Karlie Kloss turned the streets of New York City into her personal 滑走路 while stepping out in Manhattan on Tuesday afternoon.

The 31-year-old supermodel 削減(する) a 流行の/上流の 人物/姿/数字 as she made her way through the city's streets に向かって one of its many subway 駅/配置するs.

The fashion 産業 personality - who was not featured in any photos that her sister-in-法律 株d from a wedding they both …に出席するd - donned a jet-黒人/ボイコット dress that showed off the lower 部分s of her トンd 脚s.

Kloss wore her dress underneath a chic dark brown leather jacket, which she paired with 近づく-matching high-heeled shoes.

The 滑走路 正規の/正選手 accessorized with a 黒人/ボイコット purse and a matching pair of sunglasses as she stepped out.

Karlie Kloss turned the streets of New York City into her personal runway while steppin
g out in Manhattan on Tuesday afternoon
The 31-year-old supermodel cut a fashionable figure as she made her way through the city's streets towards one of its many subway stations

Karlie Kloss turned the streets of New York City into her personal 滑走路 while stepping out in Manhattan on Tuesday afternoon

The fashion industry personality - who was not featured in any photos that her sister-in-law shared from a wedding they both attended - donned a jet-black dress that showed off the lower portions of her toned legs

The fashion 産業 personality - who was not featured in any photos that her sister-in-法律 株d from a wedding they both …に出席するd - donned a jet-黒人/ボイコット dress that showed off the lower 部分s of her トンd 脚s

Her voluminous brunette locks remained 解放する/自由な-flowing and cascaded の上に her shoulders.

Kloss' 遠出 took place just a few weeks after it was 発表するd that she, 同様に as her husband Joshua Kushner, would be 再発進するing Life magazine.

によれば Variety, the model and the 38-year-old 投資家 will be bringing the 出版(物) 支援する into both print and online 配当 through their?Bedford マスコミ company.

Life stopped 存在 published 定期的に in 2000, although several special 問題/発行するs were 解放(する)d in the years に引き続いて its axing.

Kloss 問題/発行するd a 声明 last month ーするために 発言する/表明する her exci tement about her company's new 投機・賭ける.?

'We see Life as an uplifting and 統一するing 発言する/表明する in a 大混乱/混沌とした マスコミ landscape.?While Bedford is a new マスコミ company, we are 深く,強烈に 奮起させるd by Life's iconic 遺産/遺物 and ability to connect diverse audiences with 全世界の/万国共通の narratives of humanity,' she said.

Kushner also 解放(する)d a 声明 to speak about the 全体にわたる 衝撃 that the magazine had made on its readers.?

'Life's 遺産/遺物 lies in its ability to blend culture, 現在の events, and everyday life ― 最高潮の場面ing the 勝利s, challenges, and unique 視野s that define us,' he said.

Kloss wore her dress underneath a chic dark brown leather jacket, which she paired with near-matching high-heeled shoes

Kloss wore her dress underneath a chic dark brown leather jacket, which she paired with 近づく-matching high-heeled shoes

The runway regular accessorized with a black purse and a matching pair of sunglasses as she stepped out

The 滑走路 正規の/正選手 accessorized with a 黒人/ボイコット purse and a matching pair of sunglasses as she stepped out

Her voluminous brunette locks remained free-flowing and cascaded onto her shoulders

Her voluminous brunette locks remained 解放する/自由な-flowing and cascaded の上に her shoulders

Kloss' outing took place just a few weeks after it was announced that she, as well as her husband Joshua Kushner, would be relaunching Life magazine

Kloss' 遠出 took place just a few weeks after it was 発表するd that she, 同様に as her husband Joshua Kushner, would be 再発進するing Life magazine

According to Variety, the model and the 38-year-old investor will be bringing the publication back into both print and online distribution through their Bedford Media company

によれば Variety, the model and the 38-year-old 投資家 will be bringing the 出版(物) 支援する into both print and online 配当 through their Bedford マスコミ company

Kloss and Kushner 最初 met each other in 2012 and began their 関係 that same year.

The couple became engaged in 2018, and they went on to tie the knot during a 儀式 that took place in upstate New York that same year.

The pair started a family with the birth of their first son Levi, three, which took place in March of 2021.

The model and the 投資家 went on to welcome a second son 指名するd Elijah in July of last year.?