New 法案 in California could axe little-known 支配する that 許すs 明言する/公表する to keep newborn 血 無期限に/不明確に

A little-known?California?法律 that 許すs?the 明言する/公表する to 蓄える/店 baby 血 無期限に/不明確に and sell to third parties?could come to an end.

A new 法案, recently passed in the 明言する/公表する?上院, would give parents the choice to 選ぶ out of the retention and confidential use of their newborn’s 審査 見本/標本, which is taken by a heel?prick at birth to 審査する hereditary 病気s.

The 法案 was moved to Suspense とじ込み/提出する on Monday, where it will be held for consideration until the 予算 is passed. A date has not been 供給するd.?

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has been 蓄える/店ing the 見本s in biobanks since the 1980s, 蓄積するing more than 20 million 血 cards, and is not 要求するd to 知らせる parents about who is 接近ing their child's デオキシリボ核酸.?

California ’s ‘controversial’ handling of newborn blood that lets the state store samples indefinitely and sell to third parties could soon come to an end

California ’s ‘議論の的になる’ 扱うing of newborn 血 that lets the 明言する/公表する 蓄える/店 見本s 無期限に/不明確に and sell to third parties could soon come to an end

However, CDPH has 押し進めるd 支援する on the new 法案 (人命などを)奪う,主張するing it would cost up to $4 million to 器具/実施する and another $1 million a year moving 今後.?

The costs would be needed to rework the 現在の 過程, which would 含む paperwork for parents to 選ぶ out and (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) brochures 詳細(に述べる)ing how 血 見本s are 蓄える/店d and used.?

But CBS News 報告(する)/憶測d that a 類似の 法案 passed in 2015 cost around $120,000 to 器具/実施する - far いっそう少なく than what CDPH has (人命などを)奪う,主張するd. has 接触するd CDPH for comment.?

The 法案, passed by the 上院 in January, could die in (資金の)充当/歳出s 予定 to the costs 特記する/引用するd by CDPH.

If it is passed, the 法案 will move to the 議会 that then nee ds to 決定する if it should or should not go to 知事 Gavin Newson.?

上院議員 Janet Nguyen, who authored the 法案, said: 'By giving parents the 権利 to 禁じる the use and retention of their baby’s 血 見本 for 研究 目的s and 不明確な/無期限の 貯蔵 by the 明言する/公表する, we 支える the ability for parents to 保護する their child’s privacy.'

Genetic newborn 実験(する)ing started in the 1960s with the hopes of (悪事,秘密などを)発見するing 病気s and 条件s that could kill a child or 原因(となる) 厳しい problems.

Nurses fill six 位置/汚点/見つけ出すs on a special filter card when 治めるing the 審査 that is then sent to a lab for 実験(する)ing, but leftover 見本s are 蓄える/店d for the 明確な/細部 許すd time.

によれば the 明言する/公表する of Minnesota's website, 見本s are kept so that 実験(する)s can be repeated, used to identify a 行方不明の or 死んだ child and for 医療の 研究.

While data is sparse regarding how many 見本s have been 蓄える/店d, a 報告(する)/憶測 明言する/公表するs that in 2009, 13.5 billion newborn 血 位置/汚点/見つけ出すs were 倉庫/問屋d 全国的な.

And 報告(する)/憶測s show that most 明言する/公表するs have 蓄える/店d デオキシリボ核酸 since at least 2001.

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) began 蓄える/店ing 見本s 無期限に/不明確に in 明言する/公表する-run biobanks in 1983.

The 明言する/公表する had only filled five 位置/汚点/見つけ出すs on the card but 増加するd to six in the 2010s, which 報告(する)/憶測s have (人命などを)奪う,主張するd are sold for $20 to $40 per 位置/汚点/見つけ出す.

In December 2020, it was 明らかにする/漏らすd that 捜査官/調査官s in California had sought 接近 to newborn 審査 見本s for 犯罪の investigative 目的s and made at least one 逮捕(する) using the genetic 構成要素.

While the 明言する/公表する automatically sends the 血 to a 施設, parents are given a 小冊子 telling them where they can request the 見本s be destroyed.

A CBS News-調査する?USA news 投票 設立する three-4半期/4分の1s of new parents had no idea California was 蓄える/店ing their baby's leftover bloodspots 無期限に/不明確に or that they had the 権利 to have their child's 見本 destroyed.

Another 問題/発行する with 血 貯蔵 is that it 持つ/拘留するs the individual's 極度の慎重さを要する (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状).

'許すing the 政府 to 接近 見本s with such 極度の慎重さを要する (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) for 推論する/理由s other than public health would 本気で 脅す our privacy ― 特に given that our デオキシリボ核酸 明らかにする/漏らすs such (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) not only about us, but also our family members,' the American Civil Liberties Union 株d in a 声明.?

READ MORE:?Baby 血 used to 罪人/有罪を宣告する pedophile of 1996 強姦 誘発するs 倫理的な 審議?

In 2021, Brian Avis, 61, was 罪人/有罪を宣告するd of sexually (性的に)いたずらするing a 10-year-old girl in 1996 after New Jersey police 分析するd the デオキシリボ核酸 of Avis' child, who was born in 2012.?


CDPH may be 押し進めるing 支援する on the 委任統治(領), 特記する/引用するing that it ‘would cost between $3.8 million to $4 million (含むing one-time costs) in the first year and $1.6 million in 現在進行中の costs thereafter to 治める the 準備/条項s of the 法案 (Genetic 病気 実験(する)ing 基金).’

However, the (資金の)充当/歳出s 分析 明言する/公表するs that the costs would be covered by the Genetic 病気 実験(する)ing 基金 (GDTF), not the general 基金.

The 貯蔵 and use of newborn 血 took 中心 行う/開催する/段階 last year after parents in New Jersey 告訴するd the 明言する/公表する after finding police?collected a baby's デオキシリボ核酸 without a 令状 to 調査/捜査する the child's father.

Hannah Lovaglio, a 居住(者) of Cranbury and 原告/提訴人, told in November: 'This is a true parent 権利's 問題/発行する. This is their 団体/死体; this is their 所有物/資産/財産 taken from them from five years of 存在 a minor, and the 明言する/公表する is not 要求するd to give any justification.?

'It is 深く,強烈に 関心ing [that they are] preying on the helplessness of a new parent,' said Lovaglio.

'In your most 攻撃を受けやすい moment, someone is taking something from your child, and you have no idea.'

The 中心s for 病気 支配(する)/統制する and 予防 in Atlanta, Georgia 提案するd a databank of the デオキシリボ核酸-filled newborn 血 位置/汚点/見つけ出すs in 2002 and using them―seemingly without parent 同意―for 付加 目的s beyond the 幼児 genetic 審査 program, によれば the 国民s' 会議 on Health Care.

Some 明言する/公表するs, such as South Carolina and South Dakota, destroy the 血 位置/汚点/見つけ出すs after a year or as soon as 実験(する)ing has been 完全にするd.

Other 明言する/公表するs that 蓄える/店 newborn デオキシリボ核酸 for years have 規則s to 限界 what can be done with the 見本s, and some, like Alabama and Arizona, let parents 辞退する 血 retention.

だいたい 29 US 明言する/公表するs 供給する parents with forms to 辞退する to 審査する, 含むing Alabama, New York and Nevada.

Texas, Minnesota, and Michigan have also 直面するd 訴訟s over their 血 貯蔵 practices, まず第一に/本来 because parents did not 供給する 同意.?

The 2009 訴訟 in Texas, which was 持つ/拘留するing デオキシリボ核酸 無期限に/不明確に, resulted in the 明言する/公表する's 5.3 million 血 見本s, and now, all 血 見本s 得るd after 2012 must be destroyed after two years.

A 2014 解決/入植地 in the Minnesota 訴訟 resulted in 1.1 million 血 見本s 存在 destroyed - the 明言する/公表する began 蓄える/店ing デオキシリボ核酸 in 2014.

In 2022, Michigan, which began retention in 2012, was also 告訴するd to destroy three million 血 位置/汚点/見つけ出すs, but that 訴訟 is 現在進行中の.