Microplastics could raise your 危険 of a heart attack: Scientists discover tiny fragments inside more than 50% of plaques from clogged arteries

  • 専門家s 設立する plastic in 58% of 患者s having 手続きs to (疑いを)晴らす major artery
  • Findings raise 関心s microplastics 増加する 危険 of heart 病気 and 一打/打撃s

From the 6.8-mile-深い Mariana ざん壕 to the 最高の,を越す of 開始する エベレスト, microplastics have been 設立する almost everyone on Earth.

Now, scientists have discovered the tiny plastic 粒子s inside our clogged arteries.

研究員s from the University of Campania 設立する small pieces of plastic in more than half of 患者s を受けるing 手続きs to (疑いを)晴らす a major artery in the neck.?

The findings have raised 関心s that microplastics?could 増加する your 危険 of heart 病気, 一打/打撃s, and death.?

'Our data will 劇的な 衝撃 cardiovascular health if 確認するd because we are defenceless against plastic 汚染,' said Dr Raffaele Marfella, first author of the 熟考する/考慮する.

Researchers from the University of Campania found small pieces of plastic in more than half of patients undergoing procedures to clear a major artery in the neck

研究員s from the University of Campania 設立する small pieces of plastic in more than half of 患者s を受けるing 手続きs to (疑いを)晴らす a major artery in the neck

The findings have raised concerns that microplastics could increase your risk of heart disease, strokes, and death (stock image)

The findings have raised 関心s that microplastics could 増加する your 危険 of heart 病気, 一打/打撃s, and death (在庫/株 image)

In the 熟考する/考慮する, the 研究員s analysed 304 患者s who had undergone 手続きs to (疑いを)晴らす a major artery in the neck.?

More than half (58 per cent) were 設立する to have microscopic and nanoscopic 'jagged-辛勝する/優位d' pieces of plastic in the plaque lining the 血 大型船.?

This 含むd both ポリエチレン and polyvinyl chloride.?

'ポリエチレン and polyvinyl chloride, in their さまざまな forms, are used in a wide 範囲 of 使用/適用s, 含むing the 生産/産物 of food and cosmetics コンテナs and water 麻薬を吸うs,' the team wrote in their 熟考する/考慮する, published in the New England 定期刊行物 of 薬/医学.??

患者s with plastic 粒子s in their carotid artery plaque had a 4.5 times higher 危険 of experiencing a heart attack or 一打/打撃 or dying during the next three years, the 研究員s 設立する after taking individuals' other 危険 factors into account.

Those 患者s also had high levels of inflammatory proteins in their 血 that are known to play a 役割 in atherosclerosis and heart 失敗, the 研究員s said.

Earlier 熟考する/考慮するs have (悪事,秘密などを)発見するd さまざまな types of microplastics and nanoplastics in 多重の tissues, 含むing the 結腸, 肝臓, spleen, lymph node tissues and placenta.?

Earlier studies have detected various types of microplastics and nanoplastics in multiple tissues, in
cluding the colon, liver, spleen, lymph node tissues and placenta (stock image0

Earlier 熟考する/考慮するs have (悪事,秘密などを)発見するd さまざまな types of microplastics and nanoplastics in 多重の tissues, 含むing the 結腸, 肝臓, spleen, lymph node tissues and placenta (在庫/株 image)

While the new 熟考する/考慮する cannot 証明する the plastic 原因(となる)d 患者s' 逆の events, it is the first to link the tiny 粒子s with cardiovascular 病気 結果s in humans, Dr Philip Landrigan of Boston College, who was not 伴う/関わるd in the 熟考する/考慮する, wrote in an 編集(者)の that …を伴ってd the 報告(する)/憶測.

The finding of microplastics and nanoplastics in plaque is 'a 打開 発見,' Landrigan wrote.

の中で the questions it 誘発するs, he said, are whether (危険などに)さらす should be considered a cardiovascular 危険 factor, and how (危険などに)さらす can be 減ずるd.

In a 2022 報告(する)/憶測 on dietary and inhalation (危険などに)さらす to tiny pieces of plastic, the World Health Organization 公式文書,認めるd that plastics do not belong in the 環境, and that 対策 should be taken to mitigate (危険などに)さらす.

'The low cost and convenience of plastics are deceptive,' Landrigan said.?

'In fact, they mask 広大な/多数の/重要な 害(を与える)s, such as the 可能性のある 出資/貢献 by plastics to 結果s associated with atherosclerotic plaque.'?


によれば an article?published in the International 定期刊行物 of 環境の 研究 and Public Health, our understanding of the 可能性のある human health 影響s from (危険などに)さらす to microplastics '構成するs major knowledge gaps.'?

Humans can be exposed to plastic 粒子s 経由で 消費 of seafood and terrestrial food 製品s, drinking water and 経由で the 空気/公表する.?

However, the level of human (危険などに)さらす, chronic 有毒な 影響 集中s and underlying 機械装置s by which microplastics elicit 影響s are still not 井戸/弁護士席 understood enough ーするために make a 十分な 査定/評価 of the 危険s to humans.

によれば Rachel Adams, a 上級の lecturer in Biomedical Science at Cardiff 主要都市の University, ingesting microplastics could 原因(となる) a number of 潜在的に harmful 影響s, such as:?

  • Inflammation: when inflammation occurs, the 団体/死体's white 血 独房s and the 実体s they produce 保護する us from 感染. This 普通は 保護の 免疫の system can 原因(となる) 損失 to tissues.?
  • An 免疫の 返答 to anything recognised as 'foreign' to the 団体/死体: 免疫の 返答s such as these can 原因(となる) 損失 to the 団体/死体.?
  • Becoming 運送/保菌者s for other toxins that enter the 団体/死体: microplastics 一般に repel water and will 貯蔵所d to toxins that don't 解散させる, so microplastics can 貯蔵所d t o 構内/化合物s 含む/封じ込めるing 有毒な metals such as 水銀柱,温度計, and 有機の 汚染物s such as some pesticides and 化学製品s called dioxins, which are known to 原因(となる)s 癌, 同様に as reproductive and developmental problems. If these microplastics enter the 団体/死体, toxins can 蓄積する in fatty tissues.?