INVESTING SHOW: What you need o know about 投資するing in a VCT and how to get the 30% 税金 break

投機・賭ける 資本/首都 信用s 申し込む/申し出 the 適切な時期 to 投資する in some of Britain's most exciting small growth companies and a juicy 30 per cent 所得税 break.

By pooling 投資家s money in 投資 信用s run by specialist 経営者/支配人s, VCTs 申し込む/申し出 a way to spread your 危険 while 支援 the small 会社/堅いs that could become the next big thing, with previous examples 含むing Zoopla, Depop and Five Guys.

But they say you should never let the 税金 tail wag the dog, so before putting money into a VCT you need to make sure it is 権利 for you.

On this episode of the 投資するing Show, Simon Lambert and Richard Hunter are joined by Bestinvest's Jason Hollands, who explains what you need to know about VCT 投資するing - and 会談 through some of the 申し込む/申し出s out there.

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