Rachel Reeves 示唆するd that 労働者s 直面する 支払う/賃金ing more 所得税 under a 労働 政府 today after 辞退するing to commit to unfreezing static thresholds that have dragged millions into higher 率 禁止(する)d.

The 影をつくる/尾行する (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 told an audience in the City of London that she 手配中の,お尋ね者 労働者s to 支払う/賃金 いっそう少なく 税金 but that she would only 行為/法令/行動する 'when 資源s 許す'.

Because of はびこる インフレーション over the past couple of years 給料 have risen but the 税金 禁止(する)d thresholds have remained where they are, meaning more and more people are 支払う/賃金ing more without an 増加する in the 率s themselves.?

Tory (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 Jeremy 追跡(する) has also 拒絶するd calls to change the 率 境界s. An 分析 today 示唆するs the country's 税金 重荷(を負わせる) is 始める,決める to rise to an 80-year high of 37.1 per cent by 2028.

Ms Reeves spoke after giving a speech 告発する/非難するing the Tories of 'gaslighting' the public over the 明言する/公表する of the economy.

She sought to get ahead of the Tories' 返答 to a raft of 経済的な data this week, arguing that Jeremy 追跡(する) and Rishi Sunak's likely message of an 改善するing economy is 'deluded', asking: 'Do you and yours feel better off than you did 14 years ago?'

Ms Reeves also 繰り返し言うd her party's かかわり合い to put 今後 法律制定 on a 'new 取引,協定 for working people' within the first 100 days of a new 行政, but said 商売/仕事s had 'nothing to 恐れる'.?

The shadow chancellor told an audience in the City of London that she wanted workers to pay less tax but that she would only act 'when resources allow'.

The 影をつくる/尾行する (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 told an audience in the City of London that she 手配中の,お尋ね者 労働者s to 支払う/賃金 いっそう少なく 税金 but that she would only 行為/法令/行動する 'when resour ces 許す'.

She sought to get ahead of the Tories' response to a raft of economic data this week, arguing that Jeremy Hunt and Rishi Sunak 's likely message of an improving economy is 'deluded', asking: 'Do you and yours feel better off than you did 14 years ago?'

?She sought to get ahead of the Tories' 返答 to a raft of 経済的な data this week, arguing that Jeremy 追跡(する) and Rishi Sunak 's likely message of an 改善するing economy is 'deluded', asking: 'Do you and yours feel better off than you did 14 years ago?'

She sought to get ahead of the Tories' response to a raft of economic data this week, arguing that Jeremy Hunt and Rishi Sunak's likely message of an improving economy is 'deluded', asking: 'Do you and yours feel better off than you did 14 years ago?'

She sought to get ahead of the Tories' 返答 to a raft of 経済的な data this week, arguing that Jeremy 追跡(する) and Rishi Sunak's likely message of an 改善するing economy is 'deluded', asking: 'Do you and yours feel better off than you did 14 years ago?'

As 労働 celebrates a string of victories in 地域の 市長の contests, 地元の 選挙s and a 補欠選挙 in Blackpool South, Ms Reeves said the results showed that people '投票(する)d for change'.

She 拒絶するd (人命などを)奪う,主張するs from Mr Sunak at the 週末 that the results 示唆するd a hung 議会 at the next 選挙?

She said: 'Instead of believing the 総理大臣's (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that we've turned a corner, the questions people will ask ahead of the next 選挙 are simple.

'Do you and your family feel better off than you did after 14 years of 保守的な 政府? Do our schools, our hospitals, our police, our 輸送(する) work better than they did 14 years ago? 率直に, does anything in our country work better than it did when the 保守的なs (機の)カム into office 14 years ago?'

Asked about (人命などを)奪う,主張するs the 地元の 選挙 results pointed to a hung 議会, Ms Reeves said 労働 was 'fighting for every 選び出す/独身 投票(する)', but had won in places it needed to if it is to form the next 政府.

She said: 'I don't think the results last week point to a hung 議会.'

Her 介入 comes ahead of the Bank of England's 最新の 利益/興味 率s 決定/判定勝ち(する) on Thursday and 人物/姿/数字s covering the economy's 業績/成果 over the first three months of this yea r on Friday.

経済学者s are 広範囲にわたって 推定する/予想するing the Bank's 通貨の 政策 委員会 to keep 率s at the 現在の level of 5.25 per cent, にもかかわらず political 圧力 from the 政府 to start lowering 率s before the 選挙.

大臣s may be more 元気づけるd by the Office for 国家の 統計(学)' 年4回の GDP data, which is 推定する/予想するd to show the UK has 出口d its 後退,不況.

Ms Reeves was introduced by former 保守的な MP Nick Boles, who やめる the 保守的な Party in 2019 over Brexit, and was 明らかにする/漏らすd in February this year to be an informal 助言者 to 労働's 影をつくる/尾行する 閣僚 on how to 準備する for 力/強力にする.

He said the paradox was that 'it is by 論証するing discipline, 責任/義務 and the sense of the importance of 抑制 that you earn the 権利, earn the 信用, to be able to make transformative change'.

Mr Boles 追加するd: 'The 商売/仕事 community 信用s that (Ms Reeves and Sir Keir Starmer) understand that 安定 in 経済的な 政策 will 抑えるのをやめる 投資, that the ambition that 労働 has will be 配達するd by 論証するing to markets, to 投資家s, but also to individuals, to taxpayers, to 消費者s, that they are not going to play 急速な/放蕩な and loose with their money.'

にもかかわらず a slight 減少(する) in 2024 to 36 per cent, taxpayers will 直面する an 増加するd 重荷(を負わせる) every year from now, によれば the TaxPayers' 同盟.

Rishi Sunak has made 成果/努力s to 削減(する) individual 課税 ? 含むing 削除するing 国家の 保険 ? in a 運動 to placate Tory backbenchers and 投票者s.

But まっただ中に a 凍結する on personal 税金 thresholds, the nation's 税金 重荷(を負わせる) is rising ? and will 攻撃する,衝突する a high not seen since 1948 in four years, the 税金 選挙運動者s 警告するd.

They say the 現在の 政府 will be the biggest 税金-raiser in history ? with a rise of 3.3 per c ent since 2019 ? with the next largest 存在 Harold Wilson's 労働 政府 in the late 1960s.

Mr Sunak has come under 解雇する/砲火/射撃 for 示唆するing 労働者s will enjoy a £900 税金 削減(する) 予定 to the new 国家の 保険 率s, as it fails to take into account the 衝撃 of the 凍結するs to the thresholds at which NI and 所得税 are paid.

The 学校/設ける for 会計の 熟考する/考慮するs (IFS) has 示唆するd that once the 衝撃 of all 税金 changes are taken into account, the 普通の/平均(する) 労働者 will be £340 better off next year, but those 収入 below £26,000 will be worse off.

A 財務省 広報担当者 said: 'The 抱擁する cost of supporting people and 会社/堅いs during the pandemic and Putin's energy 危機 明白に has to be paid for. But now the economy has started to turn a corner we have been able to 削減(する) 税金.

'We want to end the unfairness of the 二塁打 税金 on work ? which is why we're going to keep cutting 国家の 保険... until it's gone.'

保守的な Party chairman Richard Holden said:?'労働 have no 計画(する) and would take us 支援する to square one with higher 税金s, higher 失業, an 違法な 恩赦,大赦 on 移民/移住 and a 陰謀(を企てる) to betray pensioners, just like Gordon Brown did.'