Kim Kardashian?told 副大統領 Kamala Harris she's 'just here to help' as she 公約するd to learn more 'every day, every visit, every 行政' as she returned to the White House for the first time since Donald Trump was 大統領,/社長.?

Kardashian, a 犯罪の 司法(官) 改革(する) 支持する, 参加するd in a 円卓会議の in the Roosevelt Room with Harris and four people who were just 容赦d by 大統領 Joe Biden this week.

The reality 星/主役にする 解任するd how her first ever '温和/情状酌量 会合' took place in that room as she thanked Harris for her 'かかわり合い to second chances' and 表明するd her 感謝 to Biden, who's in Syracuse, for his wave of commutations this week.?

'Every time I've gone and visited a 刑務所,拘置所 I've met some of the smartest individuals, with the brightest ideas and to see the changes that are happening to make their 再登録 easier, I think is going to be life-changing,' Kardashian 噴出するd.?

A 支配する is 存在 完結するd that will 許す those 罪人/有罪を宣告するd of 重罪s who did their time to be 適格の for Small 商売/仕事 行政 貸付金s - something that was 以前 閉めだした.?

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian (left) returned to the White House for the first time since the Trump administration for a criminal justice panel Thursday let by Vice President Kamala Harris (right)

Reality TV 星/主役にする Kim Kardashian (left) returned to the White House for the first time since the Trump 行政 for a 犯罪の 司法(官) パネル盤 Thursday let by 副大統領 Kamala Harris (権利)

Kim Kardashian said she was?'just here to help' as she vowed to learn more 'every day, every visit, every administration' as she returned to the White House for the first time since Donald Tru
mp was president

Kim Kardashian said she was?'just here to help' as she 公約するd to learn more 'every day, every visit, every 行政' as she returned to the White House for the first time since Donald Trump was 大統領,/社長

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian smiles as she listens in on the discussion Thursday with four people who were recently pardoned by President Joe Biden

Reality TV 星/主役にする Kim Kardashian smiles as she listens in on the discussion Thursday with four people who were recently 容赦d by 大統領 Joe Biden?

'I used to think, 井戸/弁護士席, the goal is just to get our 権利?' Kardashian mused. 'And then everything is all good and everything is just perfect. I was so naive to think tha's all that was needed. '

In reality when people leave 刑務所,拘置所, Kardashian said, 'there' s 障害物 and 障害 and 障害物 and 障害 every step of the way.'?

She encouraged those in the room to keep telling their stories.?

'So that people that are in the position to help can open up their hearts and learn along the way with us what needs to be done because if you 港/避難所't been in the system and you aren't really aware of those challenges you can still do your part to amplify those ideas,' she 示唆するd.?

Harris kicked off the 円卓会議の by thanking Kardashian for her 外見 - which only became public Thursday morning.

'I'll start by 説 that I want to thank Kim for your advocacy and for using your 壇・綱領・公約 in a way that has really 解除するd up the importance of talking about and 存在 献身的な to second chances,' Harris said.?

'I'm a big 信奉者 in the 力/強力にする of redemption,' the 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長 追加するd.?

Thursday's event marked the first time Kim Kardashian returned to the White House since the Trump years, when she met with the then-president to talk criminal justice reform

Thursday's eve nt 示すd the first time Kim Kardashian returned to the White House since the Trump years, when she met with the then-大統領,/社長 to talk 犯罪の 司法(官) 改革(する)?

Kim Kardashian took a selfie outside the White House Thursday to preview her meeting with Vice President Kamala Harris. President Joe Biden was away visiting a manufacturing facility in Syracuse

Kim Kardashian took a selfie outside the White House Thursday to preview her 会合 with 副大統領 Kamala Harris. 大統領 Joe Biden was away visiting a 製造業の 施設 in Syracuse

During the meeting, Vice President Kamala Harris boasted that the Biden-Harris administration had pardoned and commuted more sentences for people 'than any recent administration at this point in their term'
During the meeting, Vice President Kamala Harris boasted that the Biden-Harris administration had pardoned and commuted more sentences for people 'than any recent administration at this point in their term'

During the 会合, 副大統領 Kamala Harris 誇るd that the Biden-Harris 行政 had 容赦d and 減刑する/通勤するd more 宣告,判決s for people 'than any 最近の 行政 at this point in their 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語'

'I'm a big believer in the power of redemption,' Vice President Kamala Harris said Thursday at the White House at a criminal justice panel discussion alongside reality star Kim Kardashian

'I'm a big 信奉者 in the 力/強力にする of redemption,' 副大統領 Kamala Harris said Thursday at the White House at a 犯罪の 司法(官) パネル盤 discussion と一緒に reality 星/主役にする Kim Kardashian?

Kardashian made waves in May 2018 by coming to the White House to discuss with Trump the 容赦 of Alice Johnson, a woman serving life in 刑務所,拘置所 for a 非,不,無-violent, 麻薬-関係のある 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金.?

She continued to work と一緒に Trump on 犯罪の 司法(官) 改革(する) during his 行政.

On Thursday, Harris touted that the Biden 行政 was (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing Trump in an important metric for the reality 星/主役にする - as the (選挙などの)運動をする likely 捜し出すs an 裏書,是認.?

'We have 問題/発行するd as an 行政, with 大統領 Biden's leadership, more 容赦s than commutations than any 最近の 行政 at this point in their 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語,' Harris 誇るd.?

The 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長 公式文書,認めるd that on マリファナ 'we have 容赦d all people for 連邦の 有罪の判決s for simple マリファナ 所有/入手, many of you have heard me say I just don't think people should have to go to 刑務所,拘置所 for smoking 少しのd.'?

As Kardashian was leaving the 地位,任命するd a selfie of herself outside the White House.?

'Can't wait to 株 all the 詳細(に述べる)s from the second chances event today at the White House,' she wrote, with a kissy-直面する emoji.??

Kardashian's visit also comes two days before the White House 特派員s' Dinner, in which a flurry of celebrities 一般に flock to Washington.?

She last …に出席するd the dinner in 2022, と一緒に then-boyfriend Pete Davidson.?

The Biden campaign will likely seek an endorsement from Kim Kardashian (left), who never revealed who she voted for in 2020 but?posted a picture of Biden and Harris with three blue hearts after the Democrats won election over Trump

The Biden (選挙などの)運動をする will likely 捜し出す an 裏書,是認 from Kim Kardashian (left), who never 明らかにする/漏らすd who she 投票(する)d for in 2020 but?地位,任命するd a picture of Biden and Harris with three blue hearts after the 民主党員s won 選挙 over Trump?

Kim Kardashian (left) poses with former President Donald Trump (right) in the Oval Office on May 30, 2018. Kardashian's first visit with Trump was to ask him to pardon Alice Johnson

Kim Kardashian (left) 提起する/ポーズをとるs with former 大統領 Donald Trump (権利) in the Oval Office on May 30, 2018. Kardashian's first visit with Trump was to ask him to 容赦 Alice Johnson

Kim Kardashian (right) is in D.C. two days before the annual White House Correspondents' Dinner. Her last time attending the dinner was in 2022 with then-boyfriend Pete Davidson (left)

Kim Kardashian (権利) is in D.C. two days before the 年次の White House 特派員s' Dinner. Her last time …に出席するing the dinner was in 2022 with then-boyfriend Pete Davidson (left)?

On Wednesday Biden 認めるd 温和/情状酌量 to 16 people who were conviced of 非,不,無-violent 麻薬 罪,犯罪s as part of 'Second Chance Month.'?

Trump 結局 減刑する/通勤するd Johnson's 宣告,判決 and later gave her a 十分な 容赦 in August 2020, just months before the 大統領の 選挙.??

In turn, Johnson became a surrogate for Trump's reelection (選挙などの)運動をする and 配達するd a speech at that summer's 共和国の/共和党の 国家の 条約, which was 行う/開催する/段階d in Washington 予定 to the 現在進行中の COVID-19 pandemic.?

During this same time period, Trump soured on Kardashian - who has never 公然と said who she 投票(する)d for in the 2020 大統領の race.?

In November, Trump referred to Kardashian as?'the World's most overrated celebrity.'?

Trump was 怒り/怒るd by an anecdote in ABC News' Jonathan Karl's 調書をとる/予約する, Tired of Winning: Donald Trump and the End of the Grand Old Party, that said the then-大統領,/社長 had asked Kardashian for help attracting 'football 星/主役にするs.'?

In the 病弱なing days of his 行政, Kardashian - who was working to get 非,不,無-violent 違反者/犯罪者s out of 刑務所,拘置所 - had asked Trump to 減刑する/通勤する more 宣告,判決s, as he had done after their 高度に publicized Oval Office 会合 in 2018.

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian (center) sits between Jared Kushner (left) and Ivanka Trump (right) at a White House event on criminal justice reform in June 2019

Reality TV 星/主役にする Kim Kardashian (cent er) sits between Jared Kushner (left) and Ivanka Trump (権利) at a White House event on 犯罪の 司法(官) 改革(する) in June 2019?

Kim Kardashian (left) addresses an East Room crowd on criminal justice reform alongside former President Donald Trump (right) in June 2019

Kim Kardashian (left) 演説(する)/住所s an East Room (人が)群がる on 犯罪の 司法(官) 改革(する) と一緒に former 大統領 Donald Trump (権利) in June 2019?

A source told Karl that 'Trump listened to her requests and 需要・要求するd a straight-up quid プロの/賛成の quo.'?

'He would 認める the commutations, he told Kardashian, if she てこ入れ/借入資本d her celebrity 関係s to get football 星/主役にするs who were friends of hers to come visit him at the White House,' the ABC News reporter wrote.?

'Kardashian 現実に tried to do what Trump 需要・要求するd, seeing it as a small price to 支払う/賃金 to get 司法(官) for people she believed were serving 不正な 宣告,判決s. But all the players she approached 拒絶する/低下するd,' Karl said. 'Trump had become too 有毒な. In the final two weeks of his 大統領/総裁などの地位, nobody 手配中の,お尋ね者 to be anywhere 近づく him.'?

In a Truth Social 地位,任命する, Trump dubbed Karl a 'Failed ABC 偽の News repoter' 追加するing that he '作品 sooo hard, but has sooo little talent.'?

'In the "調書をとる/予約する" he has the World's most overrated celebrity, Kim Kardashian, 恐らく telling me that she "would てこ入れ/借入資本 her celebrity to get football 星/主役にするs to come to the White House," if I would 減刑する/通勤する the 宣告,判決s of さまざまな 囚人s,' Trump wrote. 'This story is 偽の News in that she would be the last person I asked to get football players.'

Trump then 誇るd that he had 'many teams from all sports and leagues, in the White House.'?

Kardashian never explicitly said she was a Biden 支持者, though 地位,任命するd a picture of Biden and 副大統領 Kamala Harris with three blue hearts after the 民主党員s won 選挙 over Trump in 2020.??

While Trump said on Truth Social that there were 'many other 誤った stories in Karl's very boring 調書をとる/予約する' the 新聞記者/雑誌記者 did 報告(する)/憶測 that Trump was angry with Kardashian's Biden support.

Months after Trump left the White House, Kardashian reached out to him to see if he would be open to 是認するing a high-profile 温和/情状酌量 嘆願.?

She 'quickly received a call 支援する from Trump,' Karl wrote.?

'Hell no, the?former 大統領,/社長 told her. He wouldn't do it. "You 投票(する)d for Biden and now you come asking me for a 好意?" Trump told her,' the ABC 記者 said. 'After a few more choice words, the line went dead. Trump had hung up on her.'?