Keira Knightley nails boho chic in colourful pattern cardigan and her trusty baggy ジーンズs as she 攻撃する,衝突するs the shops

Keira Knightley nailed boho-chic as she stepped out in London's Hampstead on Tuesday.

The actress, 38, 削減(する) a very trendy 人物/姿/数字 as she wore a colourful patterned cardigan featuring five large gold buttons.

She 層d her comfortable-looking 衣料品 on 最高の,を越す of an Adidas T-shirt and a pair of 苦しめるd light blue turn-up mom ジーンズs.

Dressing for the UK's breezy spring 天候, Keira wore an oversized leather biker jacket, a 黒人/ボイコット corduroy cap and some 黒人/ボイコット Dr Marten Chelsea boots.

追加するing a hint of glam to her ensemble, the 著作権侵害者s Of The Caribbean 星/主役にする accessorised with a 厚い gold chain.

Keira Knightley, 38, nailed boho-chic in a colourful cardigan and baggy jeans as she stepped out in London's Hampstead on Tuesday

Keira Knightley, 38, nailed boho-chic in a colourful cardigan and baggy ジーンズs as she stepped out in London's Hampstead on Tuesday

Dressing for the UK's breezy spring weather, the actress wore an oversized leather biker jacket, a black corduroy cap and some black Dr Marten Chelsea boots

Dressing for the UK's breezy spring 天候, the actress wore an oversized leather biker jacket, a 黒人/ボイコット corduroy cap and some 黒人/ボイコット Dr Marten Chelsea boots?

Keira cut a very trendy figure as she wore her colourful patterned cardigan featuring five large gold buttons

Keira 削減(する) a very tre ndy 人物/姿/数字 as she wore her colourful patterned cardigan featuring five large gold buttons

Keeping it casual, the Bend It Like Beckham 星/主役にする went 構成-解放する/自由な for her 遠出 and let her brunette tresses flow 自由に past her shoulders.

Keira was recently in filming for the new Netflix thriller 黒人/ボイコット Doves と一緒に Ben Whishaw and Sarah Lancashire.

始める,決める against the 背景 of London, the 近づいている Netflix thriller 黒人/ボイコット Doves will introduce Keira Knightley's character, Helen Webb, a quick-witted, 負かす/撃墜する-to-earth, and 献身的な wife and mother ? who also happens to be a professional 秘かに調査する.

For a 10年間, Helen has been surreptitiously 漏れるing her 政治家,政治屋 husband's secrets to the 内密の organisation she serves, the 黒人/ボイコット Doves, a 発覚 that 始める,決めるs the 行う/開催する/段階 for a thrilling narrative.

When her secret lover Jason (Andrew Koji) is assassinated, her spymaster, the enigmatic Reed (Sarah), calls in Helen's old friend to keep her 安全な.

Sam Young (Ben) is a suave, シャンペン酒-drinking 暗殺者. But having been out of the game since a failed 職業 with 悲惨な consequences, he’s come home to a London that has moved on without him.

As his past 脅すs to catch up with him, his 仕事 is to 保護する Helen as she 調査/捜査するs who killed Jason and why.

Together, they 始める,決める off on a 使節団 that will lead them to 暴露する a 広大な, interconnected 共謀.?

She layered her comfortable-looking garment on top of an Adidas T-s
hirt and a pair of distressed light blue mom jeans

She 層d her comfortable-looking 衣料品 on 最高の,を越す of an Adidas T-shirt and a pair of 苦しめるd light blue mom ジーンズs

Keeping it casual, the Bend It Like Beckham star went makeup-free for her outing and let her brunette tresses flow freely past her shoulders

Keeping it casual, the Bend It Like Beckham 星/主役にする went 構成-解放する/自由な for her 遠出 and let her brunette tresses flow 自由に past her shoulders

One that links the murky 暗黒街 of London to a ぼんやり現れるing geopolitical 危機 ? and leads them to question the cost of the moral choices they’ve made.?

The Netflix series is written by Joe Barton and Keira is 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d as an (n)役員/(a)執行力のある 生産者.?

まっただ中に the writers and actor s' January strikes in America, 燃料d by the studio's use of AI to 取って代わる human actors, Keira 明らかにする/漏らすd that she 計画(する)s to copyright her 直面する.

She said: 'At the moment for actresses, the 関心 is about the 発言する/表明する, and they're trying to 保護する the 発言する/表明する-over 産業.

'I don't know where that's at but I know that's the 交渉. But I imagine the next step will be to copyright my 直面する.

'AI has the 可能性のある to be 壊滅的な and I hope 政府s come in and 規制する it,' she 追加するd.

Studios 含むing the likes of アマゾン, Netflix and Apple are 提案するing to use AI to 取って代わる humans with 数字表示式の ざっと目を通すs where an actor's likeness can be superimposed over a stunt 二塁打.

Hollywood actors and writers 部隊d in their first '二塁打 strike' in more than 60 years 公約するing they will 保護する every 労働者 in the 産業 from 存在 取って代わるd by AI.

Keira was recently in filming for the new Netflix thriller Black Doves alongside Ben Whishaw and Sarah Lancashire (Keira pictured in March 2023)

Keira was recently in filming for the new Netflix thriller 黒人/ボイコット Doves と一緒に Ben Whishaw and Sarah Lancashire (Keira pictured in March 2023)