Forget dirty talk! Facial 表現s are more 効果的な to 伝える what you want during sex, scientists say

  • Most people believe facial 表現s are the best way to 高める sex?
  • These help you to communicate what you want without '混乱に陥れる/中断させるing intimacy'?

If the iconic scene from When Harry Met Sally is anything to go by, 性の 遭遇(する)s are characterised by 激しい moaning and groaning.

But 非,不,無-言葉の communication during sex is 重要な to 避けるing '混乱に陥れる/中断させるing intimacy', によれば a new 熟考する/考慮する.

研究員s have discovered that most people believe facial 表現s and cues from 団体/死体 language are the best way to 高める the experience.

A team, led by scientists from Missouri 明言する/公表する University, interviewed 78 関係者s 老年の 18 to 69 and 含むd a mix of genders and 性の orientations.

分析 of their 返答s 明らかにする/漏らすd that 効果的な communication during 性の activities was 意味ありげに 影響(力)d by the level of 信用 and 慰安 felt with a partner.

If the iconic scene from When Harry Met Sally is anything to go by, sexual encounters are characterised by intense moaning and groaning. But non-verbal communication during sex is key to avoiding 'disrupting intimacy', according to a new study

If the iconic scene from When Harry Met Sally is anything to go by, 性の 遭遇(する)s are characterised by 激しい moaning and groaning. But 非,不,無-言葉の communication during sex is 重要な to 避けるing '混乱に陥れる/中断させるing intimacy', によれば a new 熟考する/考慮する

The communication, which most said 高めるd the experience, was predominantly 非,不,無-言葉の.

And many 関係者s said that 団体/死体 movements, facial 表現s and other physical 返答s were より望ましい as they were いっそう少なく likely to interrupt the flow and intimacy of the 遭遇(する).

The 研究員s also 設立する that 関係者s, 特に women, often 差し控えるd from talking honestly about how 満足させるd they were to 避ける 傷つけるing their male partner's feelings.

令状ing in the 定期刊行物 古記録s of 性の Behaviour, the team said: 'These findings have 関わりあい/含蓄s for 性の 楽しみ and how communication during 性の activity helps 容易にする it.

'The findings may help explain why long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 関係s are associated with more orgasms because the partners enjoy more 慰安 with communication.'

Researchers have discovered that most people believe facial expressions and cues from body language are the best way to enhance the experience (stock image)

研究員s have discovered that most people believe facial 表現s and cues from 団体/死体 language are the best way to 高める the experience (在庫/株 image)?

They 追加するd: 'Though 関係者s 報告(する)/憶測d a perception that communicating 楽しみ served as 激励 and affirmation to their partners, most preferred to communicate 楽しみ nonverbally.'

A previous 熟考する/考慮する has 示すd that the noise a woman might make in bed does not やむを得ず correspond to her orgasm.

研究員s asked women to 完全にする a questionnaire about their 性の behaviour, which 含むd 詳細(に述べる)s about how they reached 最高潮 and at which point they were more likely to 表明する themselves vocally.

While most women 投票d said they reached orgasm during foreplay, the 大多数 said they were most likely to vocalise their enjoyment during their partner's 最高潮.

The 研究員s, from the University of Central Lancashire, said the 推論する/理由 for this discrepancy could be that women are 'manipulating male behaviour to their advantage.'


Scientists led by Menelaos Apostolou from the University of Nicosia in Cyprus 不明な asked men on Reddit why they thought they were still 選び出す/独身.

They analysed mo re than 6,700 comments and 明らかにする/漏らすd the 最高の,を越す 43 推論する/理由s why people are unable to find a partner.

Here is the 完全にする 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) ―

  1. Poor looks (含むing baldness, and short stature)
  2. Low self-esteem/信用/信任?
  3. Low 成果/努力?
  4. Not 利益/興味d in 関係s?
  5. Poor flirting 技術s?
  6. Introverted?
  7. Recently broke up?
  8. Bad experiences from previous 関係s?
  9. No 利用できる women?
  10. Overweight?
  11. Different 優先s?
  12. Shyness
  13. Too picky?
  14. 苦悩?
  15. 欠如(する) of time?
  16. Social ぎこちない?
  17. Enjoying 存在 選び出す/独身?
  18. 不景気?
  19. Poor character?
  20. Difficult to find women to match?
  21. Poor mental health
  22. 欠如(する) of 業績/成就s?
  23. Stuck with one girl?
  24. 欠如(する) of social 技術s?
  25. Have not got over previous 関係?
  26. Don’t know how to start a 関係?
  27. 欠如(する) of money?
  28. I do not 信用 women?
  29. Not 選ぶing up 手がかり(を与える)s of 利益/興味
  30. 性の 問題/発行する?
  31. 恐れる of 関係s?
  32. 'I am not 利益/興味ing'
  33. 恐れる of 拒絶?
  34. 'I will not be a good partner'?
  35. Attracted to the wrong women
  36. Homosexual?
  37. Given up
  38. Is not 価値(がある) the 成果/努力?
  39. 恐れる of かかわり合い?
  40. Health ― disability 問題/発行する
  41. Difficult to keep a 関係?
  42. 中毒s
  43. Other?