in 長,指導者 at such a moment of American 退却/保養地'.

As the 危機 深くするd, a CNN columnist said the 'debacle of the US 敗北・負かす and 大混乱/混沌とした 退却/保養地 in Afghanistan' was a 'political 災害' for the US 大統領 and slammed his '失敗 to orchestrate an 緊急の and 整然とした 出口'.

And an opinion writer in The 大西洋 said there was enough 非難する 大(公)使館員d for the Afghanistan 危機 to 'fill a library of 調書をとる/予約するs', 非難するing the 'betrayal' of the Afghan people as he placed the '重荷(を負わせる) of shame' on Biden.

一方/合間 a New York 地位,任命する 編集(者)の said Biden's (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that he '相続するd' his 前任者 Donald Trump's withdra wal 計画(する)s were a '嘘(をつく)' and the 状況/情勢 is 'as humiliating an end as the rooftop 緊急発進する in Saigon in 1975'.

An opinion piece in The New York Times (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that Biden would 'go 負かす/撃墜する in history, 公正に/かなり or 不公平に, as the 大統領,/社長 who 統括するd over a long-brewing, humiliating final 行為/法令/行動する in the American 実験 in Afghanistan'.

A Washington 地位,任命する column said the 状況/情勢 'is on Biden, and it will leave an indelible stain on his 大統領/総裁などの地位', while a piece in USA Today said 'this 大災害 is appearing on his watch, and he will have to take his lumps'.

Fox News ran a comment from 共和国の/共和党の 上院議員 Joni Ernst 非難するing the '非難する in the 直面する to the thousands of men and women who served in this war' and a 'total abandonment of a country and its people' by Biden.

Columnists in the British 圧力(をかける) also 攻撃する,衝突する out at Biden today, with The Sun's 編集(者)の 説 he 'ignored repeated 警告s, then withdrew 決定的な 空気/公表する support for the Afghan army it has spent billions arming over 20 years'.

ありふれたs Foreign 事件/事情/状勢s 委員会 議長,司会を務める Tom Tugendhat wrote in The Times that it was the 'the biggest 外交政策 災害 since Suez' in 1957, while a columnist for the i 非難するd the 'betrayal of Afghanistan's people'.

The 財政上の Times said the 'abandonment of Afghanistan raises 疑問s over the depth of US かかわり合い to supposed 同盟(する)s', while 示す Almond wrote in the Daily Mail that Islamist fundamentalism is now '支援する on a roll'.


Britain has relocated its 大使館 to Kabul airport from the city.?Asked what he would feel to see the Taliban 旗 飛行機で行くing over the former British 大使館 building in Kabul, Mr Wallace said:?'Symbolically, it's not what any of us 手配中の,お尋ね者.'?

The 武装した 軍隊s are supporting the 避難/引き上げ of British 国家のs?and those 適格の for 移転 under the 政府's Afghan 移転 and 援助 Program.

Special 軍隊s 部隊s are joining 600 British 軍隊/機動隊s from the 16 空気/公表する 強襲,強姦 旅団, 含むing 150 Paratroopers, with support from RAF teams from around the world, to airlift British 公式の/役人s out of the Kabul.?

明らかにする/漏らすing that the first 避難/引き上げ flight had landed in the UK last night, the 省 of Defence said in a Twitter 地位,任命する: 'Last night the first flight of British 国家のs and 大使館 Staff arrived at RAF Brize Norton as part of Op Pitting.?

'The UK 武装した 軍隊s are supporting the 避難/引き上げ of British 国家のs and those 適格の for 移転 under the Afghan 移転 and 援助 Program.'

The 救助(する) 使節団 could 結局 see thousands 存在 避難させるd from Afghanistan. Around 500 大使館 staff are thought to be の中で those to be 救助(する)d.?

Around 5,000 Afghan-English interpreters and their families are also 捜し出すing 避難/引き上げ, as they 恐れる 存在 classed as '反逆者s' by the 極端論者 Taliban.

There are also thousands of British and 二重の 国籍 パスポート 支えるもの/所有者s who may need 避難/引き上げ to UK, and around 2,000 people with links to Britain who could also be 適格の to leave Afghanistan for the UK.??

It comes as the UK's 外交官/大使 to Afghanistan put 計画(する)s to leave the country on 持つ/拘留する - and remained at Kabul airport to help 過程 the 使用/適用s of those 捜し出すing to leave.

にもかかわらず the 緊急発進する to 避難させる, the 外交官/大使 Sir Laurie Bristow was said to have remained in the city last night. Boris Johnson said he was at the airport helping to 過程 the 使用/適用s of those 捜し出すing to leave.?

Some 700 UK 職員/兵員 are (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd at the airport, with Mr Wallace 主張するing the 重要な areas are still 安全な・保証する にもかかわらず 大混乱/混沌とした scenes. He said it could take more than 36 hours to get another 1,500 out, 示唆するing nearly 800 of those will be Afghans. 政府 sources said 1,000 interpreters and other staff had arrived over the past few weeks.

It is not (疑いを)晴らす how the 避難/引き上げ is 存在 prioritised, with Mr Wallace 強調する/ストレスing that vetting 使用/適用s to leave at high 速度(を上げる) was more of a challenge than 持続するing flights.

The 総理大臣 has 主張するd Britain could 'look 支援する at 20 years of 成果/努力 and 業績/成就 In Afghanistan', as he argued he 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 'make sure that we don't throw those 伸び(る)s away'.?

Mr Wallace choked up as he talked about the consequences of the 崩壊(する) of the Western-trained Afghan army, after the Taliban walked into Kabul and took 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 of the 大統領の palace.?

He said the 危機 had become 必然的な after a 取引,協定 was struck with the 極端論者s and the US pulled out, and the 焦点(を合わせる) was now on 避難させるing British 国家のs, interpreters and others who might be 支配する to 報復s.

But he 譲歩するd that 'some people won't get 支援する'. 'It is sad the West has done what it has done,' he said. 'Twenty years of sacrifice.. is what it is.'??

Mr Wallace - who himself served in the 軍の before entering politics - said he felt the 問題/発行する so 深く,強烈に because he was a 兵士.?

Mr Wallace later told BBC 無線で通信する 4's Today programme:??'大統領 Biden 相続するd a 勢い, a 勢い that had been given to t he Taliban because they felt they had now won, he'd also 相続するd a 勢い of 軍隊/機動隊 撤退 from the international community, the US.'

'So I think in that sense, the seeds of what we're seeing today were before 大統領 Biden took office. The seeds were a peace 取引,協定 that was [効果的に] 急ぐd, that wasn't done in 共同 適切に with the international community and then a (株主への)配当 taken out incredibly quickly.'

MP Tobias Ellwood, former captain in the British Army and chairman of the defence select 委員会, criticised the West for pulling out of Afghanistan.

Appearing on Sky News, he said: 'The world is now a little bit more dangerous because they've now taken 支配(する)/統制する of the country, and the West should really hang its 長,率いる in shame after 突然の abandoning Afghanistan to a civil war after two 10年間s of 成果/努力.'

He 追加するd: 'This is not a good day for the West at all, and 中国 will be 観察するing things very, very closely indeed. They are already making 同盟s with the Taliban and glossing over the human 権利s 残虐(行為)s that are likely to 広げる.'?

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said the military side of Kabul airport was secure and that Britain was doing everything it could to evacuate British citizens and Afghans with links to Britain

Defence 長官 Ben Wallace said the 軍の 味方する of Kabul airport was 安全な・保証する and that Britain was doing everything it could to 避難させる British 国民s and Afghans with links to Britain

It comes as the Ministry of Defence confirmed the first British nationals had landed at RAF base Brize Norton after being evacuated from Kabul

It comes as the 省 of Defence 確認するd the first British 国家のs had landed at RAF base Brize Norton after 存在 避難させるd from Kabul

Passengers arrived in RAF b
ase Brize Norton after an evacuation flight from Kabul following the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

乗客s arrived in RAF base Brize Norton after an 避難/引き上げ flight from Kabul に引き続いて the Taliban 引き継ぎ/買収 of Afghanistan

The UK Government says it aims to get British ambassador Sir Laurie Bristow (pictured) and his embassy staff out by Sunday night - amid fears the Taliban could seize Kabul airport within days

Britain's 外交官/大使 to Afghanistan Sir Laurie Bristow (権利) remains in Kabul today, にもかかわらず an SAS-支援するd 操作/手術 to 避難させる 大使館 staff a 中央の a Taliban 引き継ぎ/買収 of the city

British Forces from 16 Air Assault Brigade arrive in Kabul, Afghanistan, to provide support to British nationals leaving the country, as part of Operation PITTING after Taliban insurgents took control of the presidential palace in Kabul, August 15

British 軍隊s from 16 空気/公表する 強襲,強姦 旅団 arrive in Kabul, Afghanistan, to 供給する support to British 国家のs leaving the country, as part of 操作/手術 PITTING after Taliban 謀反のs took 支配(する)/統制する of the 大統領の palace in Kabul, August 15

How did the Taliban take over Afghanistan so quickly?

The Taliban's 素晴らしい and 早い 引き継ぎ/買収 of Afghanistan was the result not only of their 戦場 strength, but also a 支えるd 押し進める to 軍隊 降伏するs and 削減(する) 取引,協定s.

The 謀反のs mixed 脅しs and 誘惑するs with 宣伝 and psychological 戦争 as they took city after city - some with barely a 発射 解雇する/砲火/射撃d - 結局 逮捕(する)ing the 資本/首都 Kabul.

How did this happen??Why didn't the Afghan army put up a fight??

As foreign 軍隊/機動隊s began their final 撤退 in May, Washington and Kabul were 確信して the Afghan 軍の would put up a strong fight against the Taliban.

With more than 300,000 職員/兵員 and multi-billion-dollar 器具/備品 more 前進するd than the Taliban 兵器庫, Afghan 軍隊s were formidable - on paper.

In reality, they were 疫病/悩ますd by 汚職, poor leadership, 欠如(する) of training and 急落するing 意気込み/士気 for years. Desertions were ありふれた and US 政府 視察官s had long 警告するd that the 軍隊 was unsustainable.

Afghan 軍隊s put up strong 抵抗 this summer in some areas such as Lashkar Gah in the south, but they now 直面するd the Taliban without 正規の/正選手 US 空気/公表する strikes and 軍の support.

直面するd with the smaller but 高度に 動機づけるd and cohesive enemy, many 兵士s and even entire 部隊s 簡単に 砂漠d or 降伏するd, leaving the 謀反のs to 逮捕(する) city after city.

How did the Taliban take advantage of low 意気込み/士気??

The seeds for the 崩壊(する) were sown last year when Washington 調印するd a を取り引きする the 謀反のs to 身を引く its 軍隊/機動隊s 完全に.

For the Taliban, it was the beginning of their victory after nearly two 10年間s of war. For many demoralised Afghans, it was betrayal and abandonment.

They continued to attack governmen t 軍隊s but started to 連合させる those with 的d 殺人,大当りs of 新聞記者/雑誌記者s and 権利s 行動主義者s, ramping up an 環境 of 恐れる.

They also 押し進めるd a narrative of 必然的な Taliban victory in their 宣伝 and psychological 操作/手術s.

兵士s and 地元の 公式の/役人s were 報道によれば 砲撃するd with text messages in some areas, 勧めるing them to 降伏する or 協力する with the Taliban to 避ける a worse 運命/宿命.

Many were 申し込む/申し出d 安全な passage if they did not put up a fight, while others were reached through 部族の and village 年上のs.

What happened to the anti-Taliban 将軍s and their 民兵s??

With Afghan 軍隊s unable to 持つ/拘留する off the Taliban 前進するs, many of Afghanistan's famed - and 悪名高い - 将軍s 決起大会/結集させるd their 民兵s and 約束d a 黒人/ボイコット 注目する,もくろむ to the Taliban if they attacked their cities.

But with 信用/信任 急落(する),激減(する)ing in the ability of Afghanistan's 政府 to 生き残る, never mind 持つ/拘留する off the 謀反のs, the 令状ing was also on the 塀で囲む for the 将軍s.

Their cities fell without a fight. 将軍 Ismail 旅宿泊所 in the western city of Herat was 逮捕(する)d by the Taliban as it fell.

Abdul Rashid Dostum and Atta Mohammad Noor in the north fled to Uzbekistan, as their 民兵 members abandoned humvees, 武器s and even their uniforms on the road out of Mazar-i-Sharif.

But how were the Taliban able to do this so quickly?

The Taliban had started putting 取引,協定s and 降伏する 手はず/準備 in place 報道によれば long before the 開始する,打ち上げる of their blitz in May.

From individual 兵士s and low-level 政府 公式の/役人s to 明らかに 地方の 知事s and 大臣s, the 謀反のs 圧力(をかける)d for 取引,協定s - with the Taliban all but 勝利を得た, why put up a fight?

The 戦略 証明するd immensely 効果的な.

The images from their final march to Kabul were not of 団体/死体s in the streets and 血まみれの 戦場s, but of Taliban and 政府 公式の/役人s sitting comfortably on couches as they formalised the handover of cities and 州s.

によれば one 報告(する)/憶測d US 見積(る) いっそう少なく than a month before the 落ちる of Kabul, the Afghan 政府 could 崩壊(する) in 90 days.

But once the Taliban 逮捕(する)d their first 地方の 資本/首都, it took いっそう少なく than two weeks.?


Mr Ellwood later compared?the mayhem at Kabul airport 'Saigon 2.0,' akin it to US 避難/引き上げ of South Vietnam's 資本/首都 in 1975.

The 前進する of the North Vietnamese 誘発するd the US to 避難させる thousands of its 国家のs and 軍隊/機動隊s 同様に as South Vietnamese 非軍事のs who had helped during the war. The most 劇の images 伴う/関わるd the 避難/引き上げ of people from the roof of the US 大使館.

'If this is not Saigon 2.0, I don't know what is,' Ellwood said. 'Is this how we thought we'd 出発/死 Afghanistan? I repeat my call for a UK 調査.'

一方/合間 労働 leader Sir Keir Starmer has called on the 政府 to 'get UK 国家のs out', but 追加するd 'we also have an 義務 to all of those Afghans who helped and 補助装置d the UK, and we shouldn't have nice distinctions between this type of person, this type of help, and that type of help.'?

'If those in Afghan have helped us, the UK, in our work in Afghanistan, we have got an 義務 to them.'

He said on the longer and medium-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 there needs to be '安全な and 合法的な 大勝するs for 難民s'.

Families of 兵士s who died on previous 小旅行するs of Afghanistan have criticised the British and US 政府s' 扱うing of the 撤退 from the nation.

Graham Knight, father of 25-year-old RAF Sergeant Ben Knight who was killed when his Nimrod 航空機 爆発するd in Afghanistan in 2006, said the British 政府 should have moved more quickly to get 非軍事のs out.

The 69-year-old said: 'We're not surprised that the Taliban have taken over because as soon as the Americans and the British said they were going to leave, we knew this was going to happen.

'The Taliban made their 意図 very (疑いを)晴らす that, as soon as we went out, they would move in. As for w hether people's lives were lost through a war that wasn't winneable, I think they were.

'I think the problem was we were fighting people that were native to the country. We weren't fighting テロリストs, we were fighting people who 現実に lived there and didn't like us 存在 there.'

Discussing the (映画の)フィート数 of people 猛烈に climbing on to 計画(する)s in Kabul to escape, Mr Knight said: 'I feel very sorry for them, they're 明白に fighting for their lives. Anybody who feels like that is in a desperate 状況/情勢. It's like Saigon all over again.'

The 落ちる of Saigon happened when 軍の 職員/兵員 避難させるd the former southern 資本/首都 of Vietnam in 1975 after the North Vietnamese army 逮捕(する)d the city, 主要な to the end of the Vietnam War.

Mr Knight went on: 'I think it was all started too late again. It [the 避難/引き上げ 過程] should have started about a week ago. My main worry is some hothead American, or British hothead, will decide that the Taliban isn't behaving how they want, shoot at them and that will be it.'

While Ian Sadler, whose 21-year-old 州警察官,騎馬警官 son Jack died when his Land Rover struck a 地雷 in Afghanistan in 2007, told PA: 'I was surprised the Americans and the 同盟(する)s had so much 信用/信任 in the Afghan 国家の army.

'Why did they think the Afghan 国家の army would be able to keep the Taliban 支援する based on just numbers alone? Why did our 政府 and 同盟(する)s have so much 信用/信任 in them?

'It 証明するd to be rubbish, really. Why did the 大統領,/社長 say Kabul will never 落ちる when, at the same time, he must have been planning his escape?

'To pull them out so quickly like that... I would have thought it would have been more of a 戦略の advantage to 減ずる the British and American 影響(力). When the Nato 軍隊s were pulled out so sud denly, the Afghan 国家の Army were left without any direction.'

The 71-year-old 追加するd: 'I don't think any of the British 政府s - 労働, 連合 or 保守的な - have 扱うd the 状況/情勢 in Afghanistan 特に 井戸/弁護士席... The level of support given to our 兵士s in Afghanistan was trivial.

'It wasn't until we were out there for about 10 years that the 緊急の 操作の 必要物/必要条件s (機の)カム in. Why weren't our 兵士s equipped with 地雷-保護するd 乗り物s? We would have lost a lot いっそう少なく.'??

It comes after the US 政府 said late on Sunday all staff from the US 大使館 in Kabul and were at the airport. 外交官/大使 Ross Wilson were both seen arriving at Kabul airport, as other Americans still in the country were ordered to 避難所 in place.?

最初, the 目的(とする) had been to have staff 除去するd within 72 hours, but the Taliban's 前進するs across the Afghan 資本/首都 Kabul 誘発するd the 即座の 除去 of all staff.

Former 大統領 Donald Trump sent a 声明 to his 信奉者s on Sunday calling on 大統領 Joe Biden to '辞職する in 不名誉' まっただ中に the Taliban's 引き継ぎ/買収 of Afghanistan after the 撤退 of US 軍隊/機動隊s.

'It is time for Joe Biden to 辞職する in 不名誉 for what he has 許すd to happen to Afghanistan, along with the tremendous 殺到する in COVID, the 国境 大災害, the 破壊 of energy independence, and our 手足を不自由にする/(物事を)損なうd economy,' Trump said in an email.

He continued perpetuating his (人命などを)奪う,主張する that Biden won the 大統領/総裁などの地位 経由で 選挙 詐欺, 結論するing the email: 'It shouldn't be a big 取引,協定, because he wasn't elected legitimately in the first place.'?

Earlier Sunday, he 問題/発行するd another 声明 公然と非難するing the Biden 行政 over the 撤退 of US 軍隊/機動隊s from Afghanistan.

'悲劇の mess in Afghan istan, a 完全に open and broken 国境, 罪,犯罪 at 記録,記録的な/記録する levels, oil prices through the roof, インフレーション rising, and taken advantage of by the entire world―DO YOU MISS ME YET?' he said in a short emailed 声明 on Friday.

The Trump 行政 交渉するd the 条件 of a US 撤退 in 会談 with the Taliban last year. Now the 速度(を上げる) of a Taliban 前進する has 動揺させるd 公式の/役人s three weeks ahead of 大統領 Biden's August 31 最終期限 to bring all 軍隊/機動隊s home.?

Biden has 繰り返して said he has no 悔いるs about 押し進めるing ahead with his 時刻表/予定表, 主張するing there was no choice but to 身を引く American 軍隊/機動隊s because he would not 'pass this war' to another 大統領,/社長.??

A?US Chinook ヘリコプター 飛行機で行くs over the city of Kabul as 外交の 乗り物s leave the 構内/化合物 after the Taliban 前進するd on the Afghan 資本/首都

The Chinook helic
opter was seen taking to the skies above the city - just like in 1975 when a US Marine helicopter was seen evacuating embassy staff from Vietnamese capital (pictured)

The Chinook ヘリコプター was seen taking to the skies above the city - just like in 1975 when a US 海洋 ヘリコプター was seen 避難させるing 大使館 staff from Vietnamese 資本/首都 (pictured)

A man sits inside the frame of a airplane engine while waiting for an evacuation flight out of Kabul after the Taliban took the capital on Sunday

A man sits inside the でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れる of a airplane engine while waiting for an 避難/引き上げ f light out of Kabul after the Taliban took the 資本/首都 on Sunday

Pictured:?Afghans crowd at the tarmac of the Kabul airport on August 16, 2021, to flee the country as the Taliban were in control of Afghanistan after President Ashraf Ghani fled the country and conceded the insurgents had won the 20-year war

Pictured:?Afghans (人が)群がる at the tarmac of the Kabul airport on August 16, 2021, to 逃げる the country as the Taliban were in 支配(する)/統制する of Afghanistan after 大統領 Ashraf Ghani fled the country and 譲歩するd the 謀反のs had won the 20-year war

Pictured:?Pakistan's soldiers check the documents of stranded A
fghan nationals wanting to return to Afghanistan at the Pakistan-Afghanistan border crossing point in Chaman on August 16, 2021

Pictured:?Pakistan's 兵士s check the 文書s of 立ち往生させるd Afghan 国家のs wanting to return to Afghanistan at the Pakistan-Afghanistan 国境 crossing point in Chaman on August 16, 2021

Pictured:?People struggle to cross the boundary wall of Hamid Karzai International Airport to flee the country after rumors that foreign countries are evacuating people even without visas, after Taliban took control of Kabul, Afghanistan, August 16

Pictured:?People struggle to cross the 境界 塀で囲む of Hamid Karzai International Airport to 逃げる the country after 噂するs that foreign countries are 避難させるing people even without ビザs, after Taliban took 支配(する)/統制する of Kabul, Afghanistan, August 16

Thousands of Afghans were at Hamad Karzai airport
Desperate Afghans tried to flee the country after the Taliban swept Kabul on Sunday

Thousands of Afghans were at Hamad Karzai airport 猛烈に trying to 逃げる the country after the Taliban swept the 資本/首都 on Sunday

US troops are guarding the airport and have taken over air traffic control, but all non-military flights are grounded
Soldiers fired warning shots in the air to prevent hundreds of civilians running onto the tarmac

US 軍隊/機動隊s are guarding the airport and have taken over 空気/公表する traffic 支配(する)/統制する, but all 非,不,無-軍の flights are grounded. 兵士s 解雇する/砲火/射撃d 警告 発射s in the 空気/公表する to 妨げる hundreds of 非軍事のs running の上に the tarmac, a US 公式の/役人 said

US soldiers take up their positions as they secure the airport in Kabul after the Taliban walked into the capital, forcing President Ashraf Ghani to flee

US 兵士s (問題を)取り上げる their positions as they 安全な・保証する the airport in Kabul after the Taliban walked into the 資本/首都, 軍隊ing 大統領 Ashraf Ghani to 逃げる

Thousands of?Afghans gathered at Kabul's Hamid Karzai airport, but all commercial services have been suspended, with only military flights leaving the country as the UK, US and other western countries repatriate their citizens

Thousands of?Afghans gathered at Kabul's Hamid Karzai airport, but all 商業の services have been 一時停止するd, with only 軍の flights leaving the country as the UK, US and other western countries 本国に送還する their 国民s

Taliban members were seen patrolling the streets of Kabul on Monday morning after sweeping across the capital on Sunday

Taliban members were seen patrolling the streets of Kabul on Monday morning after 広範囲にわたる across the 資本/首都 on Sunday

Taliban fighters removed the Afghan national flag and raised the group's white flag in Kabul on Sunday after sweeping across the country and forcing President Ashraf Ghani to flee

Taliban 闘士,戦闘機s 除去するd the Afghan 国家の 旗 and raised the group's white 旗 in Kabul on Sunday after 広範囲にわたる across the country and 軍隊ing 大統領 Ashraf Ghani to 逃げる

Taliban fighters ride through the city of Kabul on Monday, after a stunningly swift end to Afghanistan's 20-year war, as thousands flee

Taliban 闘士,戦闘機s ride through the city of Kabul on Monday, after a stunningly swift end to Afghanistan's 20-year war, as thousands 逃げる

Taliban members were seen patrolling the streets of Kabul on Monday as the US and UK hurried to evacuate their ambassadors and citizens from Afghanistan

Taliban members were seen patrolling the streets of Kabul on Monday as the US and UK hurried to 避難させる their 外交官/大使s and 国民s from Afghanistan

Taliban fighters guard a roadside near the Zanbaq Square in Kabul on Monday aft
er the group swept the capital, forcing President Ashraf Ghani to flee

Taliban 闘士,戦闘機s guard a 道端 近づく the Zanbaq Square in Kabul on Monday after the group swept the 資本/首都, 軍隊ing 大統領 Ashraf Ghani to 逃げる

Taliban fighters raise their flag at the Ghazni provincial governor's house, in Ghazni, southeastern, Afghanistan, Sunday, Aug. 15, 2021

Taliban 闘士,戦闘機s raise their 旗 at the Ghazni 地方の 知事's house, in Ghazni, southeastern, Afghanistan, Sunday, Aug. 15, 2021

Hundreds of thousands of Afghanis have been displaced from their homes in recent weeks by fighting, with fears that could swell to millions if entire country falls

Hundreds of thousands of Afghanis have been 追い出すd from their homes in 最近の weeks by fighting, with 恐れるs that could swell to millions if entire country 落ちるs

Iran's new ultraconservative 大統領 Ebrahim Raisi on Monday said that the '敗北・負かす' of the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs in Afghanistan must 勧める in a 持続する peace in the 隣人ing, war-wracked country.

'The 軍の 敗北・負かす and the US 撤退 from Afghanistan should 申し込む/申し出 an 適切な時期 to 回復する life, 安全 and 継続している peace in that country,' Raisi said, 引用するd by his office.

The 大統領/総裁などの地位 声明 (機の)カム after the Taliban 掴むd 支配(する)/統制する of Kabul, but it did not について言及する the Taliban nor the 落ちる of the Afghan 資本/首都.

Raisi, who made the 発言/述べるs in a call with 去っていく/社交的な Iran's 外務大臣 Mohammad Javad Zarif, said the Islamic 共和国 手配中の,お尋ね者 good relations with Afghanistan. Iran was 'closely 監視するing the 進化 of events in Afghanistan' and wants go od neighbourly 関係 with it, he said.

Raisi 仕事d Zarif and Iran's 最高の 国家の 安全 会議 to give him updated 報告(する)/憶測s on the 状況/情勢 in Afghanistan, the 声明 追加するd.

Iran 株 a 900km (560 mile) 国境 with Afghanistan, and hosts nearly 3.5 million Afghans, によれば the UN 難民 機関.

ロシアの 外交官/大使 to 会合,会う Taliban in Kabul Tuesday?

Russia said its 外交官/大使 to Afghanistan will 会合,会う with the Taliban in Kabul on Tuesday and that it will decide on whether to recognise the new 政府 based on its 行為/行う.

'Our 外交官/大使 is in 接触する with the Taliban leadership, tomorrow he will 会合,会う with the Taliban 安全 調整者/コーディネーター,' foreign 省 公式の/役人 Zamir Kabulov said in an interview with the Ekho Moskvy 無線で通信する 駅/配置する on Monday.

He said the 会談 between Moscow's 外交官/大使, Dmitry Zhirnov, and the Taliban would centre on how the group 計画(する)s to 供給する 安全 for the ロシアの 大使館 in the Afghan 資本/首都.

On Sunday, as the Taliban 完全にするd its 軍の 引き継ぎ/買収 of Afghanistan, Kabulov said that Russia had no 計画(する)s on 避難させるing its 大使館 - though on Monday he said that 'part' of its staff would be '避難させるd'.

Kabulov also said that Moscow will decide on recognising the new Taliban 政府 based 'on the 行為/行う of the new 当局'.

'We will carefully see how responsibly they 治める/統治する the country in the 近づく 未来. And based on the results, the ロシアの leadership will draw the nece ssary 結論s,' Kabulov said.

In 最近の years, Russia has sought to reach out to the Taliban and has hosted Taliban 代表者/国会議員s in Moscow several times, most recently last month.

Moscow is closely watching for a 可能性のある spillover of the 不安定 into 隣人ing ex-Soviet Central Asian countries where Russia 持続するs 軍の bases.?

報告(する)/憶測ing by AFP?


In 1998, Taliban 軍隊/機動隊s entered the Iranian 領事館 in the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif, 殺人,大当り several 外交官s and an 公式の/役人 news 機関 新聞記者/雑誌記者.

The Taliban later said they had been killed by individuals 事実上の/代理 独立して, but Tehran held the movement 責任がある the deaths, which 誘発するd 乱暴/暴力を加える and nearly 誘発する/引き起こすd an Iranian 軍の 介入 in Afghanistan.

分析家s say Tehran is taking a pragmatic 姿勢 on the Taliban's resurgence in Afghanistan.

On Sunday the Iranian foreign 省 said it had 減ずるd its 外交の presence in Afghanistan.

The 告示 (機の)カム すぐに after the Taliban reached the 郊外s of the Afghan 資本/首都.

Foreign 省 広報担当者 Saeed Khatibzadeh said a 骸骨/概要 staff remained at Iran's Kabul 大使館 and that 従業員s had been also 避難させるd from three of out of five 外交の 使節団s in other Afghan cities.

Zarif 一方/合間 held Monday a 会合 in Tehran with 中国's special (外交)使節/代表 for Afghanistan Yue Xiaoyong, the foreign 省 said.

The 会談 焦点(を合わせる)d on the 状況/情勢 in Afghanistan, it said.

Zarif on Sunday said that 'Iran stands ready to continue its 調停(の) 成果/努力s' in Afghanistan.

'暴力/激しさ and war - like 占領/職業 - never solve problems,' he wrote on Twitter.

His 会談 with the Chinese (外交)使節/代表 come as a 政府 spokeswoman in Beijing on Monday said 中国 was ready to 深くする 'friendly and 協同組合' 関係 with Afghanistan.

一方/合間 Pakistan's 明言する/公表する-run 航空機による says it has 停止(させる)d all flights to Afghanistan's 資本/首都 of Kabul because of the 'uncertain 安全 状況/情勢' there.?

広報担当者 Abdul lah Hafeez said Monday that Pakistan International 航空機によるs decided to 保護する 乗客s, the 乗組員 and the 計画(する)s after 協議するing the Afghan civil 航空 当局. He spoke as 大使館s 緊急発進するd to 避難させる 職員/兵員 and Afghan 従業員s through the airport.?

Australia is sending three 輸送(する) and 空気/公表する-to-空気/公表する 燃料再補給するing jets with 250 軍の 職員/兵員 to 本国に送還する more than 130 Australians and their families from Afghanistan, 公式の/役人s said on Monday.

Australia is also working to 避難させる an 公表されていない number of 難民s, Australian 総理大臣 Scott Morrison said in a 声明.

An Airbus A330 定期航空機 修正するd for 空中の 燃料再補給するing would support US-led 操作/手術s in Afghanistan later this week, Australia's 弁護 Department said in a 声明. Two C-17A Globemaster 激しい 輸送(する) 航空機 would also be sent to the Middle East, the 声明 said.

Australia shut its Kabul 大使館 in May and withdrew the last of its 軍隊/機動隊s from Afghanistan in June.?

Germany (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 Angela Merkel said 兵士s would be (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd to Afghanistan to help with the 避難/引き上げ of Germany 国家のs and Afghans in danger from the Taliban, 議会の sources said.

The 政府 is planning to 捜し出す a 委任統治(領) from 議会 to 許す the (軍隊などの)展開,配備 of as many as 'several hundred 兵士s', the sources told AFP, 特記する/引用するing a 要点説明 by Merkel to leaders of 議会の groups late on Sunday.?

Taliban 指揮官 'spent eight years in Guantanamo Bay'?

A Taliban 命令(する) r (人命などを)奪う,主張するd he spent eight years in Guantanamo Bay in a 勝利を得た speech from inside the 大統領の Palace in Kabul as the 交戦的なs 宣言するd an Islamic 明言する/公表する of Afghanistan after the country's 大統領,/社長 joined thousands of Afghan 国家のs in a 集まり exodus.

Taliban 闘士,戦闘機s marched into the 古代の palace on Sunday and 需要・要求するd a '平和的な 移転 of 力/強力にする' as the 資本/首都 city descended into 大混乱, with US ヘリコプターs 避難させるing 外交官s from the 大使館 in scenes echoing the 1975 落ちる of Saigon which followed the Vietnam War.

There were 大混乱/混沌とした scenes at Kabul airport where thousands of desperate Afghans are 集会 in an 試みる/企てる to 逃げる the country. Fighting and 殺到s broke out between 乗客s before 商業の flights were stopped and only 軍の 計画(する)s 出発/死d the 終点s which are now guarded by US 軍隊/機動隊s.

The Al-Jazeera news channel livestreamed the 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 from inside the palace, which showed a group of Taliban 闘士,戦闘機s sitting at the 大統領's desk before a 闘士,戦闘機 (人命などを)奪う,主張するd he was a former inmate of the US-controlled Guantanamo Bay 拘留,拘置 centre in Cuba.

設立するd by George W Bush in 2002, 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd テロリストs have been 拘留するd without 裁判,公判 and 拷問d at the 施設. Donald Trump 調印するd an (n)役員/(a)執行力のある order to keep the centre open 無期限に/不明確に in 2018, while in February the Biden 行政 公約するd to shut Guantanamo 負かす/撃墜する.

A 広報担当者 for the Taliban's political office told Al-Jazeera TV on Sunday that the war is over in Afghanistan and that the type of 支配する and the form of 政権 will be (疑いを)晴らす soon.


The 部隊d 明言する/公表するs had earlier 解放(する)d a 声明 with more than 65 nations 勧めるing the Taliban to let Afghans leave the country, 警告 of accountability for any 乱用s.

UN 長官 General Antonio Guterres 勧めるd the Taliban and all parties to '演習 抑制' and said the 権利s of women and girls, who 苦しむd under the previous Taliban 政権, must be 保護するd.?

Pen Farthing, 創立者 of animal 救助(する) charity Nowzad, has 追加するd his 発言する/表明する to the calls, pleading with the British 政府 to 避難させる his 71 staff from Kabul.?

He has 公約するd not to leave Afghanistan until his staff are 認めるd 安全な passage to the UK. The Charity has 開始する,打ち上げるd a (選挙などの)運動をする called 操作/手術 Ark to fundraise £200,000 to 避難させる staff and animals.?

The US 政府 has 主張するd in 最近の days that its two 10年間s of war in Afghanistan was a success, defined by quashing the Al-Qaeda 脅し.

大統領 Joe Biden also said he was 決定するd there was no choice but to 身を引く American 軍隊/機動隊s, as he would not 'pass this war' の上に another 大統領,/社長.

But Washington was left shocked by the 早い 崩壊(する) of the Afghan 政府, and critics have said the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs' 評判 as a 全世界の 力/強力にする has been 不正に (名声などを)汚すd.

'America's 信用性 as an 同盟(する) is 減らすd,' said Husain Haqqani, Pakistan's former 外交官/大使 to the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs.

The Taliban 解放する/自由なd thousands of 囚人s as they swept across the country as the police melted away in 最近の days.?There were scattered 報告(する)/憶測s of 略奪するing and 武装した men knocking on doors and gates.

The Taliban (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd 闘士,戦闘機s at major 交差点s and sought to 事業/計画(する) 静める, 広まる ビデオs showing 静かな city streets.

'Ther e were a few Taliban 闘士,戦闘機s on each and every road and 交差点 in the city,' Shah Mohammad, a 55-year-old gardener, said after coming to work in the 外交の 4半期/4分の1. He said there was いっそう少なく traffic than usual and より小数の people out on the streets.

Suhail Shaheen, a Taliban 広報担当者, tweeted that 闘士,戦闘機s had been 教えるd not to enter any home without 許可 and to 保護する 'life, 所有物/資産/財産 and 栄誉(を受ける).'??

The 速度(を上げる) of the Taliban 前進する has taken almost everyone by surprise and Afghans who had 調書をとる/予約するd 商業の flights to escape the Taliban 直面する 存在 軍隊d to remain in Afghanistan.

西部の人/西洋人s will be 避難させるd by their home nations on 軍の flights but the Taliban has said that it will not 許す Afghan 国民s to leave.

Tens of thousands of interpreters and 公式の/役人s who helped the Western-支援するd Afghan 政府 are desperate to escape the country for 恐れる of 報復s by the Taliban.

On Sunday the US led more than 65 nations in 勧めるing the resurgent Taliban to let Afghans leave the country, 警告 of accountability for any 乱用s.?

'The 部隊d 明言する/公表するs joins the international community in 断言するing that Afghans and international 国民s who wish to 出発/死 must be 許すd to do so,' 国務長官 Antony Blinken wrote on Twitter as the 明言する/公表する Department 解放(する)d a 声明 調印するd by its の近くに 同盟(する)s.?

'Those in positions of 力/強力にする and 当局 across Afghanistan 耐える 責任/義務 - and accountability - for the 保護 of human life,' the 共同の 声明 said.?

A NATO official said all commercial flights had been suspended and only military aircraft were allowed to operate. The alliance said it was helping to keep the airport running (pictured: Scenes at Kabul airport)

A 北大西洋条約機構 公式の/役人 said all 商業の flights had been 一時停止するd and only 軍の 航空機 were 許すd to operate. The 同盟 said it was helping to keep the airport running (pictured: Scenes at Kabul airport)?

Harrowing pictures show people waiting near Kabul Airport's runway to escape from the country's capital - as the Taliban entered the presidential palace

Harrowing pictures show people waiting 近づく Kabul Airport's 滑走路 to escape from the country's 資本/首都 - as the Taliban entered the 大統領の palace

Pictured: Chaotic scenes at Kabul airport as Taliban forces enter Kabul amid a withdrawal of western forces
Pictured: Chaotic scenes at Kabul airport as Taliban forces enter Kabul amid a withdrawal of western forces

Pictured: 大混乱/混沌とした scenes at Kabul airport as Taliban 謀反のs enter Kabul まっただ中に a 撤退 of western 軍隊s

Images show Kabul Airport descending into chaos as the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan continues
Images show Kabul Airport descending into chaos as the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan continues

Images show Kabul Airport descending into 大混乱 as the Taliban 引き継ぎ/買収 of Afghanistan continues

Scenes from the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul are pictured above

Scenes from the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul are pictured above

Pictured: Scenes at the airport in Kabul as the Taliban enter Afghanistan's capital

Pictured: Scenes at the airport in Kabul as the Taliban enter Afghanistan's 資本/首都?

Ex-Nato 長,指導者 says Raab's holiday まっただ中に Afghan 危機 'staggering'?

A former Nato 長,指導者 has said they are 'staggered' Dominic Raab was on holiday as Afghanistan fell to the Taliban.

Lord Robertson, a 労働 大臣 before becoming 長官-general of the 軍の 同盟 said the 状況/情勢 had not been taken '本気で'.?

'You've got to be on 義務 during that sort of period where we are so 深く,強烈に and intimately 伴う/関わるd in it,' he told the BBC's Good Morning Scotland programme.

Looking at the British 扱うing of the war in Afghanistan in the past 20 years, the former Nato 長官-general said: 'We 耐える a big 責任/義務 ourselves.

'We never really took Afghanistan and the 衝突 there with the 真面目さ that it 需要・要求するd.

'We sent people into danger, 軍隊/機動隊s into danger and people died and yet we were not fully, it would appear, committed to the (選挙などの)運動をする that was going on there.

'I've been 批判的な all along about our country not taking this 状況/情勢 本気で and now the chickens have come home to roost and we're 直面するing a humiliation and a 災害 for all of our people.'?


A 北大西洋条約機構 公式の/役人 said all 商業の flights had been 一時停止するd and only 軍の 航空機 were 許すd to operate. The 同盟 said it was helping to keep the airport running.?

に引き続いて a 会合 of the 政府's Cobra 緊急s 委員会 on Sunday, Boris Johnson his 優先 was to get UK 国家のs and Afghans who had worked with them out of the country 'as 急速な/放蕩な as we can'.

'We are going to get as many as we can out in the next few days,' he said.

Around 4,000 British 国家のs and 適格の Afghans are thought to be in the city and in need of 避難/引き上げ.

When the 操作/手術 Pitting 救助(する) 操作/手術, 伴う/関わるing 600 軍隊/機動隊s, was 発表するd at the end of last week, Defence 長官 Ben Wallace said it could carry on through the 残り/休憩(する) of the month.

However the 速度(を上げる) of the Taliban 前進する 示唆するs that there may only be a short window of a few days to get people out.

In a 調印する of the desperate 状況/情勢 the British 外交官/大使 Sir Laurie Bristow was said to be helping the small team of 外交官s still in the country to 過程 the 使用/適用s of those hoping to leave.

There was particular 関心 for the safety of Afghans who worked with British 軍隊s when they were in the country as interpreters and other 役割s まっただ中に 恐れるs of 報復s if they 落ちる into the 手渡すs of the 謀反のs.

The Taliban 主張するd that they were 捜し出すing a 平和的な 引き継ぎ/買収 of 力/強力にする and were 用意が出来ている to 申し込む/申し出 an 恩赦,大赦 to those who had worked with the Afghan 政府 or with foreign 政府s.

However those 保証/確信s were 存在 扱う/治療するd with 深い scepticism by many British MPs まっただ中に 報告(する)/憶測s of 脅しs to those who remain and their families.

ひどく 武装した Taliban 闘士,戦闘機s fanned out across the 資本/首都, and several entered Kabul's abandoned 大統領の palace.?

Suhail Shaheen, a Taliban 広報担当者 and 交渉者, said that the 交戦的なs would 持つ/拘留する 会談 in the coming days 目的(とする)d at forming an 'open, inclusive Islamic 政府.'

But he 辞退するd to 保証(人) that Afghans would be 許すd to leave the country, telling the BBC: 'We need all Afghans to stay'.?

He said Taliban 軍隊s would not attack 北大西洋条約機構 teams 監督するing 避難/引き上げs, but said 援助(する) organisations and foreign 大使館s should stay, 説 'We won't 傷つける them'.

Boris Johnson has 公約するd to get as many as possible of the Afghans who worked with the UK out of the country as the Taliban stood 均衡を保った to take 支配(する)/統制する of the 資本/首都 Kabul.

With 大統領 Ashraf Ghani fled, and 謀反の 闘士,戦闘機s surrounding the 資本/首都, the 総理大臣 said the 状況/情勢 was '極端に difficult'.

'The Taliban have won with the 裁判/判断 of their swords and guns, and are now 責任がある the honour, 所有物/資産/財産 and self-保護 of their countrymen,' Ghani said after 逃げるing.

After 議長,司会を務めるing a 会合 of the 政府's Cobra contingencies 委員会 he said the UK was 決定するd to work with 同盟(する)s to 妨げる the country again becoming a '産む/飼育するing ground for terror'.

Britain has sent 600 軍隊/機動隊s - 含むing Paras from 16 空気/公表する 強襲,強姦 旅団 - to 補助装置 in the 操作/手術.

一方/合間 other Western countries were 緊急発進するing to get their people out, with ヘリコプターs 往復(する)ing from the US 大使館 to the airport while smoke was seen coming from the 大使館 rooftop as 外交官s 燃やすd 極度の慎重さを要する 構成要素.

国務長官 Antony Blinken had said earlier on Sunday that US 大使館 staff were フェリー(で運ぶ)d by ヘリコプター from the diplo matic 構内/化合物 to the airport, about? 5km (3 miles) away on the northeastern 味方する of the city.

'We're working to make sure that our 職員/兵員 are 安全な and 安全な・保証する. We're relocating the men and women of our 大使館 to a 場所 at the airport,' Blinken told ABC news.

Asked if the 避難/引き上げ was evocative of the US 出発 from Vietnam in 1975, he said: 'Let's take a step 支援する. This is manifestly not Saigon.'???

Special Forces units are joining 600 British troops from the 16 Air Assault Brigade, including 150 Paratroopers, to begin airlifting more than 500 British Government employees out of Kabul. Pictured:?Members of Joint Forces Headquarters get prepared to deploy to Afghanistan

Special 軍隊s 部隊s are joining 600 British 軍隊/機動隊s from the 16 空気/公表する 強襲,強姦 旅団, 含むing 150 Paratroopers, to begin airlifting more than 500 British 政府 従業員s out of Kabul. Pictured:?Members of 共同の 軍隊s (警察,軍隊などの)本部 get pr epared to (軍隊を)展開する,配備する to Afghanistan

UK military personnel boarding an RAF Voyager aircraft at RAF Brize Norton on August 14, 2021 to travel to Afghanistan

UK 軍の 職員/兵員 搭乗 an RAF Voyager 航空機 at RAF Brize Norton on August 14, 2021 to travel to Afghanistan

The Taliban standing on a roadside in Kandahar after taking over more parts of Afghanistan. The scale and speed of the Taliban advance has shocked Afghans and the US-led alliance that poured billions into the country

The Taliban standing on a 道端 in Kandahar after taking over more parts of Afghanistan. The 規模 and 速度(を上げる) of the Taliban 前進する has shocked Afghans and the US-led 同盟 that 注ぐd billions into the country

People wait at the airport in Kabul as the Taliban roll back into the country's capital

People wait at the airport in Kabul as the Taliban roll 支援する into the country's 資本/首都?

Taliban are seen inside the presidential palace in Kabul amid 
a withdrawal of western forces

Taliban are seen inside the 大統領の palace in Kabul まっただ中に a 撤退 of western 軍隊s

Last days of the US 大使館 in Kabul: 神経 centre of the war on terror is 存在 gutted of all 極度の慎重さを要する 構成要素 as staff and 中央情報局 資産s

The US 大使館 in Kabul - the 神経 中心 of the war on terror - is 存在 gutted of all its 極度の慎重さを要する 構成要素 and 避難させるd in 72 hours, as the Taliban coils around Afghanistan's?資本/首都.?

The 大使館's demise will create an 知能 無効の that could 急落(する),激減(する) the US into pre-9/11 blindness, unless it can find another nearby country that will 許す it 再構築する its 秘かに調査する 中心.??

For the past 20 years, the US 大使館 in Kabul has gathered 広大な 量s of (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) that 形態/調整d?counterterrorism 軍の 活動/戦闘s - such as precision drone strikes - and 妨げるd another 9/11-type attack.?

The 場所 許すd 中央情報局 スパイ/執行官s to 会合,会う with sources and 監視する the Taliban, Al Qaeda and other テロリスト organizations in the 地域.??

'When the time comes for the US 軍の to 身を引く, the US 政府's ability to collect an d 行為/法令/行動する on 脅しs will 減らす. That's 簡単に a fact,'?中央情報局 Director 法案 燃やすs told 上院議員s in April.??

Everyone in the 大使館 - except Bureau of 外交の 安全 Service スパイ/執行官s and 最高の,を越す decisionmakers, 含むing the 外交官/大使 - will be out of the country before the end of Tuesday.???

安全 Engineers will also stay behind as they continue to 燃やす, shred and pulverize 20 years 価値(がある) of 知能 蓄える/店d on electronics and in 文書s.?

大使館 or 機関 logos, American 旗s 'or items which could be misused in 宣伝 成果/努力s' are also considered to be 極度の慎重さを要する 構成要素s and will be destroyed.?

The 軍の is 用意が出来ている to lower the American 旗 飛行機で行くing above the 大使館 - at the 明言する/公表する Department's order - signaling the 大使館's 公式の/役人 終結.?


Sources told Reuters that most U.S staff were 推定する/予想するd to be 避難させるd from Kabul in the coming day or two.

A 北大西洋条約機構 公式の/役人 said all 商業の flights had been 一時停止するd and only 軍の 航空機 were 許すd to operate. The 同盟 said it was helping to keep the airport running.

フラン and Germany, members of 北大西洋条約機構, said on Sunday they were moving their 外交官s to the airport and sending 軍の 輸送(する) 計画(する)s to Kabul to 避難させる their 国民s and their Afghan helpers.

A US 知能 査定/評価 earlier in the week had said Kabul could be encircled in 30 days and could 落ちる to the Taliban within 90 days, but the 謀反のs 逮捕(する)d most of Afghanistan's major cities in いっそう少なく than a week and entered the 資本/首都 on Sunday.

Some 4,200 people remained in the US 大使館 until Thursday, when the Taliban's 早い 伸び(る)s 軍隊d the Biden 行政 to begin 飛行機で行くing in thousands of 軍隊/機動隊s to help pull out many of the remaining 外交官s.

The (軍隊などの)展開,配備 含むd an 付加 1,000 兵士s from the 82nd 空輸の 分割, who 大統領 Joe Biden said on Saturday would help 避難させる 国民s and 確実にする an '整然とした and 安全な' drawdown of US 軍の 職員/兵員.

On Sunday, US 公式の/役人s said they were 重さを計るing whether more 軍隊/機動隊s were needed. Another 3,000 are on 代替要員,物 in Kuwait.

Washington 投資するd billions of dollars over four US 行政s in Afghan 政府 軍隊s, giving them advantages over the Taliban, but they were unable to defend the country in the 直面する of the 交戦的なs' 前進する, Blinken told CNN.

The 部隊d 明言する/公表するs' 初めの 使節団 in Afghanistan, 開始する,打ち上げるd to 追い出す al Qaeda 長,指導者 Osama 貯蔵所 Laden after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, had been 実行するd, Blinken said, 説 Washington had 妨げるd その上の attacks by 交戦的なs harbored by the Taliban.

But Biden has 直面するd rising 国内の 批評 after sticking to the 計画(する) to 身を引く, which was agreed under his 共和国の/共和党の 前任者 Donald Trump. On Saturday, Biden defended his 決定/判定勝ち(する), 説 an 'endless American presence in the middle of another country's civil 衝突 was not 許容できる to me'.

共和国の/共和党の 国会議員 Michael McCaul said a Taliban 引き継ぎ/買収 would 生き返らせる the 脅し to the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs.

'We are going to go 支援する to a pre-9/11 明言する/公表する. A 産む/飼育するing ground for テロ行為,' he told CNN on Sunday.

Biden met with his 国家の 安全 team on Sunday by 安全な・保証する videoconference from the 大統領の 退却/保養地 at (軍の)野営地,陣営 David to hear updates on 避難/引き上げs and the 安全 状況/情勢, a White House 公式の/役人 said.

US 上院 大多数 Leader Chuck Schumer, a 民主党員 like Biden, said at a news 会議/協議会 that the safety of US 職員/兵員 and of Afghans who supported the Americans should be Washington's 最高の,を越す 関心.

'職業 number one is for us to bring 支援する, first, all American 職員/兵員... But second, all of the 勇敢に立ち向かう Afghans who helped our 軍の, they have to be 供給するd an 出口 to come to America,' Schumer said.

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