研究員 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs he's 設立する Plato's 墓/厳粛/彫る/重大な after using AI to decipher 古代の Herculaneum scrolls

  • AI was used to decipher 1,000 more words of the Herculaneum scrolls
  • 研究員s 設立する the text 明らかにする/漏らすd the exact 位置/汚点/見つけ出す where Plato was buried
  • READ MORE:??Students use AI to read more than 2,000 words on scroll

An Italian 研究員 has (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have 設立する the long-lost burial place of the famed Greek philosopher Plato who died around 348 BC.

Graziano Ranocchia used AI to decipher the Herculaneum scrolls, charred papyrus 設立する buried by the 開始する Vesuvius 爆発 in 79AD, 明らかにする/漏らすing new text that pointed to an exact 場所 in Athens.

The 分析 showed Plato was buried in 'The 学院,' a famous school 設立するd by the philosopher in 387 BC, 近づく the いわゆる Museion - a small building sacred to the Muses that no longer stands の中で the 廃虚s.

Ranocchia and his team 暴露するd 1,000 words,?corresponding to 30 パーセント of the text, using the?'bionic 注目する,もくろむ' - and believe they will have the papyrus 完全に 分析するd by 2026.

The analysis showed Plato was buried in 'The Academy,' a famous school founded by the philosopher in 387 BC, near the so-called Museion - a small building sacred to the Muses

The 分析 showed Plato was buried in 'The 学院,' a famous school 設立するd by the philosopher in 387 BC, 近づく the いわゆる Museion - a small building sacred to the Muses

The?team uncovered 1,000 words, corresponding to 30 percent of the text, using the 'bionic eye' - and believe they will have the papyrus completely analyzed by 2026

The?team 暴露するd 1,000 words, corresponding to 30 パーセント of the text, using the 'bionic 注目する,もくろむ' - and believe they will have the papyrus 完全に 分析するd by 2026

'Compared to previous 版s, there is now an almost radically changed text, 暗示するing a number of new and 固める/コンクリート facts about さまざまな academic philosophers,'?Ranocchia said in a 声明.

'の中で the most i mportant news, we read that Plato was buried in the garden reserved for him (a 私的な area ーするつもりであるd for the Platonic school) of the 学院 in Athens, 近づく the いわゆる Museion or sacellum sacred to the Muses.?

'Until now it was only known that he was buried generically in the 学院.'?

Plato, who died around 347BC, is arguably the greatest of all the Greek philosophers.?

With his 助言者 Socrates, and student Aristotle, he laid 負かす/撃墜する the 創立/基礎s of Western philosopher and science.?

The 学院 once sat on the 郊外s of Athens on 所有物/資産/財産 Plato acquired in 387 BC, which is known as the first 会・原則 of higher learning.

The new analysis also revealed that Plato may have been sold into slavery in 399 BC following Socrates' passing or in 404 BC during the Spartan conquest of Aegina

The new 分析 also 明らかにする/漏らすd that Plato may have been sold into slavery in 399 BC に引き続いて Socrates' passing or in 404 BC during the Spartan conquest of Aegina

Until now it had been believed that Plato had been sold into slavery in 387 BC during his stay in Sicily at the court of Dionysius I of Syracuse

Until now it had been believed that Plato had been sold into slavery in 387 BC during his stay in Sicily at the 法廷,裁判所 of Dionysius I of Syracuse

Plato, who died around 347BC, is arguably the greatest of all the Greek philosophers

Plato, who died around 347BC, is arguably the greatest of all the Greek philosophers

Ranocchia and his team have 暴露するd 30 パーセント more text within the Herculaneum papyri than in the previous 1991 版.

The new 分析 also 明らかにする/漏らすd that Plato may have been sold into slavery in 399 BC に引き続いて Socr ates' passing or in 404 BC during the Spartan conquest of Aegina.

'Until now it had been believed that Plato had been sold into slavery in 387 BC during his stay in Sicily at the 法廷,裁判所 of Dionysius I of Syracuse,' said?Ranocchia.

'In another passage, in a 対話 between characters, Plato 表明するs himself contemptuously about the musical and rhythmic abilities of a barbarian musician 初めは from Thrace.'

Ranocchia and his team 始める,決める up a 研究室/実験室 years ago in the Italian 国家の Library in Naples, 許すing easier 接近 to Herculaneum scrolls 蓄える/店d at the 施設.

Using a camera, they took hundreds of photos of the charred 文書 that were 分析するd by an algorithm.

The 研究員s used infrared imaging, which 許すd them to 'see' through the 前線 味方する of the papyrus to the 令状ing on the 支援する, によれば Science.org.

The charred scrolls resurfaced in 1752 in a 郊外住宅 近づく the Bay of Naples that was once believed to belong to the father-in-法律 Julius Caesar, but their contents have remained a mystery as scientists 裁判官d them too 壊れやすい to unfurl.