'Nobody saw the shark coming': British holidaymaker, 64, fights for his life after 存在 attacked by bull shark 10 yards from shore in Tobago - as doctors 戦う/戦い to re-attach fingers and save his mauled 脚

  • Did YOU see what happened? Email chris.matthews@mailonline.co.uk

A British tourist is fighting for his life after a bull shark attacked him while on holiday in the Caribbean yesterday.

Peter Smith, 64, from?Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, lost some of his left fingers in the attack by 海がめ Beach 近づく the Starfish Hotel in Courland Bay, Tobago, at around 9am on Friday.

A few fingers were reattached but he has remained in 集中的な care at Tobago's Scarborough General Hospital with '重要な 負傷させるs' to his 脚 that will need '広範囲にわたる work'.

Tobagonian 当局 have の近くにd seven beaches as they search for the search to 'neutralise the 脅し' of the shark, which is 10ft long and two feet wide.

A water sports 経営者/支配人 who saw the attack 10 yards from the shore said fellow holidaymakers tried to fight off the shark, which 'nobody saw coming'.

Did YOU see what happened? Email chris.matthews@mailonline.co.uk

Peter Smith, 64, from Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, lost some of his left hand's fingers in the attack in Tobago

Peter Smith, 64, from Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, lost some of his left 手渡す's fingers in the attack in Tobago

Mr Smith was rushed to hospital in an ambulance
A few of his fingers were reattached but he has remained in intensive care at Tobago's Scarborough General Hospital with 'significant wounds' to his leg that will need 'extensive work'

Mr Smith was 急ぐd to hospital in an 救急車.?A few of his fingers were reattached but he has remained in 集中的な care at Tobago's Scarborough General Hospital with '重要な 負傷させるs' to his 脚 that will need '広範囲にわたる work'

The British holidaymaker is being treated?intensive care at Tobago's Scarborough General Hospital

The British holidaymaker is 存在 扱う/治療するd?集中的な care at Tobago's Scarborough General Hospital

A shark (pictured) was spotted furth
er down the coast in Buccoo after the attack

A shark (pictured) was spotted その上の 負かす/撃墜する the coast in Buccoo after the attack

Tobagonian Chief Secretary Farley Augustine shared footage of the shark to social media

Tobagonian 長,指導者 長官 Farley Augustine 株d (映画の)フィート数 of the shark to social マスコミ?

Orion Jakerov, water sports 経営者/支配人 at the Starfish Hotel, said: 'I don't think hey saw it.

'They were in about waist 深い to shoulder-high water, so they weren't out of their depth.

'I think their 支援するs were turned and they were just lounging around and nobody saw the shark coming.

'Even while the shark was doing the attack, the other people in the water w ere 肉体的に trying to fight off the shark.'

The man also 報道によれば 苦しむd lacerations to his stomach.

A 64-year-old British tourist has been left fighting for his life after suffering a vicious attack from a bull shark while swimming in the sea in Tobago on Friday morning (File image)

A 64-year-old British tourist has been left fighting for his life after 苦しむing a vicious attack from a bull shark while swimming in the sea in Tobago on Friday morning (とじ込み/提出する image)

Orion Jakerov (pictured), water sports manager at the Starfish Hotel, said: 'Nobody saw the shark coming'

Orion Jakerov (pictured), water sports 経営者/支配人 at the Starfish Hotel, said: 'Nobody saw the shark coming'

The incident occurred close to the Starfish Hotel in Courland Bay (pictured), with the victim being named locally as Peter Smith, 64, of Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire

The 出来事/事件 occurred の近くに to the Starfish Hotel in Courland Bay (pictured), with the 犠牲者 存在 指名するd 地元で as Peter Smith, 64, of Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire

Tobagonian 長,指導者 長官 Farley Augustine said the 犠牲者 was with his wife and friends and had ーするつもりであるd to 飛行機で行く home later that day.

He said the 地元の 政府 was working with the British High (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 to '確実にする that the family gets all that they need during this difficult time'.

He 追加するd:??'The 仕事 at this time for our health professionals is really to stabilise and 確実にする that we can save life and 四肢 as much as possible.'

A bounty of $10,000 (£8,010) was 申し込む/申し出d to anyone who could 逮捕(する) the shark and move it away from the beaches - but this has now been 撤回するd.

Speaking to Tobago Channel 5, 証言,証人/目撃する Stephanie Wright, from West Sussex, said: 'We saw some people on the beach, and I 初めは thought the gentleman had had a cardiac 逮捕(する), and I thought they were helping him.?

'And then I saw someone running 負かす/撃墜する with a towel, and then I saw a dorsal fin come out of the water and thought, 'Oh my God, it's a shark.'

'As it turned, I saw the tail come out 同様に'.

当局 have also stopped 暗礁 小旅行するs and scuba 飛び込み as a 警戒.

In a 声明 長,指導者 長官 Augustine said: 'Out of an 豊富 of 警告を与える (for the remaining 部分s of today), we are 軍隊d to 一時的に の近くに beaches: Plymouth, Courland Bay, 黒人/ボイコット 激しく揺する, Mt. Irvine, Buccoo, Pigeon Point, 蓄える/店 Bay and all 沿岸の areas in between.

'現在/一般に, we are doing drone 偵察/監視, Coast Guard 監視 and the Department of 漁業s is 徹底的に捜すing the area to 確実にする safety.'

Bull sharks, which can be 設立する in both fresh and saltwater, are known to be one of the more 積極的な types of shark and are 責任がある the 大多数 of 出来事/事件s 記録,記録的な/記録するd の近くに to shorelines.?

They are one of three shark 種類, と一緒に tiger and 広大な/多数の/重要な white that are the most likely to attack humans.

Shark attacks are rare. Last year, there were 69 unprovoked attacks and 22 刺激するd bites 世界的な, along with 14 deaths, によれば the Florida-based International Shark Attack とじ込み/提出する.

Are bull sharks dangerous??

Bull sharks are the most dangerous sharks in the world, によれば many 専門家s.?

This is because they're an 積極的な 種類 of shark, and they tend to 追跡(する) in waters where people often swim: along 熱帯の shorelines.?

Bull sharks live throughout the world, in shallow, warm ocean waters.

They've been known to swim up into freshwater rivers.?

Humans are not part of a bull shark's normal prey.?

Bull sharks will eat almost anything, but their diet consists おもに of fish.

They also いつかs eat イルカs and sea 海がめs.

Bull sharks even eat other sharks. They 追跡(する) during the day and at night.

Source: 国家の Geographic