Can you guess which 王室の women put their best foot 今後 in these pictures? They're TOE-TALLY out of step!

存在 a part of the 王室の Family?comes with a plethora of 支配するs and traditions that 延長する even to 着せる/賦与するing and styling choices.?

王室の women should, for example, 差し控える from 除去するing coats in public since it is 見解(をとる)d as an unladylike. Nail varnish should be 中立の, not coloured.?

And then it comes to feet: it is 裁判官d 不適切な to wear open toe shoes for an 公式の/役人 約束/交戦!

Going 明らかにする foot is out of the question.?

Rather, 王室の ladies should wear の近くにd-toe footwear and tights, 関わりなく the 天候.


There has been the 半端物 公式文書,認めるd of dissent, the 時折の rare instance where toes have been been on 見解(をとる).

Can you work out to whom these regal tootsies might belong?

1. Saved by a pair of tights

Fortunately, with the aid of tights, this royal wasn't completely barefoot

Fortunately, with the 援助(する) of tights, this 王室の wasn't 完全に barefoot?

This 上級の 王室の is known for に引き続いて 議定書.

However, she made a 著名な exception during a visit to Gandhi Smriti, a museum 位置を示すd in Old Birla House, New Delhi, where she walked barefoot.

On a 肯定的な 公式文書,認める, she was wearing?flesh-coloured tights.

2. Basking in the sunlight

With the sun shining, this royal opted to let her toes bask in the sunlight

With the sun 向こうずねing, this 王室の 選ぶd to let her toes bask in the sunlight?

…に出席するing the International Day Polo Match in Windsor, this 王室の proudly 陳列する,発揮するd her baby bump - and her toes!

She broke the 支配するs in?a pair of leather sandals by Michael Kors.

3. Barefoot at lunch?

< img id="i-ba2a1f6b78096996" src="" data-src="" height="423" width="634" alt="We spotted a subtle peak of toes from beneath her chair" class="blkBorder img-share" style="max-width:100%" />

We spotted a subtle 頂点(に達する) of toes from beneath her 議長,司会を務める

すぐに after becoming a member of the 王室の Family, this lady 乗る,着手するd on a six-day 小旅行する of Australia, Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand with her husband.

After 存在 welcomed with a 伝統的な?p?whiri in Rotorua, New Zealand, she slipped off her shoes for 昼食.

4. 二塁打 whammy

Bare feet and red nail polish: two strikes in one at a Hindu temple

明らかにする feet and red nail polish: two strikes in one at a Hindu 寺

This care 解放する/自由な mother-of-two broke 王室の 議定書 in 多重の ways.?

She was the first to show physical affection to members of the public.?

And she proudly flaunted her burgundy nail polish while visiting the Shri Swaminarayan 寺 in Neasden, London.

5. Barefoot on the beach

Feeling the sand between her toes was irresistible for this royal

Feeling the sand between her toes was irresistible for this 王室の

現在/一般に living in the Cotswolds with her family, this Princess was once a 正規の/正選手 訪問者 to St Tropez.

She?couldn't resist the 誘惑 to take a barefoot stroll along the beach of Club 55.

6. A polite 入り口

rare display for a revered monarch

A rare 陳列する,発揮する for a 深い尊敬の念を抱くd 君主

明らかにする feet were an unusual sight when it (機の)カム to this regal 人物/姿/数字.?

Politely 除去するing her shoes before entering a family home in the village of Hahoe, South Korea, was a real 出発 from the norm.


1. Catherine, Princess of むちの跡s 2. Zara Tindall 3. Meghan, Duchess of Sussex 4. Diana, Princess of むちの跡s 5. Princess Beatrice 6. Queen Elizabeth II