Plastic 産業 is heating up Earth's atmosphere TWICE as 急速な/放蕩な as the 全世界の 航空機による 産業, 熟考する/考慮する (人命などを)奪う,主張するs

The 航空機による 産業 is 悪名高い for ダンピング thousands of トンs of 温室 gases into Earth's? atmosphere each year, but a new 熟考する/考慮する finds the plastics 産業 is 多重の times worse.

Scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley 国家の 研究室/実験室 暴露するd the plastic 産業 解放(する)s 同等(の) of 2.5 billion トンs of 炭酸ガス into the atmosphere each year - compared to the 航空機による 産業's 1 billion トンs.?

Most of the news about plastic 関心s garbage, which ends up in the oceans?and even the human 団体/死体, but plastic creates astounding 量s of atmosphere-warming gases long before it's ever even used, the scientists 設立する

全世界の plastic 生産/産物 - which runs on oil and uses 石油 byproducts to make the synthetic 構成要素 - 汚染するs the atmosphere as much as 600 coal powerplants - this is three times as many as 存在する across the entire US.

Plastic production, which uses petroleum products, is a leading source of greenhouse gases generated in the US.

Plastic 生産/産物, which uses 石油 製品s, is a 主要な source of 温室 gases 生成するd in the US.?

Plastic creates pollution at both the beginning of its life, when the factories that make it produce greenhouse gases, and at the end of its life, when it litters the natural world and leeches into humans' bodies.

Plastic creates 汚染 at both the beginning of its life, when the factories that make it produce green house gases, and at the end of its life, when it litters the natural world and leeches into humans' 団体/死体s.

READ MORE:?World's plastic 汚染 脅し is a 'planetary 緊急,' によれば the 環境の 調査 機関

A 全世界の 条約 will be needed to fight the 危機, the damning 報告(する)/憶測 警告するd.


'The 生産/産物 of most plastic 製品s is 事業/計画(する)d to 増加する exponentially, 強調する/ストレスing planetary 境界s through a 3倍になる 危機 of 気候 change, biodiversity loss, and 汚染,' 研究員s wrote in the 政府-基金d 熟考する/考慮する.

'Plastics' 衝撃 on the 気候 will only grow in the coming 10年間s, as 生産/産物 is 推定する/予想するd by 産業 分析家s to at least 二塁打 by 2050.'

If that happens, they 予報する the resulting 全世界の heating will cost $38 一兆.?

'気候 change will 原因(となる) 大規模な 経済的な 損害賠償金 within the next 25 years in almost all countries around the world, also in 高度に-developed ones such as Germany, フラン and the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs,' said lead author Leonie Wenz of the Potsdam 学校/設ける.?

Yet most of the public and 科学の 焦点(を合わせる) on plastics is on what happens to them once they become trash.

This ignores a 抱擁する part of the picture, though, によれば the scientists behind the 報告(する)/憶測.

'The 速く 増加するing 生産/産物 of plastics and the continued 依存 on 化石 燃料s for 生産/産物, have 与える/捧げるd to 非常に/多数の 環境の problems and health 害(を与える)s,' 研究員s wrote.?

'As a result, plastic 汚染 has become an 増加するing 脅し to natural ecosystems, human health and 気候.'

However, they 追加するd, there is not enough (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) out there on how plastic 製造業の 与える/捧げるs to 温室 gas 放出/発行s and the 全体にわたる '炭素 予算' that must be met to keep 全世界の warming below a 2.7 or 3.6? degrees Fahrenheit 全世界の rise in 気温.

The 炭素 予算 is the 量 of 炭素 that can be emitted and still 落ちる below those numbers.?

Their 事業/計画(する) 目的(とする)d to fill in those gaps.

It 焦点(を合わせる)d on the 化石 燃料s used at every step of the plastic 生産/産物 過程, 含むing the energy used for 製造業の and the 石油 製品s that (不足などを)補う the plastic itself.

The 熟考する/考慮する 診察するd the 量 of 温室 gas 放出/発行s from the nine different 化石 燃料-based plastics that (不足などを)補う 80 パーセント of plastic 生産/産物.

The 見本 含むd?ポリエチレン (PE), used in plastic 捕らえる、獲得するs,?polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 設立する in 麻薬を吸うs and a plastic used in car parts - の中で others.

Nine types of plastic make up about 80 percent of the world's plastic, but each type of plastic has different recycling and manufacturing requirements, making it difficult to make blanket recommendations.

Nine types of plastic (不足などを)補う about 80 per cent of the world's plastic, but each type of plastic has different 再生利用するing and 製造業の 必要物/必要条件s, making it difficult to make 一面に覆う/毛布 推薦s.

Global plastic production emits more greenhouse gases than 600 coal-fired powerplants - triple the number of coal plants in the entire US.

全世界の plastic 生産/産物 放出するs more 温室 gases than 600 coal-解雇する/砲火/射撃d powerplants - 3倍になる the number of coal 工場/植物s in the entire US.

What they 設立する was that 製造業の these nine plastics accounted for about 2.24 gigatonnes of 炭酸ガス 同等(の) per year (GtCO2e), a 手段 of the 全世界の warming 可能性のある of all the different 温室 gases produced, 含むing methane and nitrous 酸化物.

2.24 gigatonnes is about 2.5 billion トンs.?

These 放出/発行s made up 5.3 パーセント of 全世界の 温室 gas 放出/発行s, 除外するing land use changes and 植林学.?

And even under a modest 率 of plastic 産業 growth, these numbers would 急上昇する in the coming years, the scientists 設立する.

'Under a 保守的な growth シナリオ' of 2.5 パーセント a year, 温室 gas 放出/発行s from plastic 製造業の 'would more than 二塁打 to 4.75 GtCO2e by 2 050, accounting for 21-26% of the remaining 全世界の 炭素 予算 to keep 普通の/平均(する) 気温 増加するs below 1.5°C PUT FAHRENHEIT IN ( ), 研究員s wrote.

This 研究 追加するs a 決定的な piece of the plastics picture left out by much of the 報告(する)/憶測ing on plastic waste.

And indeed, plastic waste is wreaking havoc on the 環境 and on human health.?

Millions of トンs of plastic are floating in the world's oceans, scientists 見積(る).

And this trash breaks 負かす/撃墜する into microscopic fragments called microplastics that have been shown to 蓄積する in the brain, 腎臓s, 肝臓, and even placenta, 減ずるing fertility and 増加するing people's 危険 of inflammation-linked 条件s like inflammatory bowel 病気, 癌, and Alzheimer's.

Airline pollution is particularly concerning because it is released so high up in the atmosphere, but plastic production creates 2.5 times as much CO2-equivalent emissions.

航空機による 汚染 is 特に 関心ing because it is 解放(する)d so high up in the atmosphere, but plastic 生産/産物 creates 2.5 times as much CO2-同等(の) 放出/発行s.

Coal powerplants, too, are notoriously dirty and bad for the climate, but they produce just a fraction of the greenhouse gases that plastic production does.

Coal powerplants, too, are 悪名高くも dirty and bad for the 気候, but they produce just a fraction of the 温室 gases that plastic 生産/産物 does.

Microplastics are so ubiquitous that they've even been 設立する in the clouds.?< /p>

But the 害(を与える) begins long before plastic 製品s have the 適切な時期 to become waste.

It begins at the beginning, when the plastic is made, and it comes in the form of 惑星-heating 温室 gas 放出/発行s, which the new 熟考する/考慮する 論証するs are 重要な.?

The cost of all this 汚染 is not just paid in 全世界の warming, but also in the actual 財政上の costs of 取引,協定ing with a heating 惑星.

And a 熟考する/考慮する published this week in the 定期刊行物 Nature showed just how high that cost is.

A team of German scientists 設立する that continuing to use 化石 燃料s costs six times more than it would take the world to 移行 to renewable energy.

These costs 含む not just the costs of 試みる/企てるing to 除去する 炭素 from the atmosphere, but the 衝撃 of 気候 change on labor, 農業, and flood 損失.

Of course, there are some 状況/情勢s where plastics are necessary, 特に in 薬/医学: 洗浄器/皮下注射/浣腸器s, IV tubes, 包帯 一括ing - the 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) goes on and on.?

The 研究員s behind the new 熟考する/考慮する are not 提案するing a 禁止(する) all plastics, but 示唆する 規模ing the 産業 支援する.?

除去するing 非,不,無-必須の use of plastics without 代案/選択肢s, such as microbeads in きれいにする 製品s, could lead to a 削減 in 全世界の [温室 gas] 放出/発行s from 最初の/主要な plastic 生産/産物 予定 to a 削減 in 生産/産物 容積/容量,' they wrote.

'However, the [温室 gas] 衝撃 could be different if 最初の/主要な plastic 生産/産物 is 減ずるd by using 代案/選択肢?構成要素s or 再生利用するing.'