St James's Place paid £213K to HMRC for my 相続物件 税金 法案 - but it's gone 行方不明の: SALLY SORTS IT

I am at my wits' end with wealth 経営者/支配人 St James's Place. I am the executor of my friend's 広い地所 and he held 投資s with the 会社/堅い.?

There is a 相当な 相続物件 税金 法案 of £800,000 to 支払う/賃金 on his 広い地所 予定 to さまざまな 所有物/資産/財産s and 株 that he owned.?

I 接触するd SJP in December 2023 and asked it to の近くに his Isa and 移転 the balance ? £213,197 ? to HM 歳入 & Customs to go に向かって the 法案.?

SJP wrote to 確認する that they had 首尾よく 完全にするd the 処理/取引 in January this year.?

SJP were asked to transfer an Isa balance of £213,197 to HMRC, which said it had not received the money

SJP were asked to 移転 an Isa balance of £213,197 to HMRC, which said it had not received the money

But when I 接触するd HMRC in February, I was shocked to discover it had not received the money.

On phoning SJP the same day, it 認める it had put the incorrect 言及/関連 number on the 支払い(額). It apologised and said it would 修正する the mistake.

Five weeks later, after making さまざまな phone calls, an 公式の/役人 (民事の)告訴 and sending an email to the 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある, I have no update as to where the money is.?

I am worried as I have had nothing in 令状ing 明言する/公表するing that SJP made a mistake. Please help.?A.P., Essex

Sally Hamilton replies: I can only imagine the 沈むing feeling that must have come over you when you 設立する out that more than £213,000 had disappeared into the ether and no one seemed able to 安心させる you of its どの辺に.

The 支払い(額) 言及/関連 gaffe is now 持つ/拘留するing up probate on your friend's 広い地所, as at least some of the 相続物件 税金 法案 must be paid before probate is 認めるd.?

It is therefore also 立ち往生させるing the sale of your friend's 所有物/資産/財産s (the 法律 says 所有物/資産/財産s belonging to a 死んだ person cannot be sold until probate is 完全にするd).?

It is also 原因(となる)ing you 重要な worry that 利益/興味 will soon be 適用するd to the 相続物件 税金 法案 if it's not credited in time.?

When someone dies and they 借りがある 相続物件 税金 ? which typically 適用するs at 40pc on an individual's 広い地所 価値(がある) over £325,000 ? 利益/興味 is 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d from the first day of the seventh month after death.

This means that from May 1 if the 税金 法案 is still not paid, an 利益/興味 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 of 7.75pc will kick in.?

On a £800,000 法案, the 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 could be 相当な.

On March 14, I asked SJP to 調査/捜査する as a 事柄 of 緊急, which it agreed to do.

With some 付加 prodding along the way, it finally (機の)カム 支援する on March 28 with an explanation of events.

It 確認するd that the £213,197 支払い(額) had been made to HMRC on January 4 but that it had not 含むd the 訂正する 言及/関連 number on the 処理/取引 and although the money had been sent, HMRC had been unable to 位置を示す the 基金s.

To を取り引きする your 関心s over the ぼんやり現れるing 最終期限, it made a second 支払い(額) for the same sum on March 18, four days after I 接触するd the 会社/堅い. It said it was now 追求するing HMRC for a 返済 of the 初めの sum.

A 広報担当者 says: 'We apologise to A.P. for any unnecessary 苦しめる and inconvenience 原因(となる)d at an already difficult time. We recognise that we should have arranged this sooner, once the error was identified.?

'Given the circumstances, we have 申し込む/申し出d 支払い(額) of £500 for the 苦しめる and inconvenience 原因(となる)d.?

'In 新規加入, if any その上の costs are incurred as a direct result of our error and the その後の 延期する, we have 申し込む/申し出d to cover those costs also.'

It may have let you 負かす/撃墜する at the start but 井戸/弁護士席 done to SJP for making the second 支払い(額) off its own bat and putting you out of your 悲惨 before the 利益/興味 clock started ticking.

I still 手配中の,お尋ね者 to know where the first chunk of money had gone. I asked HMRC to 調査/捜査する and explain what happens to 支払い(額)s that go AWOL.

A HMRC 広報担当者 says: 'We can trace and match 支払い(額)s made without a 訂正する 言及/関連 but this depends on the (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) submitted with the 支払い(額).?

'If a 顧客 believes a 支払い(額) has been sent with an incorrect or 行方不明の 言及/関連 we encourage them to 接触する us 直接/まっすぐに.'

The 広報担当者 explained 支払い(額)s received with incorrect or 行方不明の 言及/関連 numbers 結局最後にはーなる in a central account.?

成果/努力s are then made to match them manually. HMRC says the 基金s can usually be 配分するd to the 訂正する account if an executor gets in touch with the 訂正する 言及/関連.?

This might have 解決するd 事柄s sooner, but you weren't to know ? and 明らかに hadn't been told this when you queried what was happening with HMRC.

Reassuringly for others in your position, HMRC said that if the 初めの 支払い(額) is made on time, as in your 事例/患者, no 利益/興味 would be 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d even if a mistake is made and the money is 行方不明の 予定 to incorrect 言及/関連 (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状).

You told me you were delighted to have the 事柄 解決するd, and as a thank you for my 介入 kindly 申し込む/申し出d a 寄付 to the Marfan 信用, a charity I support.

Why won't Eon Next give me a smart メーター??

I want to have a smart メーター 任命する/導入するd so I can 利益 from one of my 供給者's better 関税s, which is 利用できる to those who want to 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 an electric 乗り物.?

For 18 months I have been calling Eon Next 繰り返して to try and get it 始める,決める up.

Each time I am given a different 推論する/理由 as to why it cannot be done. On the last occasion, I was told it was because I have the wrong type of gas メーター and I was asked to 接触する 国家の Grid to get it changed.?

国家の Grid told me this was not necessary. It makes no sense that my gas メーター is 持つ/拘留するing up the 取り付け・設備 of my electric メーター. Please help.?N.G., Wandsworth, London.

Sally Hamilton replies:?You explained that some years ago you had to change the main gas 麻薬を吸う going into your house as it wasn't large enough to 供給(する) the 量 of gas you needed for the size of your detached home.?

This also meant you had to have a different メーター from the usual type, one 普通は 任命する/導入するd for 商売/仕事s.?

But as you said in your letter, you wondered why Eon Next, which 供給(する)s your electricity and your gas, was having 問題/発行するs with this as the two types of メーターs are separate 装置s.

I 接触するd Eon Next on your に代わって to see if I could 設立する the 問題/発行する. I didn't receive an 承認, but my 接触する 明確に 誘発するd the smart メーター team into 活動/戦闘 as Eon Next 接触するd you すぐに afterwards and within days the electricity smart メーター was 任命する/導入するd.

It turns out your 疑惑s were 訂正する ? your gas メーター was 原因(となる)ing the blockage.

Because the type of gas メーター is technically one used on 商業の 前提s, Eon Next assumed you must be a 商業の electricity 使用者 and therefore the 取引,協定 for the 居住の 関税 didn't 適用する.

To enjoy this 申し込む/申し出, it 推定する/予想するd 顧客s to have a 国内の smart メーター for both gas and electric.

Eon Next managed to 小衝突 aside this 障害物 and has a llowed you to take advantage of the 関税 you 手配中の,お尋ね者.?

When we caught up you said you were happy with your new smart メーター, 説 it helped you 位置/汚点/見つけ出す ways to 減ずる your electricity 消費.?

You said your family had 減ずるd its usage from 750W to 450W an hour by changing bulbs and using 器具s more efficiently. You are still 研究ing 選択s for an electric 乗り物.

Can Sally Sorts It help you??

Do you have a 消費者 problem you need help with? Email Sally Hamilton at― 含む phone number, 演説(する)/住所 and a 公式文書,認める 演説(する)/住所d to the 感情を害する/違反するing organisation giving them 許可 to talk to Sally Hamilton.?

Please do not send 初めの 文書s as we cannot take 責任/義務 for them.?

No 合法的な 責任/義務 can be 受託するd by the Daily Mail or This is Money for answers given.?