New Cybertruck owners are re-selling EVs for more than $200,000 - as Tesla 脅すs to 取り消す orders and 問題/発行する $50,000 罰金s

  • 可能性のある Cybertruck owners agree to the 制限する 条件 when they pre-order
  • Reseller (人命などを)奪う,主張するd he hadn't sold it, but had '名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d on 多重の 場所/位置s to feel it out'
  • READ MORE: CarMax is buying Cybertrucks for $25k below their 小売 price

New Cybertruck owners are bound to a 契約 that 禁じるs them from re-selling the EV before one year or 直面する a $50,000 罰金.

Some daring individuals have 解任するd the 脅し and are 試みる/企てるing to flip their futuristic トラックで運ぶ on car selling 場所/位置s - and some are going for more than $200,000. 設立する at least 20 resale listings, depending on the website, and some?appeared to be 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d on 多重の 場所/位置s.?

For example, the Cybertruck with 乗り物 身元確認,身分証明 number (VIN) ending in 0978 is 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d on 自動車 仲買人, Car Gurus,, and others for $249,998 - this 中央の-範囲 all-wheel-運動 model costs $79,990 from Tesla.

While these owners may think they are going unnoticed, one new Cybertruck owner had his 保留(地)/予約 取り消すd after Tesla 暴露するd their 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)ing before the car was even 配達するd.?

Many Cybertruck owners have posted the vehicle for resale on sites like Car Gurus. Some appear to be dealerships, while others appear to be private sellers.

Many Cybertruck owners have 地位,任命するd the 乗り物 for resale on 場所/位置s like Car Gurus. Some appear to be dealerships, while others appear to be 私的な 販売人s. found at least 20 resale listings, depending on the website, and some appeared to be listed on multiple sites 設立する at least 20 resale listings, depending on the website, and some appeared to be 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d on 多重の 場所/位置s

Based on the pre-order 契約 that 買い手s 調印する when they place their $100 deposit, any owner who 転売するs the トラックで運ぶ within one year of buying it new can be 告訴するd by Tesla for either $50,000 or the 利益(をあげる) they make on the sale - whichever number is higher.

One new owner 地位,任命するd on the Cybertruck Owners Club message board on Sunday 説 that he had been 接触するd by Tesla after 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)ing his 乗り物 for sale.

H is two remaining 保留(地)/予約s have since been 取り消すd, and the would-be Cybertruck flipper may have been banned from making 未来 Tesla 購入(する)s, によれば an email he 株d from Tesla.

The would-be Cybertruck flipper shared part of an email he received from Tesla. The email said Tesla would cancel his future orders without a refund, but he said he didn't know if that applied to all Tesla vehicles or just the Cybertruck

The would-be Cybertruck flipper 株d part of an email he received from Tesla. The email said Tesla would 取り消す his 未来 orders without a refund, but he said he didn't know if that 適用するd to all Tesla 乗り物s or just the Cybertruck has 接触するd Tesla to 確認する his 見解/翻訳/版 of events.

READ MORE:?How Cybertruck became THE must-have celebrity car?

Renowned tennis player Serena Williams, filmmaker Spike 物陰/風下, Kim Kardashian, Hayley and Justin Bieber and rapper Bad Bunny are の中で the many celebrities who own the $100,000 futuristic EV.


The Cybertruck owner is an IT 経営者/支配人 指名するd Dennis from Arizona, based on his Cybertruck Owners Club profile.

He is not the first to try to sell the hot new electric トラックで運ぶ for a markup, which has a long waiting 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる).

Dennis from Arizona also (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d the トラックで運ぶ on 多重の 場所/位置s 'to feel it out,' and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd he had not yet sold it.?

He wrote on the message board that he assumed Tesla had 設立する his Car Gurus 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)ing, which 含むd his car's VIN.

'I 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d it for a ridiculous number because I thought it was funny. $242,069,' he wrote.

As of Monday, a?Car Gurus 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)ing?belonging to Dennis in Arizona was still up, where the car is now 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d for $192,069.?

No other listings of a Cybertruck with the same VIN were live on other car 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)ing 場所/位置s at the time.

Dennis said he had had two more Cybertrucks reserved, both of which are now 報道によれば 取り消すd.

He wrote that he received refunds for those, but he was 警告するd by a Tesla 蓄える/店 leader that if he tried to make any more 保留(地)/予約s, those would be 取り消すd without refunds, によれば an email he 株d on the car club 会議:

'Moving 今後, any 未来 orders placed by you will be cancelled without a r efund of the $100 保留(地)/予約 of $250 order 料金 as 公式の/役人 notification has been 供給するd to you regarding this 事柄,' the message read.

The listing for Dennis's Cybertruck was still live on the Car Gurus website as of Monday. He had lowered the price by $50,000, though.

The 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)ing for Dennis's Cybertruck was still live on the Car Gurus website as of Monday. He had lowered the price by $50,000, though.

At least 20 different Cybertrucks are 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d for sale online, most at or around $200,000 - 多重の times what the car 小売s for

The Tesla Pre-Order 協定?for the Cybertruck is (疑いを)晴らす on its 条件:

'Tesla and its (v)提携させる(n)支部,加入者s sell cars 直接/まっすぐに to end-消費者s, and we may 片側だけに 取り消す any order that we believe has been made with a 見解(をとる) toward resale of the 乗り物 or that has さもなければ been made in bad 約束.?

'We may also 取り消す your pre-order and refund your Pre-Order 支払い(額) if we discontinue a 製品, feature or 選択 after the time you place your pre-order or if we 決定する that you are 事実上の/代理 in bad 約束.'

Dennis 報告(する)/憶測d that he did not know whether Tesla would '減少(する) the 大打撃を与える' for the $50,000.?

One commenter 公式文書,認めるd that the would-be Cybertruck flipper was lucky Tesla had not remotely 無能にするd his 乗り物.?