Disheveled mugshot 現れるs of teacher, 45, 設立する naked in 支援する of car with male student, 17, as she appears in 法廷,裁判所 and has 社債 始める,決める at $25K after cheating on her Department of 弁護 長,指導者 husband

The Nebraska teacher (刑事)被告 of sexually 乱用ing a teenage student has been pictured looking unkempt in a new mugshot before making her first 法廷,裁判所 外見, where 保釈(金) was 始める,決める at $25,000.?

Erin 区, 45, was visibly dazed and disheveled in a mugshot 解放(する)d by the?Douglas 郡 郡保安官's Office three days after her 逮捕(する).

She appeared in Douglas 郡 法廷,裁判所 on Tuesday, 覆う? in an orange jumpsuit, to 直面する one count of?重罪 性の 乱用 by a school 従業員.

'Ma'am, you are 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with a Class IIA 重罪. That is 罰せられるべき by up to 20 years in 刑務所,拘置所, up to a $10,000 罰金, or both. Do you understand the possible consequences here?' a 裁判官 asked in a clip 地位,任命するd by KETV.?

区 said 'yes' before the 裁判官 advised that she may have to 入会させる in the 明言する/公表する sex 違反者/犯罪者 registry if 罪人/有罪を宣告するd.

Erin Ward, 45, appeared dazed and disheveled in a mugshot released by the Douglas County Sheriff's Office ahead of her first court appearance

Erin 区, 45, appeared dazed and disheveled in a mugshot 解放(する)d by the Douglas 郡 郡保安官's Office ahead of her first 法廷,裁判所 外見

Ward appeared in?Douglas County Court on Tuesday to face one count of felony sexual abuse by a school employee, carrying a sentence of up to 20 years behind bars

区 appeared in?Douglas 郡 法廷,裁判所 on Tuesday to 直面する one count of 重罪 性の 乱用 by a school 従業員, carrying a 宣告,判決 of up to 20 years behind 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s

The judge told the 45-year-old that she may have to enroll in the state sex offender registry if convicted

The 裁判官 told the 45-year-old that she may have to 入会させる in the 明言する/公表する sex 違反者/犯罪者 registry if 罪人/有罪を宣告するd

区 appeared と一緒に her 弁護士/代理人/検事, Jerry 抱擁する, for the 簡潔な/要約する 審理,公聴会. She is 予定 支援する in 法廷,裁判所 in May.?

The married mother of three 認める to having sex with a 17-year-old student after the pair were caught in the backseat of a car belonging to 区 and her husband - who is a higher-up at the Department of 弁護.

Before her 逮捕(する), 区 worked as a 代用品,人 teacher at several metro area schools. It was at Omaha Burke High School she met the teenage boy with whom she was 設立する in the 早期に-morning hours of April 13.

Around 3 a.m., Douglas 郡 郡保安官's 副s were called to 調査/捜査する a 怪しげな car parked on a dead-end road.

There, they 設立する 区 and the 犠牲者 inside a?Honda 操縦する '決定するd to be owned by 区 and her spouse,' the DSCO wrote in a 圧力(をかける) 解放(する).

The 17-year-old jumped into the driver's seat and sped off in the SUV, 衝突,墜落ing into a yard two 封鎖するs away. He then ran away wearing only a t-shirt, boxers and socks, and was 設立する about an hour later.

当局 設立する an Omaha Public Schools 従業員 ID from inside the car. 区 確認するd she was a 代用品,人 teacher at Harry A. Burke High School, where the teen was 入会させるd, and 認める to having 性の intercourse with him.

Both she and the 犠牲者 were taken to the hospital to 扱う/治療する minor 傷害s resulting from the 衝突,墜落.

As the age of 同意 in Nebraska is 16, the teacher was not 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with statutory 強姦, but 直面するs a Class IIA 重罪 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 carrying up to 20 years behind 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s.

区, who lives with her family in Gretna, has an 可決する・採択するd daughter who is around the same age as her 犠牲者.

The married mother of three admitted to having sex with a 17-year-old high school student after police found them together in the early hours of Saturday morning

The married mother of three 認める to having sex with a 17-year-old high school student after police 設立する them together in the 早期に hours of Saturday morning

Ward's 10th-grade daughter (front left) is around the same age as the boy the substitute teacher admitted to sexually abusing

区's 10th-grade daughter (前線 left) is around the same age as the boy the 代用品,人 teacher 認める to sexually 乱用ing

Ward was arrested after?Douglas County Sheriff's deputies found her naked inside the car with the student, who crashed into a yard and fled on foot

区 was 逮捕(する)d after?Douglas 郡 郡保安官's 副s 設立する her naked in 味方する the car with the student, who 衝突,墜落d into a yard and fled on foot

Ward (center) worked at several Omaha-area schools include Harry A. Burke High School, where her victim was enrolled

区 (中心) worked at several Omaha-area schools 含む Harry A. Burke High School, where her 犠牲者 was 入会させるd

She and the teen were found in a Honda Pilot she owned alongside her husband, 53-year-old Doug Ward, a U.S. Department of Defense employee

She and the teen were 設立する in a Honda 操縦する she owned と一緒に her husband, 53-year-old Doug 区, a U.S. Department of 弁護 従業員

Doug graduated from the Harvard Extension School in 2021 with a master's degree in political science and government and has worked with the federal government for nearly two decades

Doug 卒業生(する)d from the Harvard 拡張 School in 2021 with a master's degree in political science and 政府 and has worked with the 連邦の 政府 for nearly two 10年間s

Police recovered an Omaha Public Schools ID from the car where Ward and the boy were found and she admitted to the crime

Police 回復するd an Omaha Public Schools ID from the car where 区 and the boy were 設立する and she 認める to the 罪,犯罪

Her husband, 53-year-old William Douglas 'Doug' 区, is a Harvard-educated 副 at the Department of 弁護.

Doug was 任命するd 副 Director of the 指揮官's 活動/戦闘 Group and 上級の 核の Deterrence 助言者 at the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs 戦略の 命令(する) in February.

His LinkedIn shows he worked with the 戦略の 命令(する) since 2005 and 最初 served as a 副 支店 長,指導者.

The 戦略の 命令(する), which is headquartered in Omaha, is a 軍の 部隊 that?(悪事,秘密などを)発見するs and 阻止するs attacks against the country and its 同盟(する)s.

In 新規加入 to his impressive 職業 肩書を与える, Doug 卒業生(する)d from the?Harvard 拡張 School in 2021 with a master's degree in political science and 政府.

The Douglas 郡 郡保安官's Office 発表するd that it is working closely with Omaha Public Schools まっただ中に the 現在進行中の 調査.

Burke's 主要な/長/主犯, Darren Rasmussen, 解放(する)d a 声明 to members of the community に引き続いて news of 区's 逮捕(する).

'We are 令状ing to 株 that 法律 施行 has 逮捕(する)d a metro-area 代用品,人 te acher for 不適切な 行為/行う with a minor,' he wrote.

'The individual worked at Burke High several days during the 2023-24 school year. They will not be returning to our school or any others in our 地区.?

'Our 最高の,を越す 優先 is always the safety and 井戸/弁護士席-存在 of the students we serve. We take this most 本気で. 助言者/カウンセラーs will be 利用できる on Tuesday for students in need of support.'

A police affidavit 詳細(に述べる)ing the 出来事/事件 has been 調印(する)d by the 法廷,裁判所. 区's 最初の/主要な 審理,公聴会 is scheduled for May 22.