Inside 'world's deadliest 洞穴' that could 原因(となる) next pandemic: Kitum in Kenya gave rise to Ebola and '注目する,もくろむ bleeding' Marburg ウイルス

Carved by the tusks of elephants, who visit its caverns to 捨てる the 塀で囲むs for salt, Kitum 洞穴 in?Kenya hosts some of the deadliest pathogens known to man.

In 1980, a French engineer from a nearby sugar factory 契約d the 団体/死体-melting Marburg ウイルス from visiting Kitum 洞穴, which resides within the 活動停止中の 火山 at the heart of Kenya's 開始する Elgon 国家の Park. He died quickly at?a Nairobi hospital.

'Connective tissue in his 直面する is 解散させるing, and his 直面する appears to hang from the underlying bone,' a 調書をとる/予約する on the 事例/患者 述べるd the man's 早い decay from the viral hemorrhagic or 血-letting fever, 'as if the 直面する is detaching itself from the skull.'?

Seven years later, Kitum 洞穴 took another 犠牲者,?a Danish schoolboy on vacation with his family. The boy died of a 関係のある?hemorrhagic ウイルス, now called Ravn ウイルス.

Scientists now realize that the 洞穴's valued salty minerals, which have made it a 目的地 not just for elephants, but also western Kenya's buffaloes, antelope, ヒョウs and hyenas, has turned Kitum into an incubator for zoonotic 病気s.??

Carved ever deeper by the tusks of elephants, who visit to scrape its walls for salt, Kitum cave in Kenya hosts some of the deadliest diseases known to man

Carved ever deeper by the tusks of elephants, who visit to 捨てる its 塀で囲むs for salt, Kitum 洞穴 in Kenya hosts some of the deadliest 病気s known to man

In 1980, a French engineer from a nearby sugar factory contracted the body-melting Marburg virus from visiting the cave, which resides within the dormant volcano at the heart of Kenya's Mount Elgon National Park. He died quickly at a Nairobi hospital.
Scientists now realize that the cave's valued salty minerals, which have made it destination not just for
 elephants, but also western Kenya's buffaloes, antelope, leopards and hyenas, has turned Kitum into an incubator for zoonotic diseases

In 1980, a French engineer from a nearby sugar factory 契約d the 団体/死体-melting Marburg ウイルス from visiting the 洞穴, which resides within the 活動停止中の 火山 at the heart of Kenya's 開始する Elgon 国家の Park. He died quickly at a Nairobi hospital

When Kitum was first discovered, 研究員s did not know what to make of the 捨てるs and scratches along its 塀で囲むs ― theorizing that 古代の Egyptian 労働者s had excavated the 場所/位置 in search of gold or diamonds.?

The 現実化 that the 600-foot 深い 洞穴 had been continually 深くするd and 広げるd by elephants, only to become a 港/避難所 for 病気-carrying bats, (機の)カム later.

The 部隊d 明言する/公表するs Army 医療の 研究 学校/設ける of 感染性の 病気s (USAMRIID) 開始する,打ち上げるd an 探検隊/遠征隊 into Kitum 洞穴 after the 1980s 出来事/事件s, wearing 与圧するd, filtered?Racal 控訴s, but struggled to identify the 種類 責任がある the spread of the deadly pathogens to humans.

But, over a 10年間 later, Marburg リボ核酸 was (悪事,秘密などを)発見するd in a seemingly healthy?Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus) pulled from the 洞穴 in July 2007.?

貯蔵所s of the deadly ウイルス were pre sent in the 妊娠している 女性(の) bat's 肝臓, spleen, and 肺 tissue.

Scientists have since 設立する 広大な 量s of 保護の?'type 1 インターフェロン 遺伝子s' inside these Egyptian fruit bats, 同様に as いわゆる?natural 殺し屋 'NK' 独房 receptors.

'Folks had 以前 looked at a number of bat genomes and not been able to find any 伝統的な NK 独房 receptors,' as Boston University microbiologist?Stephanie Pavlovich?explained to the school's in-house 出版(物) The Brink.

'The bat may be assuaging the ウイルス for a short period of time, trying to 妨げる the ウイルス' growth without making a 十分な-on attack,' によれば Pavlovich's 同僚 microbiologist Tom Kepler.?

'There's something really 利益/興味ing going on here.'

When Kitum was first discovered, researchers did not know what to make of the scrapes and scratches along its walls

When Kitum was first discovered, 研究員s did not know what to make of the 捨てるs and scratches along its 塀で囲むs??

They theorized that ancient Egyptian workers had excavated the site in search of gold or diamonds

They theorized that 古代の Egyptian 労働者s had excavated the 場所/位置 in search of gold or diamonds

The realization that the 600-foot deep cave had been continually deepened and widened by elephants, only to become a haven for disease-carrying bats came later

The 現実化 that the 600-foot 深い 洞穴 had been continually 深くするd and 広げるd by elephants, only to become a 港/避難所 for 病気-carrying bats (機の)カム later

READ MORE: 事例/患者s of dengue fever 殺到する by nearly 50% in a month in Americas まっただ中に '緊急 状況/情勢', UN 機関 says

Jarbas Barbosa, 長,率いる of the Pan American Health Organization, 確認するd more than 5.2 million 事例/患者s of dengue fever across the Americas this year, nearly 50 パーセント up from last month.?


Last year, teams from the 部隊d Nation's?World Health Organization?were (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd across Africa, working at '十分な steam' to 停止(させる) another 突発/発生 of Marburg, which has since been discovered in other 洞穴s, across the continent.

Doctors in the US are also 存在 警告するd to be on the 警戒/見張り for 輸入するd 事例/患者s,?誘発するing 恐れるs that the ウイルス may be spreading under the レーダ.

Marburg ウイルス has been touted as a next? big pandemic 脅し, with the 世界保健機構 述べるing it as '疫病/流行性の 傾向がある'.

It can jump into humans from fruit bats that live across central Africa and can also be spread between people 経由で 接触する with bodily fluids from an 感染させるd person.?

People can also catch the 病気 by touching towels or surfaces that have also come into 接触する with an 感染させるd person.

Marburg ウイルス can incubate in people it 感染させるs for two to 21 days before 原因(となる)ing symptoms.

But 警告 調印するs, when they do 爆発する, 最初 look 類似の to other 熱帯の 病気s like Ebola and malaria.

感染させるd 患者s become 'ghost-like', often developing 深い-始める,決める 注目する,もくろむs and expressionless 直面するs.

But in later 行う/開催する/段階s, it tr iggers bleeding from 多重の orifices 含むing the nose, gums, 注目する,もくろむs and vagina.

There are no ワクチンs or 治療s 認可するd for the ウイルス, with doctors instead having to rely on 麻薬s to 緩和する symptoms and fluids to hydrate 患者s.?