DEAR JANE:?I HATE my boyfriend's awful pet 指名する for me - he's been using it for years and has no idea it makes my 肌 はう EVERY time he says it

  • In her 最新の agony aunt column, best-selling author Jane Green gives advice to a woman who wants to 直面する her boyfriend over an ぎこちない 問題/発行する
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  • READ MORE: I made an awful guestlist mistake - my party will be a nightmare

Dear Jane,

First let me just say, I love my boyfriend, I really do. He’s so wonderful to me in every way possible, which makes me feel so horrible for even bringing this up, but I really need some advice.?

When my boyfriend and I started dating about six years ago, we used to jokingly call each other by all 肉親,親類d of stupid pet 指名するs. Donut, babes, honey マリファナ… anything and everything that we could think of that would make the other person laugh.?

If either of us was having a bad day, that’s the joke we’d turn to so they’d forget about it.

Which is why I somehow 行方不明になるd when my boyfriend introduced an actual 愛称 that he’s been using every day since the earliest months of our 関係. And I にもかかわらず it.

Dear Jane, my boyfriend has been using an awful pet name for me for years and has no idea that I hate it. I've let it go on for so long I have no idea how to tell him the truth

Dear Jane, my boyfriend has been using an awful pet 指名する for me for years and has no idea that I hate it. I've let it go on for so long I have no idea how to tell him the truth??

For whatever 推論する/理由, it makes my 肌 はう any time he says it. I find myself having to swallow 支援する my cringe before I can even turn to 直面する him whenever he calls, ‘pookie pie’ across the room. Pookie pie!?

What kills me is that it’s perhaps the most ridiculous of all the 愛称s we ever jokingly 交流d, yet somehow that’s the one that stuck.

最初, I really did think he was 説 it to be funny, but then it slowly 夜明けd on me (perhaps far too late) that it wasn’t a joke, and that he ーするつもりであるd to keep on using it. I didn’t want to make a big 取引,協定 out of something so small, so I tried to get over it and just embrace it as another one of our 甘い traditions.

International best-selling author Jane Green offers sage advice on readers' most burning issues in her Dear Jane agony aunt column

International best-selling author Jane Green 申し込む/申し出s 下落する advice on readers' most 燃やすing 問題/発行するs in her Dear Jane agony aunt column

But to this day, I can’t get over the? ick I feel whenever he says it.

Our 関係 is so wonderful in every other way ? to the point where I now think he’s going to 提案する any day, but even that joyful moment is somewhat tainted by the 恐れる that he could get 負かす/撃墜する on one 膝 and say, ‘Pookie pie will you marry me?’

Is there any way that I can bring this up to him without sounding like a crazy person after all these years?


愛称 Nightmare

Dear 愛称 Nightmare,

I sympathize with the ick you feel, but have no idea why on earth you have let this go on for so long without 説 anything. I’m wondering what has stopped you from telling him you don’t like it, and that what started out as a joke is no longer funny.

Communication is the 選び出す/独身 most important factor in the success of a 関係. Speaking out about the things that make us uncomfortable, the things we don’t like, is 決定的な.?

When we keep it to ourselves, worried about 傷つけるing someone, worried about people’s feelings, we 結局最後にはーなる with a small 塚 of 憤慨, that builds and builds until it becomes a mountain that is insurmountable.

Say what you mean, mean what you say, don’t say it mean.?

Sit him 負かす/撃墜する and tell him that it was funny when it felt ironic, but now it feels uncomfortable, and the two of you need to find another 指名する.

Wishing you luck!