From hangry to TTC: Some of the new words and acronyms 追加するd to the Oxford Dictionary

  • Mansplain: A man explaining something "needlessly, overbearingly, or condescendingly, 特に to a woman, in a manner thought to 明らかにする/漏らす a patronising or chauvinistic 態度".
  • Me time: When an individual 充てるs time to doing what they want ーするために relax
  • Hangry: When someone is "bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger".
  • Snowflake: An 侮辱 to 述べる someone who is "極端に 極度の慎重さを要する or as feeling する権利を与えるd to special 治療 or consideration". The word once had 肯定的な connotations and was used to 述べる children with a unique personality and 可能性のある.
  • Ransomware: Malicious ソフトウェア that can be used to carry out cyber attacks
  • Tomoz: Short for 'tomorrow'
  • TTC: trying to conceive
  • BFN Big fat 消極的な
  • BFP: Big fat 肯定的な
  • CIO: Cry it out, as a means of baby sleep training.



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