投資家s are flocking to the US 株式市場 as 株 continue to 殺到する, fuelled by 利益/興味 率 削減(する) hopes.

Some of the Magnificent Seven 在庫/株s continue to lead the way, with AI-専門家 半導体素子 designer NVIDIA 記録,記録的な/記録するing a scorching 85 per cent year-to-date return and Meta up 51 per cent.

This has led UK 投資家s to once again 大部分は shun their home market and chase US 在庫/株s instead.

But if the 連邦の Reserve doesn't 削減(する) 率s, will 投資家s be disappointed??

And with a 最近の 選ぶ-up in UK 株 prices 押し進めるing the FTSE 100 の近くに to its 記録,記録的な/記録する high, is Britain's 株式市場 finally starting to be a bit more loved??

On this episode of the 投資するing Show, This is Money's Simon Lambert is joined by Interactive 投資家's Richard Hunter for a look at how markets have 成し遂げるd this year and what could happen next.

They talk through the 業績/成果 of the major 株式市場s in the US and UK, whether the Magnificent Seven 危険s becoming a Famous Five, as Tesla and Apple slip up, and if the catalyst that UK 株 need for a 復活 has finally arrived in the form of 引き継ぎ/買収 企て,努力,提案s 点火(する)ing 投資家 利益/興味.