• An Ohio-based company opened sales for its flamethrowing robot dog
  • The 'Thermonator' is a four-legged machine with a 炎上 投げる人 on its 支援する
  • READ MORE:??Elon Musk was selling a $600 Boring Company flamethrower

While it may sound like the 陰謀(を企てる) of a 黒人/ボイコット Mirror show, Americans can now 購入(する) a flamethrower-(権力などを)行使するing robot dog online.

Ohio-based Throwflame opened sales for its 'Thermonator' Tuesday, selling its 37-続けざまに猛撃する quadruped machine for $9,420 that is 合法的な in all US 明言する/公表するs except Maryland.

A demonstration ビデオ shows a Thermonator creeping and jumping through a forest before たいまつing its surroundings with a 30-foot jet of 解雇する/砲火/射撃 噴出するing from a 炎上 投げる人 on its 支援する.?

The company did not 述べる its as a new-老年の 武器, but touts the 炎上 throwing robot as 存在 used in wildfire 支配(する)/統制する, 農業の 管理/経営, entertainment and ice 除去.

While it may sound like the plot of a Black Mirror show, Americans can no
w purchase a flamethrower-wielding robot dog online

While it may sound like the 陰謀(を企てる) of a 黒人/ボイコット Mirror show, Americans can now 購入(する) a flamethrower-(権力などを)行使するing robot dog online

Ohio-based Throwflame opened sales for its 'Thermonator' Tuesday, selling its 37-pound quadruped machine for $9,420

Ohio-based Throwflame opened sales for its 'Thermonator' Tuesday, selling its 37-続けざまに猛撃する quadruped machine for $9,420

Throwflame, based in Cleveland, (人命などを)奪う,主張するs to be the oldest flamethrower 製造業者 in the US.

The company 解放(する)d the first-ever 十分な-sized, commercially 利用できる flamethrower in 2015, which shoots 炎上s up to 50 feet.

'This unregulated flamethrower 誘発するd a 重要な マスコミ 返答 relating to 合法性,' Throwflame 株d on its website.

'However, flamethrowers remain federally unregulated.

'This means anyone can buy one without background checks or a waiting period.'

Thermonator appears to be designed like most quadruped robots but has one of Throwflame's 装置s 大(公)使館員d to its 支援する.

The robot dog 誇るs a variety of cameras and sensors, 許すing it to autonomously move throughout its surroundings and find 的s to 始める,決める 燃えて.

The machine is remotely operated - the demonstration ビデオ shows a handler controlling it with a smartphone.

A demonstration video shows a Thermonator creeping and jumping through a forest before torching its surroundings with a 30-foot jet of fire spewing from a flame thrower on its back

A demonstration ビデオ shows a Thermonator creeping and jumping through a forest before たいまつing its surroundings with a 30-foot jet of 解雇する/砲火/射撃 噴出するing from a 炎上 投げる人 on its 支援する

The robot dog boasts a variety of cameras and sensors, allowing it to autonomously move throughout its surroundings and find targets to set ablaze

The robot dog 誇るs a variety of cameras and sensors, 許すing it to autonomously move throughout its surroundings and find 的s to 始める,決める 燃えて

Social マスコミ 使用者s have 重さを計るd in on the machine, comparing it to an episode in the fourth season of 黒人/ボイコット Mirror 肩書を与えるd 'Metalhead.'

The episode 調査するs what could happen if these machines turned on us, 明らかにする/漏らすing the terrifying 追求(する),探索(する) for 生き残り in a world where robo-dogs can outrun and outsmart humans.

X 使用者 略奪する Sheepe 地位,任命するd: 'Some real-life 黒人/ボイコット Mirror 'Metalhead' terror 権利 here. How is this 合法的な?'

However, Maryland is the only US 明言する/公表する that 禁止(する)s flamethrowers - California 要求するs a 許す to own one.

所有するing or using a flamethrower in Maryland is 罰せられるべき by a $250,000 罰金 and up to 25 years 監禁,拘置.?

In 2015, 議会 introduced a 法案 that would 扱う/治療する flamethrowers like machine guns, but was 立ち往生させるd and later 解任するd.