Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the 星/主役にするs have in 蓄える/店 for YOU - April 8, 2024

The 追跡する of 解雇する/砲火/射撃 is reaching its 結論. Today, from the Cook Islands to Cornwall, a Solar (太陽,月の)食/失墜 影をつくる/尾行する sweeps across the globe.?

And with the 頂点(に達する) of its visibility crossing the path of 2023's American (太陽,月の)食/失墜, this new event is part of a cosmic story that started last year.?The last six months 最高潮の場面d 関係s, bringing 認識/意識性 to 力/強力にする dynamics and 不平等s.?

Now, with retrograde 水銀柱,温度計 の近くに to the Sun, that insight can be used to 是正する 不均衡s in ways that honour our own needs and 願望(する)s.

Need to know more? These spookily 正確な birth charts, based on your unique birth placements will tell you everything you need to know. 簡単に enter your birth 詳細(に述べる)s and receive a 完全に personal Personal Birth Chart made just for you.

Daniel Cainer and the Ziggy Stardog (and Rudy Stardog) are 支援する with your April 2024 Astrology Song. Enjoy some spookily 正確な 予測s for the month ahead in a musical nutshell from an award winning songwriter and two 削減(する) sausage dogs.


March 21 - April 20?

にもかかわらず the fact that the Solar (太陽,月の)食/失墜 and Venus are in your 調印する, you're feeling argumentative. You're not in the mood to 受託する help from a celestial (or earthly) 軍隊 without 追跡(する)ing first for hidden 動機s and secret 協議事項s. A 最近の 状況/情勢 has made you 怪しげな of 申し込む/申し出s that have 'no strings 大(公)使館員d'. In your experience, this means the 条件 存在する; they're just disguised. But you don't need to be 用心深い. Here comes a change you need. Just 受託する it and enjoy what comes your way today. You deserve it.

If you give me your date, place and time of birth... then I'll tell you what the 惑星s say about you and your 未来. To learn more...

Oscar Cainer (pictured) tells us that the Trail of Fire is reaching its conclusion. Today, from the Cook Islands to Cornwall, a Solar Eclipse shadow sweeps across the globe

Oscar Cainer (pictured) tells us that the 追跡する of 解雇する/砲火/射撃 is reaching its 結論. Today, from the Cook Islands to Cornwall, a Solar (太陽,月の)食/失墜 影をつくる/尾行する sweeps across the globe


April 21 - May 21?

We all repeat 旅行s that we know like the 支援する of our 手渡す. But, just because we're familiar with the 新たな展開s and turns of a 大勝する doesn't mean we won't come across something surprising. We just need to be in the 権利 でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れる of mind to see it. If you 推定する/予想する the obvious today, that's what you'll 遭遇(する). Yet the symbolism of this powerful Solar (太陽,月の)食/失墜 speaks of innovative 発見s. The 問題/発行する is that they're happening in an area of your world where everything seems familiar and comfortable. Don't 行方不明になる them!?

Now please, keep reading because, if you 港/避難所't yet had a 十分な personal chart reading, calculated from your date of birth, you have been 行方不明の out. Change your 未来. Click here!?


May 22 - June 22

The problem with 誤解s is that we're not always aware they've happened. Some psychologists 示唆する that even when two people believe they're in total 協定, it's probably because one of them hasn't fully understood! You've been 伴う/関わるd in a 複雑にするd シナリオ 伴う/関わるing several folk who don't agree. Amazingly, a 計画(する), which seems to work, has been 設立する. The Solar (太陽,月の)食/失墜 is an encouraging 調印する. If you keep listening, this 壊れやすい harmony will continue, with 肯定的な consequences.

PS, your 十分な personal horoscope 明らかにする/漏らすs amazing secrets about your inner 可能性のある and shows you your 未来 in stunningly 正確な 詳細(に述べる). Be wise. Order it now! Click here!


June 23 - July 23

Since it's a good day for 肯定的な affirmations, here are a few suggestions you could repeat like a mantra: "I deserve love, peace and 繁栄". "I am resilient and strong". "I'm in the 権利 place, at the 権利 time, doing the 権利 thing". These 肉親,親類d of phrases are 存在 repeated, across the world, by people who find them helpful. You don't need to use them. But if, on this Solar (太陽,月の)食/失墜 day, you find yourself 疑問ing your 権利 to be happy, give them a try. The cosmos wants you to know you're loved, and worthy of good things.

Oh, one more thing before I let you go 支援する to the 残り/休憩(する) of the internet. It's a wild world out there. Arm yourself with a 十分な personal chart reading and you'll be better equipped in just about every way. Click here!


July 24 - August 23

All you really need to do now is talk. 現実に, it's わずかに more 複雑にするd than that! What you really need to do is listen. We can talk to ourselves. And we can open our mouths and 株 our 見解(をとる)s with other people - but we don't always find it 平易な to listen to their 返答. Few of us are good at 審理,公聴会 what other people say. Today, talk enough to engage someone's attention. If you 焦点(を合わせる) on listening to them, you'll 伸び(る) 価値のある new 視野. The Solar (太陽,月の)食/失墜 約束s 大いに 高めるd understanding.

To get an instant, in-depth , fully personal chart reading based on your date of birth and covering the next three, six or twelve months, click here.


August 24 - September 23

Self-help gurus talk about '旅行s of inner-発見' and 'personal growth'. And even if these 概念s sound a bit idealistic (who has time for that 肉親,親類d of thing when we're all stretched to the max?), there is value in them. After all, we're here on 惑星 Earth to learn aren't we? We don't want to be stuck in the same old mindsets forever... do we? The Solar (太陽,月の)食/失墜 申し込む/申し出s you a chance to move onwards and 上向きs. You can 解放する/自由な yourself from a tired 決まりきった仕事 and 調査する a new 適切な時期. Embrace what today brings.

That was your 最新の 予測(する). This is a message about the next 段階 of your life. If you 直面する it, 武装した with a 十分な, personal horoscope reading, it could make a world of difference! Click here!


September 24 - October 23

Some people seem to need the 事実上の 同等(の) of a megaphone to make their 発言する/表明する heard; social マスコミ 申し込む/申し出s them the perfect medium. At the other end of the 規模, there are folk who communicate with a subtle ちらりと見ること or a gentle gesture. If you feel like you're 存在 misunderstood, it might be because you're 内密に uncer tain about your 見解(をとる)s. The Solar (太陽,月の)食/失墜, in your opposite 調印する, not only brings clarity and self-信用/信任. It brings someone who will listen to you. Then, you can 扇動する the change you deserve.

To truly make sense of who you are and where your life is going you need a 十分な horoscope chart. These charts are all about you! So change your life for the better and get an amazingly 正確な personal reading... Download yours now!


October 24 - November 22

What's the point of wasting precious time reading your 予測? It's not like this Solar (太陽,月の)食/失墜 day is going to be special for you is it? You're not even planning on spending it doing what you want to do. Since you'll be running around, 焦点(を合わせる)ing on someone else, you might 同様に read their 予測(する); you'll be more able to adapt to their 需要・要求するs. Or... you could make a 決定/判定勝ち(する). No 事柄 what you want to change about someone (or a 状況/情勢), if you change something in yourself, you can create better, happier 境界s.

Love? Money? Career? 井戸/弁護士席-存在? Whatever your question, you'll find insight and advice in your 十分な personal birth chart. 投資する in a 報告(する)/憶測 that could change your whole life for the better, based on your exact birth 詳細(に述べる)s. Click here to learn more.?

With retrograde Mercury close to the Sun, insight gained can be used to redress imbalances in ways that honour our own needs and desires

With retrograde 水銀柱,温度計 の近くに to the Sun, insight 伸び(る)d can be used to 是正する 不均衡s in ways that honour our own needs and 願望(する)s


November 23 - December 21

Everything we do takes 成果/努力. From making a cup of tea to wondering what we're going to have for dinner, we're using energy. And as long as we feel that what we're doing is worthwhile, we don't mind 燃やすing a few calories giving up our time, or 投資するing our 資源s. But it's hard to be enthusiastic when we're doing something that feels futile. The Solar (太陽,月の)食/失墜 encourages you to 反映する on why an 関与 seems like a struggle. If you're feeling drained, it's time to 投資する in something that gives you more 支援する!

Have your chart cast, then go on to look at where the 惑星s are 権利 now - and where they will be and how they will 影響する/感情 you in the 未来. Click here!


December 22 - January 20

Keep a 警戒/見張り for helpful coincidences today. The Solar (太陽,月の)食/失墜 約束s fortuitous moments that will raise your spirits, and keep them raised over the next few days. An 予期しない 開発, which reminds you of how much you're 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がるd, will take the 辛勝する/優位 off a 状況/情勢 that is making you anxious. As a doorway of new 可能性 opens, you'll find (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) that shows you how to make exciting 進歩. And with everything to play for, you'll raise your game, which will 確実にする that you start winning.

明らかにする/漏らす the astrological secrets of your 未来, today. For a 完全にする 始める,決める of 全く personal 予測s 即時に download 'Your Guide to the 未来'.


January 21 - February 19

存在 an innovative Aquarian, you know it's impossible to make a 勇敢な '権利' move unless you're 用意が出来ている to 危険 getting it 'wrong'. Good. Because today brings an adventure. いつかs, when we leap without looking, we find out (the hard way) that we should have been more 用心深い. And that experience 妨げるs us from taking advantage of the 適切な時期s coming our way. The Solar (太陽,月の)食/失墜 brings one that you need to 掴む. Don't waste time overthinking an idea that needs to be 信用d. Go for it.

A portal of 可能性 is now open. Don't 延期する. Click here to order your birth chart and alter your 運命.


February 20 - March 20

We say that 'talk is cheap'. But it depends on who's talking, and what they're 説. It also, of course, depends on who's listening. いつかs, a few (seemingly) 害のない words can have expensive consequences. And we all know that talking about doing something is much easier than 現実に doing it. In fact some people seem to live their lives 表明するing an 意向, but never actuating it! The Solar (太陽,月の)食/失墜 encourages you to stop talking and start doing. That 計画(する) you've put on the backburner? It's 活動/戦闘 time!

Finally, if you want some really 広大な/多数の/重要な news, give me your date and place of birth and I will tell you about all the good things that 嘘(をつく) in wait for you. Read your Guide to the 未来 Horoscope Chart now.?