EXCLUSIVEIs this the 未来 of working from home? People are making '数字表示式の clones' of themselves that …に出席する Zoom 会合s and answer emails

People around the globe are creating 数字表示式の 'clones' to work for them in the real world, 許すing them to enjoy life and still make a million-dollar salary.

Music 生産者 !Illmind recently 開始する,打ち上げるd 'all his 知恵' with an AI-力/強力にするd bot called 'BlapGPT' that 供給するs advice to aspiring 生産者s, and 代案/選択肢 薬/医学 支持する?Deepak Chopra created a lifelike-AI 見解/翻訳/版 of himself that for Zoom calls.

The 需要・要求する for clones has 覆うd the way for startups, with some 説 these 数字表示式の 創造s feature '人工的な consciousness.'?

DailyMail.com spoke with the 創立者 of Delphi who said it uses podcasts, ビデオs, PDFs and other 類似の content to 生成する an 正確な clone 有能な of mimicking the 使用者's thoughts and speech - and it the 過程 can take as little as one hour.

Alternative medicine advocate Deepak Chopra created a lifelike-AI version (pictured) of himself that for Zoom calls
Deepak Chopra (real photo) uses his AI to speak with people around the world

代案/選択肢 薬/医学 支持する Deepak Chopra created a lifelike-AI 見解/翻訳/版 of himself that for Zoom calls

Dara Ladjevardian, co-創立者 at Delphi, said that online creators, influencers and 商売/仕事 professionals are using Delphi to create 'clones' of themselves and have taught their 数字表示式の persona to interact just like the real person.

The company 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s a 月毎の 料金 for 数字表示式の clones, starting at $19 and up to $399, but 顧客s can 支払う/賃金 for more features like a clone phone number.

Influencers can also link up their 数字表示式の 創造s to apps like Spotify and Instagram, but Delphi takes a 15 パーセント to 10 パーセント (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限.

Ladjevardian explained that 顧客s come to Delphi's 'Clone Studio' to create a 事実上の 見解/翻訳/版 of themselves.

Women are 40% more likely to have their 職業s 取って代わるd by AI?



'The clone will learn how they think about the world,'?Ladjevardian said.

'We have a 準備完了 得点する/非難する/20 to show how 'ready' a clone is in 代表するing that person.

'They can also upload their 発言する/表明する, so the clone learns how they speak 同様に.'

People have to show Delphi photo ID while creating their 'clone' so people can't create unauthorized clones to impersonate others.

Ladjevardian said that coaches and 専門家s are using the service to reach more people.?

'Coaches or 専門家s whose time is usually very expensive can now 許す infinitely many people to learn from them in a personalized way, at a much lower cost (or for 解放する/自由な),' he said.

Ladjevardian believes that one day everybody will have a clone.?

Music producer !Illmind recently launched 'all his wisdom' with a an AI-powered bot called 'BlapGPT' that provides advice to aspiring producers

Music 生産者 !Illmind recently 開始する,打ち上げるd 'all his 知恵' with a an AI-力/強力にするd bot called 'BlapGPT' that 供給するs a dvice to aspiring 生産者s?

?'We will be 解放(する)ing ビデオ calling end of May - so you can send your clone to a Zoom or Google 会合,会う to take 会合s for you, answering questions and 集会 (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状),' the co-創立者 continued.

In Japan, Alt.AI creates ビデオ clones of people that are so 現実主義の they even look impatient when you don't type when chatting to them.

Illmind's clone can teach people how to break into the music industry (Delphi.AI)

Illmind's clone can teach people how to break into the music 産業 (Delphi.AI)?

Alt.AI has cloned 100 従業員s with the clones 吸収するing data from emails, Slack and other communications - and able to communicate on the 従業員s に代わって.

The clones continue to work even when 従業員s are on vacation - and are paid by the company.

Alt.AI 誇るs, 'Ours is the world's first and only salary system that 支払う/賃金s 付加 salaries to the 従業員s themselves based on the 生産性 of their AI clones.'

The company created a clone of Kou Takimoto, 大統領 of Dentsu 数字表示式の last year, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that the photo- real ビデオ clone has '人工的な consciousness.'

Alt.AI has 誇るd that the cloned boss can 株 his 'personality, thoughts, 管理/経営 philosophy, and other topics that are 普通は difficult for 従業員s to ask questions about or communicate with' with ordinary 労働者s.

The start-up Coachvox.AI has 顧客s who 支払う/賃金 up to $47 a month to 接近 a 数字表示式の clone of themselves - with the clone 申し込む/申し出ing life coaching and 商売/仕事 coaching based on the real person's thoughts.

This boss cloned himself so normal workers can speak to him (Alt.AI)

This boss cloned himself so normal 労働者s can speak to him (Alt.AI)?

Alt.AI cloned the boss of Dentsu last year and has cloned 100 employees (Alt.AI)

Alt.AI cloned the boss of Dentsu last year and has cloned 100 従業員s (Alt.AI)?

Jodie Cook, 創立者 of Coachvox.AI told DailyMail.com that clones trained on a person's YouTube and their own thoughts are far superior to AI systems like ChatGPT.

'If you ask ChatGPT to 述べる a happy 関係, it will give you an answer based on all of its training data. The answer will be generic and weak because it's based on the 普通の/平均(する) of the entire internet, said Cook.

'If you ask a 関係 coach to 述べる a happy 関係, they will tell you their strong opinions. These opinions are why their audience follows them.?

'When that 関係 coach makes their 数字表示式の clone, their audience can be coached based on those strong opinions, not generic internet (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状).

Coachvox.ai has already helped 'hundreds' of creators 開始する,打ち上げる their 数字表示式の clones - with some already 収入 thousands of dollars a month, and others seeing their clones engage with thousands of (弁護士の)依頼人s, the 創立者 explained.

'It's (疑いを)晴らす that coaches and thought leaders cannot ignore AI. As their audience becomes used to personalized knowledge, on 需要・要求する, around the clock, it makes sense that they position themselves to be that ever 現在の 専門家 発言する/表明する, within their 明確な/細部 産業,'?Cook said.

Cook believes clone 科学(工学)技術 will become 普及した.

She said, 'As 科学(工学)技術 改善するs the 数字表示式の clones will be more 正確な and 有能な of 成し遂げるing コンビナート/複合体 仕事s and 持つ/拘留するing very high 質 conversations.

'Societal norms 加える 科学技術の 進歩s equal mainstream 行為.'