PETER HITCHENS: ウクライナ共和国's stuck in a stinking ざん壕-戦争 brawl. Why is there no 押し進める for peace?

ウクライナ共和国 now has powerful new American ミサイルs which can travel almost 200 miles. Funnily enough, neither Washington nor Kiev were too keen to make this fact public. But at least two have already been used against 的s in Crimea.

A year ago, the Americans 辞退するd to send 正確に/まさに the same ミサイルs to ウクライナ共和国, on the excuse that they hadn’t any to spare, though the real 推論する/理由 was that they were afraid of how they might be used. This is also why Germany (for now) is not giving its 300-mile-範囲 Taurus ロケット/急騰するs to 大統領 Zelensky.

Look 支援する to the months after Russia’s 侵略, two years ago, and you will find that Nato 力/強力にするs have 刻々と relaxed their 初めの 限界s on what they would give ウクライナ共和国.

US President Joe Biden has given Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky a $60billion aid package

US 大統領 Joe Biden has given Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky a $60billion 援助(する) 一括?

If Vladimir Putin is to fall, writes Peter Hitchens,?I would not count on him being replaced by anyone nicer

If Vladimir Putin is to 落ちる, 令状s Peter Hitchens,?I would not count on him 存在 取って代わるd by anyone nicer

Now, with the 解放(する) of the USA’s $60billion 援助(する) 一括, we can 推定する/予想する a river of 武器s and 弾薬/武器 to flow into the dismal 戦場s of the Don 水盤/入り江. I think we can also be sure that there will be more strikes into ロシアの 領土, even if ウクライナ共和国 says it won’t do this . Russia will carry on 答える/応じるing by 粉砕するing up what is left of ウクライナ共和国’s economy and electricity grid.

Three 結果s are possible. The first is that, a year hence, things are much as they are now, but many more men on both 味方するs are dead or horribly maimed, and more homes destroyed.

The second is that the 前線 line has moved わずかに one way or the other, 加える the deaths and the 破壊 already について言及するd. And the third, which cannot be 支配するd out just because ‘専門家s’ say it is ありそうもない, is that ウクライナ共和国’s 大いに 増加するd firepower will 原因(となる) a ロシアの 崩壊(する) and 敗北・負かす.

This would lead to the 落ちる of Vladimir Putin. If this happens, I would not count on him 存在 取って代わるd by anyone nicer. Rather the 逆転する. In which 事例/患者 Europe will be more 安定性のない than it has been for nearly a century. Who wants this?

What are our war 目的(とする)s? What would be a good 結果? If you listen to the BBC, you would think that a 交渉するd peace would be a horrible thing. The 会社/団体’s ニュース報道 on this 欠如(する)s any 試みる/企てる at balance or reflection. Dissent has been wiped from the airwaves. For 自由主義の Left-wing people in the West have, in the past two 10年間s, become keen warmongers.

Why? にもかかわらず their general sandal-wearing, vegetarian outward 外見, 左派の(人)s have sound 推論する/理由s for liking wars. War 増加するs 明言する/公表する 力/強力にする and centralisation, 課すs regimentation and 検閲 and ? in the past century ? has made Europe far more 社会主義者 than it would ever さもなければ have been.

左派の(人)s are also Utopian idealists, ready to kill and destroy for a glowing distant goal. Utopia can only be approached across a sea of 血, and you never arrive.

The mystery is why political 保守的なs these days are so keen on war, their enemy. The proper 保守的な (and adult) 見解(をとる) of war is that it is a 残念な necessity, 高くつく/犠牲の大きい and destructive, and to be ended by 妥協 as soon as possib le. All we have learned from the ウクライナ共和国 衝突 is what the simplest 国民 knows in his personal life ? that deliberately annoying a powerful 隣人 will get you into trouble, and that shabby 妥協 is cheaper and safer than a fight to the finish.

The war in ウクライナ共和国 results from the 願望(する)s of a small American 外交政策 派閥. They are the same lot who got us into the Iraq war in 2003, who turned Libya into an anarchic cauldron, and who 拍手喝采する the 悲惨な ‘Arab Spring’, which ended up with the West 容赦するing a 恐ろしい 大虐殺 in Cairo, and supporting the 軍事政権 there.

They also 完全に 難破させるd Syria, so obsessed with 倒すing its despot that they 連合した with Al Qaeda to do so. They think they can remake the world. All they manage to do ? over and over again ? is break it. They seem to have got their idea of how the world 作品 out of comic 調書をとる/予約するs, not history 調書をとる/予約するs. But still they sit there.

Others in Washington said, ‘Do not 拡大する Nato’ and advised against the years of 耐える-baiting which ended with Putin’s 侵略 of ウクライナ共和国. They were 小衝突d aside by these geniuses. And here we are, stuck in a stinking ざん壕-戦争 brawl which has already lasted half as long as the First World War.

Wise people (保守的なs, as it happened) sought to end that war with a 取引,協定, too. But 政治家,政治屋s and many in the マスコミ of the day were too proud and high-minded to do so. And so we got more 殺人,大当り, and Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and the Second World War as a result. The same 血まみれの fools are in 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 again.


What is 労働 keeping secret this time?

My brilliant Daily Mail 同僚 Alex Brummer 公表する/暴露するd last week how 労働’s 広大な/多数の/重要な 強くたたくing fi st, Gordon Brown, 抑えるd Alex’s scoop on 労働’s secret 1997 計画(する) to (警察の)手入れ,急襲 and 難破させる this country’s once-superb 私的な 年金 部門.

At that time, Alex 解任するd, he was working for the プロの/賛成の-労働 後見人 newspaper. When Brown learned that the paper ーするつもりであるd to publish, he ‘put 激しい 圧力 on the 出版(物) to 持つ/拘留する 解雇する/砲火/射撃 or 直面する 悲惨な consequences when New 労働 (機の)カム to 力/強力にする’.

To its everlasting shame, the 後見人 pulled the story. About the same time, a 労働 選挙 broadcast of April 1997 明言する/公表するd, without any sort of 資格, that, if the 保守的なs won the General 選挙 the に引き続いて month, they would 廃止する the 明言する/公表する 年金. This 嘘(をつく) is still unpunished. Why wouldn’t they try it again? These people 嘘(をつく) and 隠す and deceive. They could never 勝利,勝つ 選挙s if they did not. Would so many middle class people have 投票(する)d New 労働 if they had known what Alex tried and failed to print?

What do you now not know about 労働’s undoubted secret 計画(する)s to 税金 the middle class? And which Left-wing マスコミ do know about this, and are 抑えるing it?


Honesty’s not always rewarded

Leonie Benesch plays a teacher battling dishonesty in a school in The Teachers’ Lounge

Leonie Benesch plays a teacher 戦う/戦いing dishonesty in a school in The Teachers’ Lounge

I’d like to see a British film made in one of our 恐らく modern ‘優れた’ 明言する/公表する schools, honestly showing what they’re really like. In the 合間, you and I can make do with an enthralling German movie called The Teachers’ Lounge, in which Leonie Benesch plays an idealistic, honourable teacher who discovers and tries to fight dishonesty in a German grammar school (yes, they still have them in most places). I do advise you to see how she gets on. The film is hard to find in this country but it’s 価値(がある) 固執するing.