Boston Dynamics has 明かすd a new 見解/翻訳/版 of its Atlas humanoid robot, showing its creepy movements that make it look like something out of a sci-fi horror movie.

The Massachusetts-based ロボット工学 company 株d a ビデオ of the 最新の humanoid, showing it pulling its 脚 behind its 長,率いるs to stand up - in a way that the public said 'looked like something out of The Exorcist.'

This new 見解/翻訳/版 誇るs 共同のs that let the machine bend and move in ways that the human 団体/死体 can't - unlike the 初めの, rigid Atlas that was famous for dancing and doing parkour.

The company also 計画(する)s to sell the 最新の humanoid robot, but the price has yet to be 公表する/暴露するd, and it is 始める,決める to begin its first 職業 at Hyundai's factories next year.

Boston Dynamics announced the new version of its humanoid robot Atlas, featuring a ring light as its face.

Boston Dynamics 発表するd the new versio n of its humanoid robot Atlas, featuring a (犯罪の)一味 light as its 直面する.

READ MORE:?Boston Dynamics' $75,000 robot dogs join the New York 解雇する/砲火/射撃 Department to help with search and 救助(する) 使節団s?

Their rollout (機の)カム いっそう少なく than a year after the New York Police Department (NYPD) was 軍隊d to 終結させる its 契約 with Boston Dynamics まっただ中に 関心s about privacy.

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The new robot appeared to move 完全に different compared to the old one, which was shown in the ビデオ 告示.

In the clip, new Atlas can be seen rising from the 床に打ち倒す with eerie, smooth precision before 回転/交替ing 180 degrees at the waist and neck.?

The old Atlas had hydraulic actuators at its 共同のs, which moved by pumping 与圧するd fluid in and out of them.

This type of system is powerful, enabling the robot to run and jump with twitching 速度(を上げる) and intensity.

But it's not very smooth, and the robot could only move each 共同の about 20 degrees.

Human 肘s, by comparison, can bend about 130 to 153 degrees.

For the new Atlas, Boston Dynamics 溝へはまらせる/不時着するd the hydraulics in 好意 of an all-electric design.

This 申し込む/申し出s 多重の advantages, the company has (人命などを)奪う,主張するd: The electric モーターs in the 共同のs will be stronger than the hydraulic actuators, and they will 申し込む/申し出 a broader 範囲 of 動議.

The new Atlas can 回転/交替 360 degrees at all of its 共同のs.

The new design will also give the robot more ways to 支配する and carry 反対するs, Boston Dynamics (人命などを)奪う,主張するd.

The new Atlas has all electric joints that can swivel 360 degrees, so even though it looks humanoid, it can move much more flexibly than the human body can.

The new Atlas has all electric 共同のs that can swivel 360 degrees, so even though it looks humanoid, it can move much more flexibly than the human 団体/死体 can.

This is important because Boston Dynamics ーするつもりであるs for the new Atlas to be used in 製造業の, carrying parts to and from the 議会 line.

Therefore, it's important for Atlas 'to 会合,会う a diverse 始める,決める of 推定する/予想するd 巧みな操作 needs in 顧客 環境s,' によれば the company's 告示.

In other words, it will be able to carry different things.?

This robot is not a forklift with 脚s, though. In fact, it is not even meant to be able to carry boxes at all.?

In many 事例/患者s, the parts ゆだねるd to Atlas will be bulky, or they will be 異常に 形態/調整d, so it's important for the robot's 武器 to be able to 融通する many different 形態/調整s and sizes.

And while it is 形態/調整d like a human, the robot is designed to move 'in the most efficient way possible to 完全にする a 仕事, rather than 存在 constrained by a human 範囲 of 動議.'

In the announcement video, Atlas can be seen slowly rising from the floor, unencumbered by the usual limits of human joints.

In the 告示 ビデオ, Atlas can be seen slowly rising from the 床に打ち倒す, unencumbered by the usual 限界s of human 共同のs.

The new Atlas has a blank, round face with a light. This is a major change from the old Atlas, which did not have a head that could move around.

The new Atlas has a blank, 一連の会議、交渉/完成する 直面する with a light. This is a major change from the old Atlas, which did not have a 長,率いる that could move around.

In the 11 years since Boston Dynamics first 発表するd Atlas, the change to electric 共同のs is a major 精密検査する.

And rightly so, によれば?Robert Playter, 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある at Boston Dynamics.

'We 手配中の,お尋ね者 t o have a machine that, when we did 発表する, said to the world that Boston Dynamics just 始める,決める the 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 for humanoids again,' he told the Boston Globe.?

In the time since the company started 株ing ビデオs of Atlas, it seems like everyone has gotten into the humanoid robot 部門.

Tesla has been working on its Optimus robot, 株ing a ビデオ of it walking around the factory?with a shuffling but smooth gait this February.

In October, アマゾン 発表するd 計画(する)s to begin using humanoid robots in its 倉庫/問屋s.

Residents in the Bronx, New York stopped dead in their tracks as the four-legged robotic dog trotted down East 227th Street in February 2021.

居住(者)s in the Bronx, New York stopped dead in their 跡をつけるs as the four-legged robotic dog trotted 負かす/撃墜する East 227th Street in February 2021.

But Playter said Atlas will be at home in factories, not 倉庫/問屋s.

'It's really the 兵たん業務 within factories of moving the part to the 議会 line,' he said, pointing out that the 普通の/平均(する) factory robot has difficulty 扱うing 半端物 形態/調整s. 'I don't really think it's boxes. If you're going to 選ぶ up boxes or 貯蔵所s, there's another robot you should go build.'?

If all goes 井戸/弁護士席 with the Hyundai factory 実験(する) run next year, Boston Dynamics will 拡大する to a small number of other 製造業者s.

Atlas is 均衡を保った to be the company's third 商業の robot, after the dog-like 位置/汚点/見つけ出す and the box-荷を降ろすing Stretch.

位置/汚点/見つけ出す rolled out in 2019, and in 2021 it earned and lost a place on the New York Police Department.

The NYPD had 恐らく planned to use the dog in 危険な 救助(する) 使節団s, but the city 取り消すd the 契約 after 激しい抗議 over 関心s that the expensive robots were part of 過度の police militarization.

In 2021, the company (機の)カム out with Stretch, which is meant to 負担 and 荷を降ろす boxes on トラックで運ぶs and 倉庫/問屋 床に打ち倒すs.


Atlas the most human-like robot in Boston Dynamic's line-up.?

It was first 明かすd to the public on 11 July 11 2013.

によれば the company, Atlas is a 'high mobility, humanoid robot designed to 交渉する outdoor, rough 地形'.

Atlas 対策?1.5m (4.9ft) tall and 重さを計るs 75kg (11.8st).

The humanoid walks on two 脚s, leaving its 武器 解放する/自由な to 解除する, carry, and manipulate 反対するs in its 環境.

Atlas is able to hold its balance when it is jostled or pushed by an external force. Should it fall over, the humanoid robot is capable of getting up again on its own

Atlas is able to 持つ/拘留する its balance when it is jostled or 押し進めるd by an 外部の 軍隊. Should it 落ちる over, the humanoid robot is 有能な of getting up again on its own

Stereo 見通し, 範囲 sensing and other sensors 許す Atlas to walk across rough 地形 and keep its balance.

'In 極端に challenging 地形, Atlas is strong and 連係させた enough to climb using 手渡すs and feet, to 選ぶ its way through congested spaces,' Boston Dynamics (人命などを)奪う,主張するs.

Atlas is able to 持つ/拘留する its balance when it is jostled or 押し進めるd.

If the humanoid robot should 落ちる over, it can get up on its own.

Atlas is designed to help 緊急 services in search and 救助(する) 操作/手術s.

The robot will be used to shut-off 弁s, 開始 doors and operate 力/強力にするd 器具/備品 in 環境s where human 救助者s could not 生き残る.

The US Department of Defence said it has no 利益/興味 in using Atlas in 戦争.

Atlas is 有能な of ―??

  • Standing up after 落ちるing over
  • Running
  • Balancing on a 狭くする beam
  • きれいにする, 含むing vacuuming and 広範囲にわたる
  • Karate kick
  • Throwing a paper aeroplane