Will the Bank of England 削減(する) 利益/興味 率s soon? This is Money podcast

The Bank of England held 利益/興味 率s again this week as インフレーション dropped once more. So, are we out of the 支持を得ようと努めるd yet?

Will インフレーション keep coming 支援する 負かす/撃墜する に向かって 的 and the Bank of England soon seamlessly switch 支援する to cutting 率s?

Or will central 銀行業者s be keen to 持つ/拘留する の上に higher 率s, even if we get 攻撃する,衝突する by a 一区切り/(ボクシングなどの)試合 of disinflation?

On this week’s podcast, Georgie 霜, 物陰/風下 Boyce and Simon Lambert look at what next for インフレーション and 利益/興味 率s and what it means for your money.

Also on the episode, should the Waspi women who saw their 明言する/公表する 年金 age rise 速く be 補償するd for the poor communication and how much of a victory was this week’s 議会の Ombudsman Waspi 報告(する)/憶測 a victory for them?

As that happened, more news 現れるd on underpaid 明言する/公表する 年金s ? as exposed by our Tanya Jefferies and 年金 columnist Sir Steve Webb, and the team update us on that.

加える, what’s going on with the 大混乱 at HMRC and who is to 非難する for the 失敗 to keep up with our ますます tricky 税金 system.

And finally, 会合,会う the Scambaiters ? we find out what they do and why.

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